Chapter 13

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Hazar had the same dream. He was really afraid. Especially that something could happen to Reyyan and Miran. He wanted to call them, but again, their phones were turned off. He took a deep sigh and was trying to calm himself down. He just needed to wait.
He came into living room and told Nasuh that they still don't pick up the phone. Nasuh was frustrated too. When he wanted to go out and search for them, Reymir came into mansion.
Hazar:,,Reyyan, kızım, where were you? Why did you not pick up the phone, I was worried."
Nasuh:,,Sit down, you two, I need to talk with you about something. Sit."
They sat down with a confused face.
Nasuh:,,Hazar, sit down too. It is a topic we were discussing at the wedding and now we're gonna solve it. Miran, why did you lie to us about your last name? Aslanbey, not Aksoy, right?"
Miran didn't know what to say, and Reyyan squeezed his arm. It's not the right moment to tell the truth. He's gonna tell what they dealed about before coming to the mansion.


Reyyan:,,I don't think it's the right moment to tell the truth. Before it, we need to discover was your dream true. We first need to find an answers, then we'll explain them everything. We must stop Azize, Miran, before she do something bad to you and dad. We must be careful."
Miran:,,Tamam, I didn't think of telling them anyway, it would make a ruckus and we don't need it now. I agree with you at everything. Now we should think of explaining this temporary situation."
Reyyan:,,Yes. I think it would be the best if you told them you hid your origin. You didn't trust them at the main start, so you had to lie about it, just in case. That you would tell them everything anyway after the wedding. For example, you are from very rich and famous family and you were in danger a lot of time because of it. You had a lot of enemies, but now you are sure that you can trust them. I think they will believe you. You can also tell them you moved lately in Midyat if they ask you why they didn't know about your family earlier. We must be faster than Azize. I will try to take a glass where dad was drinking so they wouldn't notice. I think we will success in it. I believe in it."
Miran:,,How smart wife I have. I am glad I'm with you in this situation. We will discover the truth together, tamam?"
Reyyan:,,Tamam. I have just one question....."
She lowered her head. She was ashamed.
Miran:,,What is it, karıcım?"
Reyyan:,,If it turns out my dad is your dad, will it mean-"
Miran:,,No way. Reyyan it won't happen. I know. I also know that dreams aren't always true, so I think our dna won't coincide. Sen meraketme, tamam?"
Reyyan:,,Tamam. You are right. Let's go now."

*end of flashback*

Miran:,,Yes, it is Aslanbey. We are not here from Mardin or Midyat, our family origin is far from here. The reason my family came to Midyat is to find some peace. Because we are famous and rich, we were a lot of time in danger because of it. A lot of big families like yours would find us as a concurent and become our enemy. When we found out for you, we didn't have a lot of trust until we got to know you. Now I saw that you are a good family and I was planning to tell you the truth after wedding, so it wouldn't be a mess before it. I am so sorry I lied to you, but I had to do it at first place, I didn't have another choice."
Nasuh:,,I see. I understand you now, Miran bey. Tamam, then we won't discuss about it anymore. This topic is closed."
Hazar:,,It's strange a bit I have to admit, but this man is right after all. His family might went through a lot in the past."
Cihan:,,Tamam abi, baba said this topic is closed. Let's change topic."
Nasuh:,,Cihan is right. Let's talk about something else. Now we are all together here, let's make atmosphere good then. Melike, bring everyone the coffee."
Melike:,,As you wish, Nasuh bey."
Reyyan:,,Melike, dür. I will bring everyone a coffee, you seem tired, I wanna do it this time. Tamam?"
Melike:,,Tamam, Reyyan."
Nasuh:,,My granddaughter Reyyan will bring me coffee the first time. I am sincerely happy. Kızım, you need to do that more often."
He laughed. She rolled her eyes when she was going to the kitchen because she knew he was making fun of her. But she had to do it, all because of her father and husband. She intentionally brought Hazar cup with a different colour than others so she could recognize it when the time for bringing it in laboratory comes.
She brought it and then they were talking a bit. She laid on Miran's shoulder because she was bored a little and almost fell asleep. But when she heard Nasuh who told Melike to take away them, she woke up.
Reyyan:,,I will help you, Melike, dür, you can't do this alone."
Nasuh:,,You really want to be a housemaid everytime you come here, aa torunu Reyyan? Can you see, Miran bey, she is very diligent. I am very proud grandfather."
He laughed again.
Hazar:,,Tamam baba, don't exaggerate, she just wants to help her. Let her."
Nasuh:,,I know, Hazar. I didn't mean anything bad. Anyway..."
They continued talking and Reyyan brought cups with Melike back to the kitchen. When Melike didn't watch, she put Hazar's cup in her purse. Then she headed to the living room. She gave Miran a sign by her facial expression and that was meaning that they needed to go.
Miran:,,We should go now, Nasuh bey. It was very nice talking to you. We will come everytime you invite us."
Nasuh:,,You can come here whenever you want. You are always welcome here."
Miran:,,Okay, then we'll come here everytime we have a free time, I promise. Hade, hoşçakal."
Nasuh and Hazar:,,Hoşçakal."
Reymir then got in a car and drove to the hospital.
When they parked in front of it, Miran asked Reyyan:,,Is Hazar's cup with you?"
Reyyan:,,Yes. It's here."
Miran:,,Great. I'll need to give them my blood so they could do a research about our dna."
Reyyan:,,I have got an idea. I'd like to do a dna test too. Just in case. What if it comes out Hazar is your real father? Do you know what would it mean? No, no way, I won't sleep well tonight then. I will do a dna test with you too."
Miran:,,Uff, tamam Reyyan, then do it. You don't have to worry, tamam?"
Reyyan:,,Tamam. I'm nervous a bit, but I hope it will everything be good at the end."
Miran:,,Me too."
They got into hospital and went to the laboratory. They asked people who work there to do a dna test. Miran with Hazar, and Reyyan with Miran.
Reyyan and Miran gave their blood.
Nurse:,,You will know the results in 2 days. Come here at the 1 p.m."
Miran:,,Tamam, miss, we'll come. Goodbye."
Then they drove to their hut.

