Chapter 11

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It was morning. It was about 11 a.m.
Miran woke up earlier than Reyyan. When Reyyan woke up, she didn't find him on a bed. She was already scared.
Reyyan:,,Miran? Miran?! Where are you?! Did you really leave me?! I thought you loved me. It seems everything was a lie!"
When she burried her head in her knees and was crying, Miran approached her.
Miran:,,Reyyan, what's wrong? Are you okay? Why are you crying?"
Then she lifted her head up.
Reyyan:,,Miran, you are here? You aren't gone? You didn't leave me, right?"
Miran:,,No, Reyyan, I would never do that, I promised you, from now on we'll go through all obstacles together. Tamam?"
He hugged her.
Reyyan:,,But why were you not in a bed when I woke up? You promised me you'll be next to me when I wake up."
Now she was looking at him with eyes full of tears with a dog's look.
Miran:,,Evet, I promised you. But I am human being too. I had to go to the toilet. I didn't know you would wake up in a meanwhile."
Reyyan:,,Tamam. I am sorry, I overreacted, I was just scared."
Miran:,,I understand you. Don't be sorry please. You can trust me, okay?"
She nodded.
Miran:,,Benim güzelim karıcım. I won't allow your beautiful face be wet with tears, I promise. I don't like seeing you cry, it makes me sad too. Hade, get ready, we are going to have a breakfast."
Reyyan:,,Tamam, kocacım."
She haven't started dressing yet.
Miran:,,What's the matter, why are you not getting ready?"
Reyyan:,,Uff, how do you expect me to get ready, when I am waiting for something? Of course if you would remember on what I meant."
Miran:,,Wallah, what that could be? Let me think."
She rolled her eyes.
Reyyan:,,Tamam, I am not moving from here then."
Miran:,,Reyyan, you are so complicated. Tell me what do you want me to do?"
Reyyan:,, Think about it yourself. Is it so hard?"
Miran:,,Tamam, karıcım, tamam."
He approached her and kissed her. Then he interrupted a kiss.
Miran:,,Are you satisfied now, karıcım?"
Reyyan:,,More than you think."
They both smiled.
Miran:,,I would kiss you the whole day, but we should go now. You better hurry up."
Reyyan:,,Tamam, sir."
She rolled her eyes and smiled.
They had a breakfast at a hotel. They still were alone, it was like a romantic date in the middle of the day. He gave an order to keep it closed until they leave. They really enjoyed it and were talking literally about everything.
When they finished, they left a hotel.
They got in a car.
Reyyan:,, Where are we going now?"
Miran:,,You'll see."
They drove to the Aslanbey mansion.
Reyyan:,,Are we going to live here from now on?"
Miran:,,Yes. Of course if you feel comfortable with it."
Reyyan:,,Yeah, I feel. Whenever you bring me, I won't mind. It's important that you are with me."
Miran:,,I like to hear it."
When they exited a car, they entered a front door of mansion.
They got in a mansion by holding hands. When Gönül saw them, she immediately dropped a cup of coffee she was drinking that morning. Sultan had a surprised face.
Gönül:,,You, y-you, brought her here?! Neden?! Why did you bring her here?! You are not married, it isn't true! You were supposed to leave her, why are you with her now?!"
Miran:,,Gönül, please, calm down."
Gönül:,,I don't want. You needed to marry me, and what did you do?! You married that bastard!"
Miran:,,Gönül! Come to your senses, please! I didn't need to marry you! You know why?! Because I NEVER loved you! This (he lifted their hands) is the woman I love! It was never you! I choosed love, not revenge! Do you understand? Reyyan, hade, let's go."
They started going upstairs.
Gönül:,,I don't understand! Do you hear me?! Yaa, anne, bak, he's going with that woman there. I was supposed to be on her place."
Sultan:,,Gönül, calm down, you can't do anything about it. I'm sorry. He fell in love and we cannot help it. Come, sit here."
Gönül:,,Ama, anne...It hurts so much. My soul is hurt. Now I have wounds on my heart. Nobody could understand me or heal me. It's over. My life is ruined."
Sultan:,,Don't talk rubbish, kızım. You just started to live. You still have a chance to fall in love happy, don't miss it by running after Miran. I won't allow it, tamam? Ben, sen annem, will heal your wounds. Because I love you the most, and you should be strong for me. Yapma, kızım, gel, lay here. Don't make your mother sad, please."
Gönül laid in Sultan's arms and she was petting her. Only Sultan knew how to calm Gönül. It was like a mother's instict.
Reymir went to Azize's room.
Miran:,,Are you ready to get to know my grandma?"
Reyyan:,,Yes. I want to see her reaction when she see us together. When she realise her plan was ruined.  Now, open the door."
Miran opened a door. He found Azize sitting on her armchair and she was looking like she expected him. But when she saw Reyyan with him, she widened her eyes and opened her mouth. She couldn't believe her grandson would betray her. And that with daughter of his enemy.
Azize:,,You? How could you betray me like that, ha?! Shame on you!! Instead to leave this girl, you brought her here!! I don't have a grandson like you anymore!! You tarnished their honor! Go away! Go away from my house!!"
Reyyan:,,You don't have a right to behave to your grandson like that! You are the one who ruined his life! We are not going anywhere! This is Miran's house as much as yours. His parents would like him to be happy, not to live the rest of his life with regretting! You couldn't fulfill his heart with darkness, because he isn't mean. He just can't be mean. He is a man with a soft heart and wounded soul. He grew up being sad, but I will try to make him happy! You'll see."
He held her hand.
Azize:,,Bak, bak, you came into my house and you think you can order me, really? As long as you are under my roof, it'll be as I say. Do you understand?! You, if it weren't you, my torun would commit a revenge on another way! But you stopped him! Inşallah you burn in hell!"
Miran:,,Babaanne, yeter! We won't live under your roof! I won't allow you hurt my wife anymore, she had enough. Hade, Reyyan, gidiyoruz."
Azize:,,Go, you are free to go, but remember, you are gonna regret it!!"
They left a mansion.
Reyyan:,,Miran, I really can't believe how is this woman evil! She is a real devil! She will pay for what she did you'll see! She can't hurt you anymore!!"
Miran:,,Tamam, Reyyan, calm down. We won't see her anymore, I promise that to you. We'll find another place to live. Just you and I. Nobody would hurt us. Don't think about her, tamam?"
They hugged.
Reyyan:,,Tamam. I am just scared she will hurt you. That something bad will happen to you. I wouldn't live if something happens to you, understand?"
Miran:,,Understood, Reyyan hanım. Gel, I know a place far from anyone where we can stay for a while. I found it few days ago."
Reyyan:,,Really? Which one?"
Miran:,,That's a surprise."
He winked at her.
Reyyan:,,Uff, yaa, I hate surprises."
Miran:,,I know. But you should be patient."
He kissed her forehead.
They sat in a car and drove to that place.
Hello, guys! Here's a chapter 11! I am so sorry I am 2 days late, I wanted to post it yesterday but I couldn't. So yeah, tomorrow or at Saturday goes chapter 12! Stay tuned for it.
Btw I think you already know where Miran will bring Reyyan.
Lyy and spend your Christmas in peace! ❤️❤️😘

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