Chapter 14

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*In Aslanbey mansion*

Azize:,,Tomorrow I'll go to Şadoğlu mansion and ask them personally to give me Hazar. I will kill him with my own hands. Miran will know what is his babaanne ready to do. Everyone will know how is Azize Aslanbey!!"
She was talking with her servant, Mahmut.
Azize:,,Nasuh will pay for what he did a long time ago. Our bills won't be left unsolved. After killing Hazar, Miran will pay too. He will suffer when I tell him that Hazar was his dad. Maybe I'll go to jail, but at least I'll do what I was planing through years. Nasuh Şadoğlu, you will be destroyed! I am gonna be the end of you."
Then she was laughing evil.
Elif was standing in front of Azize's room and heard a conversation. She wanted to call Miran to tell him about Azize's plans before it's too late, but he didn't pick up the phone. So she left him a message.
Elif:,,Abi, please do something. Babaanne is going tomorrow at Şadoğlu mansion, she wants to kill Hazar bey! She will end up in jail then and become a killer. I don't want her to be a killer! I am scared. Try to stop her! Find a way!"
When she sent him a message, she felt relieved somehow. Now she did what she was up to her. It's just left her to wait.
Reymir woke up at the same time. They turned towards eachother and said "Günaydın". They were smiling and were happy they have eachother. They knew what they found out yesterday, but they didn't want to think about it that morning. They just wanted to forget about sadness for some time. Then they'll go back to reality and turn on their phones.
But not now.
Miran:,,How are you?"
Reyyan:,,I feel less tired right now, I slept very well. And you?"
Miran:,,Well, if there weren't you, I wouldn't sleep all night. You made me forget about it for some time. Thank you on it, I slept like a baby. I think everyone would sleep like that if they were beside an angel like you."
Reyyan blushed.
Reyyan:,,Miran, please don't talk like that, I got really shy, yapmaa."
She smiled shy.
Miran:,,Tamam, it was just stronger than me. I won't, I promise."
Reyyan:,,Tamam. What are we gonna have for a breakfast?"
Miran:,,I have to admit, I'm not hungry but I will make a breakfast specially for you."
Reyyan:,,You don't have to force yourself, I'll do it. Just lay here, tamam?"
Miran:,,Uff, tamam, karıcım."
She smiled and then went to make breakfast. When she made it, they sat to eat it. It was very delicious.
Miran:,,Mmm, better breakfast I haven't eaten in my whole life. You have a golden hands, karıcım."
Reyyan:,,It's nothing, Miran. If you want, I can always make a breakfast for you."
Miran:,,I will be satisfied more than."
They smiled, but then remembered about yesterday's event. They found out who they are really.
Reyyan:,,Miran... I think we should go to Şadoğlu mansion...We need to get an answers from them. And we must do it before Azize. You found your father, but at the same time I lost mine. It's hard, you know?"
Miran:,,I know it, even better than you. But, you didn't lose your father, Reyyan. He was always with you. You grew up with him. Eventhough you are not the same dna, he loves you so much."
Reyyan:,,But why did he lie to me then?? Why didn't he tell me the truth earlier? I would understand if he told me a long ago. I learn for it when I'm an adult. That's the worst feeling ever."
Miran:,,I know. I know. Babaanne lied to me even worse. I thought I don't have parents, Reyyan! I thought I was an orphan!!"
He started crying hard. Reyyan was crying with him. He laid on Reyyan's legs and she was petting him.
Reyyan:,,Tamam, tamam. It passed. Look, I'm here. Even if you were an orphan, you wouldn't be alone, because you have me. You can always feel as a child when you're next to me, okay?"
Miran calmed down a bit. He couldn't believe that she loves him so much.
Reyyan:,,And I also know you were always here for me. When my family was against me, the only one who made me happy was you. I felt safer when I was with you, than with them. You changed my life a lot."
Miran lifted up and look straight into her eyes. They were shining.
Miran:,,I-i, still can't believe that someone loves me that much. I was never loved so hard by my family, even by my grandma. Eventhough I was laying on her legs, and she was petting me, she never told me this soft words. She was always talking about revenge. But I finally found someone who showed me love. Thank you for existing, my angel."
Then he kissed her lips and she kissed him back.
Reyyan:,,Thank you for existing, kocacım benim. We have to go right now. Get ready."
