Chapter 3

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The next day has arrived. Reyyan was in her bed, she was streching her hands when she woke up. She got a text message. It was from Miran.
Miran:,, Good morning, my sunshine. How were you sleeping?"
Reyyan:,,Good morning to you too. I was sleeping well, and you?"
Miran:,,Me too. I cannot wait to sleep with you in my arms. I am waiting with a lot of desire that moment. 6 days left 'til the kana night. I am really excited."
Reyyan:,,Me too. Even more than you."
Miran:,,I believe in it, dear future wife. How would you like to come to my mansion today? You will meet my mother and sister at the same time. They really want to get to know you."
Reyyan:,,Okay, when should I come?"
Miran:,,I will pick you up after the breakfast. Tamam?"
When she finished breakfast, Miran picked her up. Her parents wanted to come with her, but she told them that they will meet another time.
They drove to the Aslanbey mansion.
Reyyan:,,Woww, it's so big, almost as Şadoğlu mansion. I am really surprised."
Miran:,,We will live here when we get married. I'll give you everything you want, even more than that. You'll see, my mother and sister will adore you. You'll feel like you're at home."
Reyyan:,,I am already at home when I am with you, Miran bey."
She smiled a bit shy.
Miran:,,You are my home."
She blushed a bit.
Reyyan:,,Okay, stop with this romance, we gotta go."
They got off the car and Reyyan stepped in a mansion. Gönül and Sultan arrived to wish her a welcome.
She accepted it with pleasure.
Miran:,,Mom, this is Reyyan, my future wife, Reyyan, this is my mom."
They shaked hands.
Sultan:,,I'm glad I met you, kızım."
Reyyan:,,Me too, Sultan hanım."
Sultan:,,Please, call me Sultan anne from now on, we are not a strangers anymore, right?"
Reyyan:,,Tamam, Sultan anne."
They both smiled.
Miran:,,And, this is my sister, Gönül. Gönül, this is my future wife, Reyyan."
They shaked hands.
Gönül:,,I am glad to meet you, Reyyan."
Reyyan:,, Me too, Gönül abla."
Name Gönül sounded familiar to her. She heard it yesterday night from Yaren's mouth.
Sultan:,,Come, sit here at a table. We have a lot of delicious food here, please help yourself."
Reyyan:,,Thank you."
Sultan:,,You are welcome, honey. Maşallah, how beautiful you are. Like a doll. And your hair is so unique and curly. I bet Miran imagined his ideal girlfriend with curly hair, right son?"
Miran:,,Evet, anne."
While they were sitting and talking, Azize was watching them from window of her room. She was enjoying this fake family atmosphere and was happy Miran will hurt Reyyan for revenge. A little of time has left during that day.
Reyyan was a bit lost in her thoughts. She was wondering who was that girl Yaren and Gönül were talking about? Was it her?
Reyyan:,,Gönül abla, I have a question, if you allow me to ask you."
Gönül:,,Reyyan, relax, you can ask me whatever you want."
Reyyan:,,Okay. Well, I was wondering, are you a friend with my cousin, Yaren Şadoğlu?
Gönül:,,Yes. We were highschool friends, and then we met after a lot of years by coincidence. Why did you ask?"
Reyyan:,,Nothing, I was just curious, nothing much."
Gönül:,,Okay then."
Then Reyyan turned her look towards window of Azize's room. When Azize realized she was looking in that direction, she quickly covered a window with a curtain. She was afraid she could notice her.
Miran:,,Reyyan, what's wrong? Have you seen something?"
Reyyan:,,Well, I think I haven't. I just had a vision."
Miran:,,Okay, if you say so."
But Reyyan still felt strange. She knew there's something about that room, and she needed to discover what is it. But she couldn't do that now. She thought that maybe they have one secret but she didn't want to research it yet. Not in front of them. After they finished lunch, Miran drove Reyyan home.
Miran:,,How did you like my family, miss Reyyan?"
Reyyan:,,I really liked your mother and sister, they are so kind. Especially Sultan anne. She was so funny and I had a great time with her. I am so excited I will be a family with them. But, I cannot wait to have a lunch with you every day, Miran. I feel more like home there than here. You showed me love more than my family did. And thank you for it."
Miran:,,I am always here for you, Reyyan. Remember it. You can always lean on me, whatever it is. Okay?"
He grabbed her cheek and then kissed the same. She got in mansion with a smile on her face.
Reyyan:,,Oh, God, why did I deserve so kind and pure man like Miran? Is it a prize for my suffering all these years? I don't know how to thank you. Miracle has happened."
But, something still felt strange in her. Something about that girl, Gönül. Her aura was strange the whole time she's been there. Her smile looked a bit fake. But Reyyan still thought it was just an illusion and she ignored it. She saw her parents and told them everything about Miran's family. They were really happy for their daughter. Nasuh was not too much. He wanted to get rid of her as soon as possible. He didn't want to see somebody in his house who was not his blood. It was just impossible for him.
When Reyyan fell asleep, she had a bad dream.
*in dream*
She was standing in the middle of Aslanbey mansion, while everyone were around her. They were laughing at her face.
Gönül:,,Did you really think I would accept you as a sister? You were so naive and stupid. Miran is my husband, husband!"
Sultan was laughing too.
Sultan:,,My daughter dumped you. Well done, kızım. She will learn that Miran won't ever be her. Did you hear me, Miss Reyyan? I won't watch you as a daughter, you should know that!"
Reyyan:,,Hayır!!! Everyone, please stop!! It isn't true, right aşkım? It just can't be!!"
Miran:,,Did you really think I loved you? You were a fool all the time. I never loved you. I did all of this for revenge... REVENGE!!"
Reyyan was screaming. She covered her ears. She couldn't handle it anymore.
Reyyan:,, NO! NO! PLEASE, STOP!!"
Azize:,,You really thought being Aslanbey is easy? You don't deserve my grandson!! You'll burn in a hell!"
When Reyyan lifted her head up, she couldn't see her face, only black scarf. Maybe it was a woman who didn't arrived at a lunch. Her vision was becoming blur and then she fainted.
She woke up all in a sweat.
Reyyan:,,Omg, it's good. It was only a dream, Reyyan, don't worry. But what kind of dream it was? It felt so real. I think it was a sign of something, and I definifely have to discover what is it. Something doesn't leave me in a peace. I have a lot of job tomorrow. I need to visit Miran's house again. Maybe I could find some answers. But this time, I'll bring parents, so they could attract their attention. I am sure I will find something. And Miran is hiding something 100%. I hope my dream won't come true, please, God, help me find an exit from this situation. You are the only witness whom I believe. Please, lead me to the right way."
Guys, here is 3rd part of my story. Sorry if I am late, it just not easy to write it hahhaha. Next part expect soon, maybe tomorrow! Until then, read this.😊❣️

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