Chapter 6

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Miran woke up earlier than Reyyan, but he didn't want to wake her up. He silently left the room and went downstairs.
Reyyan woke up in meanwhile.
Reyyan:,,M-m-miran?? Where is he?"
She saw that room was empty.
Reyyan:,,He sure went down for a dinner. I better hurry up."
She looked at herself in a mirror and saw that her hair was messy. She tried to fix it as she could and then she exited the room. She noticed there is a room opposite to Miran's. Is it that room where she felt someone was looking at her? She wanted to open it. Luckily for her, it was open. Now is her chance.
When she entered a room, she was surprised by its colours. It was so dark and it really reminded her of a woman with black scarf from her dream. She silently closed the door and was trying to find something which could be useful. She opened a chest first, but there she found nothing except scarfs in different colours. Yes, it was definitely that woman's room. She then reached for a closet at the left side of a bed and  found there some pictures. She learned what does that woman look like. She memorized her face.
Reyyan's mind:,,It's strange that Miran never told me about this woman. She looks old. Is she his grandma? Maybe she is dead, and it was her ghost watching us from this room then?"
Her whole body shivered at that thought and she got a goose bumps.
Reyyan:,,Yok, impossible, or maybe it is?"
Then she found another picture. There was a little boy and 2 people who looked like his parents.
Reyyan:,,Who is this boy? Is that Miran? Yok, no way. This woman definitely doesn't look like Sultan anne. But, this boy has the same face shape as him. And that shine in his eyes..."
She was flabbergasted when she realised it really was him.
Reyyan:,,If it's true, why did he told me that Sultan was his mom? Oh my God. I am going crazy. My mind will explode."
She smiled sarcastically and was keeping her head with both of her hands.
Reyyan:,,He lied me about his family then... I have a lot of questions for you Miran bey. Just wait, you won't success at escaping. We have an unsolved bills. We will solve them...but not now."
She kept this photos as an evidence. Then she left the room.
Everyone was at a table.
Hazar:,,Reyyan, kızım? How were you sleeping?"
Reyyan:,,Good, baba."
Gönül was there too. She had to come because Sultan told her to.
Sultan:,,Reyyan, sit here next to Miran. We have a lot of food. Help yourself, please."
Reyyan:,,Thank you, Sultan anne."
Then she noticed one blackhaired girl who was sitting at the corner of table. She was looking with her head down.
Reyyan:,,Girl? Miran, who is this girl? I haven't seen her earlier."
Miran:,,Oh, it's my younger sister, Elif. You hadn't a chance to meet her yesterday because she was on a business trip. She came back just now."
Reyyan:,,Oh, how beautiful. Merhaba Elif, I'm Reyyan."
She gave her a hand to shake and Elif accepted.
Elif:,,I'm Elif."
Reyyan:,,Nice to meet you."
Gönül:,,Reyyan, please don't mind, she is shy a bit and doesn't feel comfortable meeting new people. She will need some time to talk. Hade, sit here."
She sat next to Miran, opposite from Gönül and was looking at Miran's eyes. She was trying to see, do only lies hide in them or some dose of honesty? She wasn't sure anymore. But in one thing she was sure, and that is that she needed to ask him about his family. She hoped he'll tell her the truth. She didn't want secrets between them. But again, beside family, she still hadn't some dose of peace. Something was still bothering her, she could feel it subconsciously. She needed to reveal it, but first thing is about family.
They finished a dinner and when Reyyan wanted to walk to front door with them, Elif grabbed her hand.
Reyyan:,,Elif, what are you doing?"
Elif:,,R-r-reyyan, you have to listen to me. Not everyone in this world is good as you think. A lot of people wear masks. Please, be careful. I'm afraid."
Reyyan:,,Don't worry, Elif, I'm aware of everything and trying to be careful. Don't be afraid, okay?"
Elif:,,Okay. I just wanted to say that you are special. You are not like others. I noticed it from the very first moment I saw you tonight. Please, do not let anyone harm your pure soul."
Reyyan:,,Thank you so much, honey. I like you already. You seem here like the only one who is honest and innocent. I feel like I can believe you."
Elif:,,Thank you, Reyyan. Now I kept you that long, I guess you should go home now. We will see soon, okay?"
Reyyan:,,Okay. See you, Elif."
Then she drove with her parents to Şadoğlu mansion.
Reyyan was tired and she wanted to sleep. But before she went to bed, she texted Miran.
Reyyan:,,Miran, I have to meet with you tomorrow. It's important. Please, call me when you see a message."
Then she took pictures she found today out of her pocket. She was looking at them, and number of questions in her head were rising by every minute. She then fell asleep with them in her hands.
She had a bad dream again. She was in the middle of Midyat's square. Now she could see that woman's face. She was in a wedding dress, all dirty of dash, and that woman was looking at her with a creepy gaze. Everyone who lived in Midyat were standing there and kept mourning her.
Azize:,,Do you see it now, you fool?! Miran never loved you! He took a revenge from you and left you in a hut alone! You were crying and begging him to say and what he did?! He turned his back without even looking at you! You, aptal!! Midyat, everyone here, do you see her?! She is a poor girl who is left after the first marriage night!! You didn't deserve anything better!"
Reyyan who was still in her bed was shivering and all in sweat while she was sleeping, repeating:,,NO, IT CAN'T BE! MİRAN LOVES ME! HE WILL NEVER LEAVE ME! NO, NO, NOOO!!"
Then she woke up all in a sweat. She was breathing heavily.
Reyyan:,,It was a bad dream... again! Maybe it's another sign. She mentioned some revenge? Omg, my mind will explode, I can't handle it anymore!! I must talk to Miran tomorrow, I will tell him about my dream and ask him about his family. I can feel that everything that happened is connected and happened for some reason. God, you gave me a sign and now I will follow it. You'll be my leader. Tomorrow I will find out the truth."
Here's the 6th part of the story! I know it's short a bit, but I promise the next one will be longer. Now enjoy reading it, until tomorrow when I'll post a 7th part. 😊💞💞💞

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