Chapter 9

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It was around 5 p.m. Reyyan was already in her wedding dress. She wasn't in her whole life such beautiful like today. And, it isn't about her make-up or hairstyle. It's about her special smile which was shining on her face the whole day. In the yard music was very loud. They played her favourite traditional songs which made her dance while she was going downstairs. People were stunned by her beauty. They couldn't remember they've seen more beautiful bride than her in their whole lives. White colour suited her perfect. The happiest in the family were her parents, Hazar and Zehra. They grew her and now they are watching their daughter finally happy. Nasuh wasn't so happy, but he needed to respect Miran's decision. He didn't touch Reyyan since Miran came to engage her. He didn't want his reputation to go down.
Hazar and Zehra hugged Reyyan tight and tears of happiness ran down their cheeks.
Hazar:,,Let me see. Wow, wow, the beautiful face of my daughter is finally smiling. Today I am the proudest dad in the world. I waited for this day so long and it finally came. Thanks God."
Zehra:,,Kızım. Canım benim, wow, how wonderful you are today. I hope nobody will ruin your smile. Let your face always smile from now on."
Hazar:,,We are here, Zehra, of course nobody will make her sad. We won't allow that, right Reyyan?"
Reyyan:,,Evet, baba."
Then Yaren approached her.
Yaren:,,I wish you happiness. This is your lucky day and spend it in peace and joy. If you ever need anything, just call me, tamam? Ablacım benim."
Reyyan:,,Tamam. Also if you ever need anything, call me. I know we weren't in good relationship on the start, but I know you loved me, just you were hiding it. I hope I didn't ruin your happiness, I know you wanted Miran-"
Yaren:,,Shhh, no words anymore, or I will be angry at you. Tamam? I just want you to be happy, don't worry about me. If you are happy, I am too."
She hugged Reyyan tight. Reyyan was glad she had sister on who she could always lean on. Then Azat approached her.
Azat:,,Reyyan, bak, I know I didn't behave to you like your brother from the main start. I was wrong and I'm really sorry for it. I hope we can fix our relationship soon. I will bury my feelings deep in my heart and let you be happy. Because it's the most important right now."
Reyyan:,,Thank you, Azat abi. I know you want to make up with me and start over. I accept it with pleasure. Thank you once again, for always being here with me even in my darkest days. You are the best brother in the world."
Azat's eyes filled with tears and then Reyyan hugged him tight. Yaren was also happy because he and Reyyan were good to eachother.
Then Cihan and Handan wished her luck.
Nasuh was cold-hearted and didn't show emotions at all. He just wished luck Reyyan formally, and she was even happy for it.
Then guests arrived. Sultan, Miran, Fırat and Gönül. Sultan and Gönül didn't know Reyyan found out that they aren't Miran's mother and sister. Miran wanted to surprise his whole family after wedding. Especially Azize.
When Miran arrived at the front door, he had the same look as yesterday at kana night. He had the same shine in his eyes. His wife seems even more beautiful than yesterday, she was stunning beautiful. Like a princess he  always dreamed of. Her eyes were shining even more. She couldn't move them from him even for a second. He was a prince she always hoped that will find her. They will soon become a king and queen of their own kingdom. Nobody will ruin it, even Azize. They will show the world how strong their love is.
Miran:,,I haven't seen you from yesterday. I just... I'm stunned by your beauty. It was worth waiting that long."
He smiled a bit.
Reyyan:,,I'm stunned by your beauty and especially charm, Miran bey. I was so impatient, I barely could wait for this moment. We are finally together. Oh my God!"
They hugged so tight and everybody were looking at them softly. Even some of them gave an applause. She wantes to kiss him, but he put his finger on her lips and whispered:,,Not now, karicim. After we officially become a husband and wife, you can kiss me whenever you want. Let's wait a bit, tamam?"
He winked at her.
Reyyan:,,Uff, tamam yaa."
She rolled her eyes and Miran laughed and she too.
Miran:,,Take my hand. I'm leading you to the municipality. There we will sign a papers."
