Chapter 18

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*2 weeks later*

Hazar fully recovered. Azize's plan didn't change at all. Beside one thing. She won't kidnap Hazar, he will come himself to her. She knew exactly how to entice him.

Azize's mind:,,This will work 100%."
She called Hazar. He picked up a phone.
Hazar:,,What do you want, Azize Aslanbey?"
Azize:,,You to come here, of course if you want your son to live."
Hazar:,,What are you talking about woman?! What did you do to Miran?"
Azize:,,For now nothing. But if you don't come here on time, I'll probably kill him."
Hazar:,,Don't you dare to do it! Tell me, where are you now?!"
Azize:,,On the place where I always use to be. In my basement. Come alone. Don't mess police."
Hazar then hung up the phone and ran to his car. He arrived there.
Hazar:,,Where is my son, bastard?!"
Azize:,,I see you came here. Well done. But, to discover you something, your son is safe. Someone who will die today is you, Hazar Şadoğlu!"
Hazar:,,What are you talking about?! Are you insane?! Listen, I'm telling this to you 100th time, I didn't kill Mehmet and Dilşah! Please, let go of me finally!"
Azize:,,That won't be that easy. Mahmut, tie him up."
Mahmut then caught Hazar who tried to escape and tied him up on a chair.
Azize:,,Now, it comes an exciting part. Halo, Miran?"
Azize:,,Come here, if you don't want something happens to your dad."
She hung up the phone.
Azize:,,Your son will come. Be ready to tell him your last goodbye, before I kill you."
Hazar:,,What benefit you have from this then? Remember, my son will kill you! You will make him a killer!"
Azize:,,I don't care. At least I will commit my long-year revenge! Then I'll die in peace."
Hazar:,,You think you'll rescue yourself by dying? They won't allow you to die, especially Miran! They will intentionally leave you in life, so they could torture you more! You won't pass ungrounded, woman!"
Azize:,,Are you sure in it, Hazar Şadoğlu? They will suffer, not me. I already suffered enough."
Hazar:,,İnşallah you suffer more and more, to drown in your own evil!"
Azize:,,We'll see who will suffer at the end. Now shut up until Miran comes here!"
Hazar:,,I won't!"
She then gave him a sign to stick his mouth with adhesive tape.
Miran then came.
Miran:,,Hazar bey? Babaanne?"
Hazar wanted to shout "son" but he couldn't.
Azize:,,Welcome, torun. Look who I brought here. I'll do what I needed long time ago. But I first called you so you two could have a last conversation as dad and son."
Miran:,,What is that game?! Let go of my dad, you witch!"
Azize:,,I won't! Before I kill both of you, I will tell you everything. What is the reason of my revenge.         Everything!"
Hazar tried to free himself but didn't succeed.
Miran:,,I don't want any explanation of you! Let go of us!!"
Azize then gave a sign to Mahmut. Mahmut put a handkerchief on Miran's mouth from behind and after that he fainted. Mahmut tied him on a chair too.
In a meantime, Reyyan was waiting at a cabin for Miran. She was calling him but he wouldn't pick up the phone. She called Hazar, but his phone was turned off. Something was suspicious to her.
Reyyan:,,He told me he's gone for groceries in a town, he should have come 'til now. Uhh, dad isn't picking up the phone too. I'll call mom then."
She called Zehra and Zehra picked up the phone.
Zehra:,,Reyyan? Kızım?"
Reyyan:,,Anne, Miran isn't home yet. He went 2 hours ago in town for groceries and he didn't come by now. He doesn't pick up the phone at all. I called dad too, he didn't pick up. Do you have some news about them, is dad next to you?"
Zehra:,,No, kızım, he just told me he has some bussiness and ran out of mansion. I was confused too. He even forgot his phone..."
Reyyan:,,Anne, please check up his phone, maybe he got some message that distracted him."
Zehra:,,Okay. Wait a minute."
Zehra checked his phone and only thing she saw was last call from Azize. They talked few minutes.
Zehra:,,There are no messages, there's only last Azize's call. What did he talk about with that woman? I just can't understand."
Reyyan:,,Oh, no! Anne, he must be in danger. Miran too! She did something to them for sure! We must find them!"
Zehra:,,Oh my God, I hope Hazar bey and Miran are good. I'll tell everyone now! Don't worry, kızım, we'll find them. Tamam?"
Reyyan:,,Tamam. Please, tell grandpa to come here to pick me up. I'll find them with all of you too. I'm not calmed just sitting here."
Zehra:,,I'll tell them now. Hade, we'll see soon."
Reyyan:,,Bye mom."
She hung up the phone and continued walking nervously across the room.
Nasuh:,,What? How do you think my son is in danger?"
Zehra:,,Reyyan couldn't get them on a phone. Situation is serious. You need to pick up Reyyan because she wants to search for them with you too."
Nasuh:,,Tamam. Cihan, gel, we are going."
