Chapter 8

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*4 days later*

It was kana night. Everyone were preparing to welcome the guests, and of course, Zehra and Melike dressed Reyyan. She was wearing a long red dress, similar to the wedding dress.
Zehra:,,How beautiful you are, kızım, look Melike, how pretty girl I gave a birth. Maşallah, I am so proud of you. I still cannot believe my daughter grew up and have a wedding tomorrow. I am the luckiest mom in the world."
She kissed Reyyan in forehead.
Reyyan:,,Thank you, anne. I have the best mom in the world. I am happy if you are happy. Benim güzelim annem."
Reyyan hugged Zehra tight.
Melike:,,How beautiful friend I have, you will make everyone faint, especially Miran, when they see you."
Melike winked at Reyyan.
Reyyan:,,Don't exaggerate, Melike haahhah. I am maybe "beautiful", but not as much as you think."
Melike:,,Did I ever tell you how shy and stubborn you are? Because you really are. Uff."
Zehra and Reyyan giggled.
Zehra:,,Come on, honey, let's go down, everyone is waiting for you."
Reyyan:,,Let's go.
They went downstairs. Miran was there too.
When he saw her, he was flabbergasted. That beauty he haven't seen in his whole life. He was freezed, and Reyyan had to wave her hand in front of him to take him back from his trance.
Reyyan:,,Miran, what's wrong? Are you okay?"
Miran:,,I'm not. I actually cannot explain my feelings now. When I saw you, a lot of emotions went through me. Now I can't feel anything beside happiness. I am just stunned by your beauty, I am kinda lost. I am happy I have the most beautiful wife in the world."
Reyyan:,,You are wrong. Future wife."
She giggled.
Miran:,,Evet. But I wasn't wrong when I told you that you make me the happiest man in the world. I am lucky because I am putting a kana on your hand tonight. I have that honor."
He tapped his hand on his chest and Reyyan smiled a bit. She has such a funny fiance.
Music there was loud. It was traditional. Reymir liked it a lot. Gönül who was at a front door was thinking 'you are happy now, Reyyan, but your happiness won't last long. Tomorrow you'll see what you've got into. Just wait. Everyone in Midyat will know you are left by benim kocam, and you and your family will be ashamed.' Gönül and Miran wasn't in marriage actually, but Gönül was so obsessed with Miran so she called him like it. Because she was sure he'll marry her soon.
When kana night was over, all guests were gone. The last who stayed was Miran. He wanted to spend as much time as he could with his future wife. He actually wasn't comfortable being with Hazar because of thought he killed his parents, so he tried to stay away from him, or else his anger would rise even more. Reyyan saw it and understood it. Her plan was when they get married to prove him that her father is innocent and show him that his grandma wasn't right. She had a hope, because she also saw in Miran's eyes that he doesn't like his grandma so much anymore. It's probably because she told him to revenge using an innocent person. And not an ordinary. His loved one. That was hurting him so much, and the fact he couldn't tell her by himself. He was regretting that so much. But at the same time, he felt relieved because she found out before he did such a bad thing to her. He was happy he would hug and kiss his loved one without hiding any secrets, without lies. She was looking at him with such a love and he didn't want to lose her.
Reyyan:,,Miran, you are going now?"
Miran:,,Yes, it's pretty late now. And we should prepare for our wedding tomorrow, right?"
He winked. Reyyan blushed.
Reyyan:,,Evet. Then, go. Hade, hurry up."
Miran:,,So, you are telling me to go, right karicim?"
Reyyan:,,Evet. Come on, git. Future husby."
Miran:,,O zaman, I won't go until I get a kiss from you."
Reyyan:,,Uff, tamam ya."
She kissed his cheek.
Miran:,,I didn't mean on that kiss."
Reyyan:,,Well, I don't care what were you meaning-"
He grabbed her and kissed her hard. It took a few seconds and then she continued the kiss. They had a long kiss which lasted few minutes and then they interrupted it because they couldn't breathe anymore.
Miran:,,That was the kiss that I wanted. Now I am satisfied. I'll have a taste of your lips all night until tomorrow. Okay, I should admit, I will miss you, but at least I had an opportunity to share this kiss with you now. Now my heart is calmed."
She was looking at him and didn't know what to say. She was speechless.
Miran:,,Good night, my beautiful wife. Sleep well."
She still was freezed and was watching him going away. Then she got to reality and ran towards him. She hugged him tight.
Reyyan:,,Sleep well too, my dear husband."
She kissed his cheek and then ran to mansion. He had a dull smile on his face and barely went to home. She couldn't leave his thoughts even for a second.
It was a first night Reyyan slept well, without nightmares. In her thoughts was only Miran and kiss in front of mansion. She felt butterflies in her stomach whenever she thought about it. She couldn't wait for tomorrow to be all his again. She already missed him. She was such a crazy type of girl, she even hugged a pillow pretending to hug him. She could survive one night without warmness of his hug. But barely. Even few minutes was too much for her. She was breathing hard because she was so excited and wanted to feel his lips again on hers. Then she fell asleep.
That night, Miran could barely sleep too. He just waited for that moment, to sleep with Reyyan beside him. He already imagined her being there. He missed her a lot, evethough it passed only 1 hour after he came home. He still could feel her breath on his lips and smell she left 2 days ago, when she was lying here in bed. He was thinking to send her a message, but he changed his mind quickly. He didn't want to wake her up and at the same time he wanted to gain his wish to see her again even more. He put his hand on another side of bed imagining she was there and then fell asleep.
*in the morning*