2 days later

Reymir went to hospital at 1 p.m. They were so impatient and were upset about the results. Then nurse approached them and gave them the results.
Nurse:,,Here are the results. Thank you for coming on time. Have a good day. Goodbye."
Reymir:,,You too. Goodbye."
They went out of the hospital.
Reyyan:,,Miran, let's see first your results. I really want to know is my dad actually your."
Miran:,,Tamam, Reyyan, I'm gonna open it."
When he spread a paper with the results, he opened his mouth wide. He dropped paper on a floor.
Reyyan:,,Miran? Are you okay? What are the results?"
Miran was just standing there freezed and couldn't say even a word. Then Reyyan picked paper up from the floor and was shocked by what she just saw. Miran and Hazar's dna was matching 99%.
Reyyan:,,I-impossible,it just can't be!!! Then..."
She quickly grabbed and spread another paper of her and Miran's results. His and her dna didn't match at all. The result was 0%.
Reyyan:,,I really don't know what to say. Aaaaahhh, I will go crazy!!!!"
She fell on her knees and Miran did too.
Miran:,,R-reyyan...You are not a real Şadoğlu and I am.... Neden, babaanne, neden?!!"
He was screaming.
Miran:,,Why did you lie to me all these years?! You wanted me to kill my own blood! You won't pass ungrounded."
Miran was furious and about to go to Azize but Reyyan stopped him.
Reyyan:,,Miran, stop, please, it's not the right time to go. I feel so bad and you too. Please, don't make a ruckus this time, for me."
Miran:,, How do you expect to not react?! She ruined my whole life, she stole my childhood, everything!!"
Reyyan:,,And what to say for myself?! Benim baba lied to me my whole life, benim anne never told me I was adopted. How should I feel after all these years? I feel like a trash now. I'm lost, empty, confused, frustrated...I really don't know how to carry on with this situation...I really don't know..."
She collapsed and started crying hard.
Reyyan:,,I don't know who I am anymore. What is my origin, who is my real father. I know absolutely nothing!!"
Miran approached her. He hugged her tight.
Miran:,,We don't know who we are Reyyan. I understand your pain totally. It's so hard. We are completely lost now."
He was crying too.
Reyyan:,,We should bring them a dna test and tell them we know everything. They will have a lot to explain. Then Azize's plan will ruin at all."
Miran:,,Tamam, but not now. I'm so tired right now. This was really too much for me, I am not in a state to think. I don't wanna talk about it anymore. Let's just head home."
Reyyan:,,Tamam. I'm exhausted from everything too. I really can't think or talk anymore. Let's go."
Then they headed to Miran's car, Reyyan was holding onto his arm because otherwise she would faint from all of stress. They barely drove to the hut.
When they arrived, they immediately went to a bed. They both were tired. Without any words, they fell asleep.
Here's the end of 13th chapter. I hope you'll like it. Tomorrow or at Tuesday goes chapter 14, so don't miss it.

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