Then he got a message on his phone. It was from Elif.
When he read it, he was even more upset. He told Reyyan to hurry up, before it's too late.
They arrived at Şadoğlu mansion at the same time as Azize. Azize however decided to go today to them. Azize entered it a moment before Reymir.
Everyone ran to the yard.
Nasuh:,,Who are you, miss?"
Azize:,,Your future nightmare."
Handan:,,What is she talking about? I can't understand anything."
Azize:,,You'll see anyway. Where is Hazar Şadoğlu?"
Hazar:,,I'm Hazar Şadoğlu. What do you want from me kadın?"
Azize:,,I want to kill you. Mahmut!"
Mahmut put out the gun of his pocket and focused the gun at Hazar.
Hazar:,,I don't understand anything. Who are you, why do you want to kill me?"
Azize:,,Because you murdered Mehmet and Dilşah! Mehmet was my son, and Dilşah daughter in law! You dare to ask me?"
Nasuh:,,So that would mean...Miran?"
Everyone turned towards Reymir.
Hazar:,,I swear I didn't murder anyone! You were her mother in law I remember now, Azize Aslanbey, but the mainest thing I remember and that was that I loved Dilşah! I couldn't kill a woman I love, it would be just impossible! I didn't hate Mehmet either, I just couldn't do it. This woman is lying!"
Azize:,,Nothing that I said was a lie. Everything is true-"
Miran:,,Hazar didn't kill my parents! You lied to me all these years babaanne! T-this man you are looking at.... Is my dad."
Azize was flabbergasted. She couldn't believe what she just heard.
Hazar:,,I am your father? Where did you hear it from? Was it your another lie, Azize? Did you make another plan? Now I see why Miran was lying."
Reyyan:,,You were lying too, baba! The same Azize did to Miran you did to me! I grew up surrounded by lies! I just couldn't believe that my family who is NOT my family did this to me!"
Hazar:,,Kızı found out?"
Reyyan:,,Evet, baba!! Bak, here are the results! Your and Miran's dna is matching 99% and mine and Miran's 0%. You are just a liar. Sen nefret ediyorum!!"
She fell on her knees and started crying.
Nasuh:,,That would mean Miran is our blood? That's stunning."
Azize who still was freezed just turned around and ran out. Mahmut was running after her.
Zehra:,,Her plan ruined at the very start...But how did you do a dna test at all?"
Miran:,,Reyyan took Hazar's cup with us. They took his saliva sample. It wasn't so hard to guess."
Hazar:,,So, you are mine emanet of Dilşah? Mine son, my blood, my soul. I'm so happy I found you. I'd love to hug you, oldum benim. Gel."
Miran stepped back.
Miran:,,I just can't accept you as a father after all these years, Hazar bey. I'm sorry. I can't do this."
Then he walked away.
Reyyan:,,The way I found out about my origin was like a knife in my heart. You don't have a daughter from now on!"
Then she went after Miran with eyes full of tears.
Hazar:,,My children...please, don't go."
Then Hazar collapsed and his vision was blur. Zehra called him but he fainted at the end. They called an emergency.
Reyyan:,,Miran, stop, please, I can't reach you, please listen to me!"
Miran stopped.
Miran:,,I don't know...I'm just so frustrated about everything that happened a day ago. I lost my identity, I don't know who I should call a family. I know nothing!"
Reyyan:,,I lost my family too. They all just were a liars. I don't know who is my family too anymore...but I know one thing...It is that I have YOU. Whereever I go I'll always take you. You are my family, my everything. Person on who I can always lean on. Please, don't think you are alone, it just hurts me. You are not alone as long as you have me."
Miran:,,I know, Reyyan. I decided...Why don't we just leave everything behind us? Go far away from here and start new life...Only us two. We discovered the truth and now we have nothing. Except eachother."
Reyyan:,,We should think about it a bit. Are you really sure you want it?"
Miran:,,More than anything."
Reyyan:,,But what about your babaanne and revenge?"
Miran:,,She doesn't have anything to lose anymore. She can't do anything, believe me. I think she will leave Midyat soon. I have that feeling."
Reyyan:,,In that case, why would we go? Let's build our future here. Our future children will be happy if they knew his/her parents' roots. Let's not go anywhere for now."
Miran:,,We still have time to think about it. Let's not burden eachother with it anymore. Let's go to our home."
Reyyan:,,Let's go."
What's gonna happen with Hazar? Will Reymir really leave everything and go? Will Azize abandon Midyat?

Read next chapters if you want to find out.😉😌🙈❤️

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