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After few minutes, Nicholas joined us with the drinks on a tray.
"Hi I'm Nicholas, nice to meet you. Oh, Kyungminie!"
"Hey hyung!"
"Hi I'm Taeyong"
"And I'm Jungwon"
"So... This is mine... Ji's... Taeyong's, Kyungmin's and..." Sungyeon said passing us our cups of bubble tea.
"These 2 are the same"

"Here, since you wanted to try it have a sip first"
"Ah- No, there's no need oppa hahaha I've already told you" I said laughing nervously.
"Don't worry. If you like it you can keep it, I can always make myself another" I look at Sungyeon searching for help but she just gave me a teasing look with her typical smirk.

"Here. Take mine. I don't like bubble tea, apparently" Jungwon said with a not so disgusted face as he passed me his boba with already a new straw.
"Ah- Uhm- Thanks Jungwonie... Woah! It's really good!"
"Glad you like it hahaha"
"I guess you'll drink 2 bobas today hahaha" Sungie said.
"Y-yeah hahaha"

"Wait I'll get you a bag for you to carry it around more easily" he then got up.
"Making moves I see" my bestie said teasing me.
"Oh shut up you future miss Aussie!"
"But you two make a good couple Jiwoo-yah hahaha I ship it! Nicwoo! Hahaha"
"Great ship name Taeyong-ah hahaha" she said.

"Stop it!" I said feeling my cheeks burning again.
"Let's come up with a name also for her hahaha Jake hyung, right?" Kyungmin said slightly changing topic.
"What about Jayeon (제연)?"
"No eww! It could mean also my cousin, Jay oppa!"
"Yeh right. Eww. Then... Jakeyeon"

"Oh that sounds pretty good"

Jeez, he scared me!

"Ahh! You scared me!" Sungyeon said hitting him lightly.
"Sorry hahaha So you like your brother's best friend huh?"
"Don't tell this to any of them please!"
"Hahaha chill I'm not like Heeseung hyung or Geonu hyung" he said looking at me from the side.

"Huh? W-what did they t-tell you?"
"Oh nothing hahaha" he said patting my head.
"Jiwoo-yah are you sure you're ok? Now your face is red" Jungwon said with a concerned face.
"Uhm... Y-yeah hahaha, I'm totally f-fine!" I quickly took a sip of my drink to shut myself up.

Thank god I didn't say anything stupid.
I keep on stuttering ugh.

"Aight guys, my break is almost over. Oh right! In two days it'll be K hyung's little brother's birthday. He told us to invite you girls and Kyungmin, but I think your cousin already told you. I don't know if someone already told you girls hahaha"

"You guys know K hyung?" Jungwon asked confused.
"Yeah he's our brothers' close friend"
"Also my cousin's" Kyungmin added.
"You know him too, Jungwon?" Sungyeon asked him.
"Yeah the birthday boy is one of my best friends"
"See you there then. I gotta go back to work. Bye guys"
"See you at the party oppa"
"Bye Nicho oppa a-and thanks for making the drinks"


We were now strolling from store to store. We already bought some personal things and some stuff to decorate the dorm.
"Have you got anything for Kyu's birthday?" My bestie asked.
"Yup. What about you?" "My presence is the gift"

"As expected. You haven't got him a present yet, haven't you?"
"Absolutely right ma'am!"
"He's the guy from before right? Your cousin, Jiwoo-yah?"
"Yessir. Now let's search for a gift for that ugly Potter copy"


As we helped Sungyeon find a gift, to our bad luck, we met Yeonkyu who was with a bunch of guys.
"Hey girls!!"
"K-kyu! W-what are you doing here?"
"Me and my dorm mates are buying some stuff to decorate and also gonna buy food and snacks"

"Ohh We're doing the same! By the way, Yeonkyu this is Jungwon, Jungwon this is Yeonkyu, Jiwoo's cousin and our best friend" Sungyeon explained.
"Nice to meet you" Jungwon greeted him

"My pleasure. So these are my roommates"
"Hi I'm Park Jeongwoo"
"I'm Lee Inhong"
"I'm Watanabe Haruto and I'm from Japan"
"I'm also from Japan! And I'm Udo Musashi but y'all can also call me Kio" He dabbed...

W-what? Why?
Is he trying to bring 2016 back or sum?
But he looks adorable with his curly hair, not gonna lie.

"I'm Lee Jiwoo, Yeonkyu's cousin"
"I'm Park Sungyeon their bestie"
"I'm Jo Kyungmin"
"And I'm Kim Taeyong, nice to meet you!"



Yeonkyu? That Yeonkyu?
Ok, now I'm sure it's her...

Forever Last [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now