Reyyan woke up all excited. It was that day. Their wedding day. She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw a date. It was exactly 22th March 2019. 7 days after they met. She couldn't believe it passed so fast. But the thought that she'll spend the rest of her life with him, made automatically smile on her lips. She jumped from a bed and started dancing from excitement. She even started singing. Then in her room came her mom, Zehra.
Zehra:,,Reyyan, what are you doing, kızım?"
Reyyan:,,Ohh, anne, sorry, I didn't see you. I am just so excited. Today is the day I'll start living a heaven. You are not aware how happy I am right now. I could fly of happiness right now."
Zehra:,,I know that feeling, kızım. I was feeling the same the day I was marrying your father. That day was the best memory we had. I will never forgive it. The moment he said 'yes' was the best moment in my life."
Reyyan:,,Ohh, benim anne, I am so happy you and dad went so far. You lived so many years and you still love eachother so much. That's what I call real love."
Zehra:,,Yes, you are right, kızım. May God give you and Miran a lot of beautiful and peaceful years together."
Reyyan:,,İnşallah, anne. When I am gonna put my wedding dress on me? I cannot wait, I'm so impatient!"
Zehra:,,Wait a bit, honey. You will do that in the afternoon. Now, go down for a breakfast, there are a lot of food on a table."
Reyyan:,,Okay, mom, let's go then."
Zehra:,,Aren't you gonna get dressed?"
Reyyan saw that she was still wearing her nightgown.
Reyyan:,,Yes, you are right. From all excitement, I forgot to get dressed. I only want to wear a wedding dress today."
Zehra:,, My crazy daughter. I see he doesn't come off your mind even for a second."
Zehra smiled at her and then Reyyan started smiling too.
Reyyan:,,What to do then, I fell in love so hard, nobody could help it. But I'm not complaining, it's such a beautiful feeling."
Zehra smiled at her once again and then exited the room.
When Miran woke up, he immediately had a smile on his face. He knew this day finally came. Their wedding. He couldn't wait for a moment to see her again. He still didn't want to call her, just to miss her more and more. To increase their longing for eachother. He was so happy that he ran out of his room and started dancing and running through mansion. Everyone were looking at him like at crazy man. He really was crazy.
He was still in his pajamas, and was shouting:,, I have wedding! I am marrying my soulmate today! I am happy! God, did you hear me? I am so happy!!"
Esma:,,Miran, olum, you don't want to get dressed?"
Miran took a look at himself. This was the thing where him and Reyyan were the same.
Esma laughed a bit.
Miran:,,Ohh, sorry Esma anne, I am just so excited, today is my happiest day ever! I am so happy, I can't explain it with words."
Esma:,,I see, olum. Love is like that. I am glad I finally see you are happy after a long time. I wish you and Reyyan a lot of happy years."
Miran:,,Thank you, Esma anne."
He kissed her hand.
Then Azize came.
Azize:,,Why are you so excited, Miran? Is it because you are going to marry a girl who you will leave tomorrow?"
Miran:,,Yok, babaanne. I am happy because my parents will see me happy after a long time. Because they will be proud of what son they have. Even they aren't physically here, I know they would be happy. Tomorrow will happen what it needs, don't worry, okay?"
Azize:,,Tamam, torun. You know the best. Tomorrow they'll get a justice they deserved. You'll give it to them."
Miran:,,Tamam,babaanne. I have to go get dressed and have a breakfast. We'll talk later, tamam?"
Then he went to his room.
Both families started preparing for their wedding.
Here's 8th chapter. I didn't expect it to be so long hahhahaah, but this time I had more inspiration, which is not usual for me. Tomorrow or at Monday goes chapter 9, so stay tuned! Ly <3

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