They exited a mansion and started going to Reyyan.
Miran woke up. He was tied up on a chair. First thing he saw was Azize's face, then Hazar's face.
Azize:,,You are finally awake. Çok güzel. Now, I can tell you my story. What is the real reason behind all of this. Well, it all happened 50 years ago. I was in love with Nasuh."
Hazar and Miran:,,What?!"
Azize:,,You heard me well. We were a loving couple who wanted to spend a rest of our lives together in peace. We were so happy, I was his dear Ayşe! I didn't even think that he would hurt me like he did. We had a son, his name was Hazar. But the thing which hurted me the most was that you, Hazar Şadoğlu, is wearing the name of my death son! You are the God's punishment, a knife Nasuh gave to my heart after I heard he married. He continued his life, and me? I was suffering and was creating a plan to take revenge on him. And that day finally came!"
Hazar:,,Stop lying to us, woman! How are we supposed to know you are telling the truth?!"
Azize:,,I'm not lying! Look, that necklace on my hand he gave me when we were young is the proof of our love. On it are A&N, our initials. It was at the time before he left me in a fire. Eventhough he hurt me so bad, I'm still keeping this!"
Then she started crying loudly.
Hazar:,,My dad wouldn't do such a bad thing. I'm sure in it! He surely has an explanation for all of this. You need to ask him. Everything!"
Miran:,,And that was the reason why you hurted so many people, hm?! Just because of your unsucceed love! Shame on you!"
Azize:,,Shut up! You know nothing! You don't understand my pain. I was suffering the most, but now it's an end of it! Nasuh will never know I'm Ayşe because I will kill you both. Then I'll kill myself."
Hazar:,,Are you sick in head, woman?! You think all of your sins will clear if you kill yourself now?!"
Azize:,,No. I don't want Nasuh to know Ayşe is alive. He would be happy if he finds out and my plan would ruin!! Mahmut, shoot them in a head."
Mahmut:,,As you order, hanım."
Then police car heard. Reyyan, Cihan and Nasuh found them by the phone signal. Mahmut was scared and shot Hazat accidentally in stomach. Azize got upset.
Azize:,,Mahmut, let's go. Now."
They escaped while Miran was trying to free himself.
Miran:,,Baba??! Can you hear me?! Please, don't leave me!"
He was crying.
Nasuh, Reyyan and Cihan came in.
Nasuh:,,Miran? Olduuu!!"
He ran to Hazar.
Reyyan:,,Miran? Baba?!"
Then she ran to Miran and untied him. She hugged him tight.
Reyyan:,,Are you okay, my love? I was sick worried for you. I was afraid something happened to you."
Miran:,,I'm fine, don't worry, Reyyan. I'm here, next to you."
Reyyan:,,Thanks God. What happened to baba?"
Miran:,,Mahmut shot him when he heard you came. He and Azize succeed in escaping. I couldn't stop them."
Reyyan:,,That witch. I hope police will find her. Now we need to drive dad to the hospital. He lost a lot of blood."
She approached Hazar.
Reyyan:,,Baba, stay awake please, don't leave us. We are here now, we won't let you go. Dede, amca, let's bring him to a car."
Miran:,,I'll help them."
While they were bringing Hazar to the car, police were investigating a place. They are now after Azize.
Azize and Mahmut went a bit far from city. They were hiding now from a police.
Azize:,,I mustn't let them arrest me. I'll commit a suicide."
Mahmut:,,Azize hanım, please don't do this, how would I live without you? You are like another mom to me! If you kill yourself, I will too!"
Azize:,,I have no other choice, Mahmut. That is my last wish. And I advice you not to do it. You are still young, you have a lot of time infront of you. My time ran out. I have nothing to lose now. Please, let me realise my last wish. I ask for nothing else."
Mahmut:,,But, hanım..."
Azize:,,No, Mahmut, please don't stop me. It's my final decision. You won't end up in a jail, because I'm guilty for everything. Can you do me one last favor?"
Mahmut lowered his head sadly and whispered:,,Yes, hanım."
Azize:,,Bring this letter to Şadoğlu mansion. It is for Nasuh. I want him to read it. He will survive the most pain after he finds out I was his Ayşe all the time. And that that Ayşe is dead. I will rest in peace then."
Mahmut:,,Is it...the last goodbye hanım?"
Azize:,,Evet. Please, don't be sad. It turned out as it have should. Be happy for me and don't cry. I will watch you from the sky. Don't forget me ever, tamam?"
Mahmut:,,T-tamam, hanım.."
Then he started crying so hard and hugged Azize. Azize was broken and after Mahmut left, she fell on her knees. She will soon say last goodbye to this life. Everything is over.
Here's the new chapter. Next chapter or chapter 20 will be the last, so be sure not to miss it. I'm sorry that I need to finish this story, but it turned like it. I will start a new one soon, so stay tuned for it.😊😊❤️❤️💞💞

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