Reyyan:,,I know, Miran bey."
He was leading her to carriage. Everyone were following them in the cars and were playing a lot of different instruments. Atmosphere was great there. Reyyan was even singing. She spread her hands and was moving her waist from side to side while sitting. Miran who was beside her was laughing and watching her dancing with admiring. He put his hands around her waist and pulled her towards him. She fell on his arms. They were just looking at eachother and then Reyyan asked:,,Uff, Miran yaa, why did you interrupt me in dancing?"
Miran:,,Because we are almost there."
They arrived there in a minute.
They got in by holding hands, and sat at a wedding table.
Registrar was keeping a short talk before he asked them the main question.
Registrar:,,Do you, Miran Aslanbey, want to marry this girl here, Reyyan Şadoğlu?"
Everyone were applauding.
Nasuh:,,How is this possible? Isn't he Miran Aksoy?!"
Cihan:,,Calm down, baba, we will ask him after a wedding. Don't ruin the atmosphere now."
Handan:,,Cihan is right, father."
Nasuh then shut up, and was keeping his anger inside him for now.
Sultan and Gönül were shocked. How could he say Aslanbey instead of Aksoy?! Are they really marrying?!
Then registrar asked Reyyan:,,Do you, Reyyan Şadoğlu, want to marry this man here, Miran Aslanbey?"
Everyone gave an applause again.
Gönül:,,Anne, look at that devil there. She and Miran obviously created a plan. He just couldn't take a revenge! I just can't believe!"
Sultan:,,What could you expect from a man who is in love? We should have known it's gonna be like that from the main start. But, benim aptal kızım still had a hope Miran will fall for her and what happened in the end?!"
Gönül:,,Uff, tamam anne yaa, please don't make situation harder than it already is. I cannot be here anymore. I am suffocating. Please, let's go."
Sultan:,,Let's go."
Nobody noticed they are gone.
Azat:,,Uncle Hazar, was his surname Aksoy and not Aslanbey? What is his plan? I am not sure about this, maybe Reyyan is in danger."
Hazar:,,I wouldn't say so. I think she and Miran are hiding something from us but we still don't know what. We'll find out tomorrow. Let's enjoy now. I think that Reyyan knows what she's doing, so we shouldn't involve.".
Azat:,,Tamam, uncle Hazar."
After Reyyan told "Evet", they kissed hard. She was so happy she could feel his lips on hers again. It was such a beautiful feeling. Their breath became heavy, but they had to stay for at least 2 or 3 hours to respect the guests. Their longing for eachother was increasing by every minute.
Miran then gave her bucket of flowers. It called Biedermeier. She as a bride had that honor to throw it behind her and who catches it first is going to marry next. Melike succeed to catch it. She was very happy and then their shaufer Riza took a look at her. She blushed.
Reyyan:,, Congrats, Melike. I hope we'll see your wedding soon."
Melike:,,Inşallah, canım Reyyan."
They hugged eachother.
Music there was very interesting and  beautiful. Reyyan's favourite dance was Reyhani. Its name reminded her of her own name, Reyyan. She wanted so much to dance it and she finally had a opportunity to try it. It seems that Miran had the same wish too.
When music for Reyhani started, they stood across eachother and spread their arms. Then they started moving their bodies in the same rhytm. It was so interesting to watch, a lot of people even took a picture of them dancing. They really enjoyed that dance and promised eachother when they ended dancing that they will dance it at every special event from now on.
The party lasted 'til late at night.
Miran and Reyyan then drove to hotel. He didn't want to face his grandma while his desire for something else was bigger. Luckily, hotel was almost empty, because he gave an order to workers in this hotel to close it early, so nobody could disturb him and Reyyan.
He carried her on his arms as a real gentleman and brought her to their room. Then he locked the door.
If you want to find out what happened in that room, be sure to stay tuned for a chapter 10! I don't know will I post it tomorrow or at Tuesday, but I will soon of course. I guess you already know what will happen.😏
Ly all and goodnight 💋💋❤️❤️🌙🌙

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