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"Earth to Jiwoo? Girl, you're smiling at your phone like an idiot right now"
"How do I look? Do I look decent? Are my hair ok? I need a brus-"
"Don't worry Ji, you're looking great"
"Here comes Lover Boy hyung"

"Omg! Nicholas oppa is here!"
"Is he gonna ask you out?!"
"Obviously! She's the prettiest!" A trio of those picke me girls squealed out.
"Will you, girls, kindly shut up? I'm here to pick up my date" He said in an annoyed tone.
He then walked towards me and the guys.

"Jiwoo Cutie are you ready?"
"Ah- Uhm Y-yeah. Lemme just finish putting these in my bag"
"Let's go guys. See you at the dorms Ji!"
"See you Sungie. You too, guys! Ok let's go Nicho"


We rode his motorcycle and we went to the mall.
"I bought tickets for the movies, but I wanted you to choose which one"
"Oh! Let's watch Trolls 2!"
"Wasn't that a movie for kids?"
"But it has Red Velvet in it!"
"Ok then! We're gonna watch that"

"The next one starts at 7 pm and it's just 4 pm..."
"Wanna go to the arcades? Or at the skate park? I brought mine"
"I always wanted to learn how to skate! Are you gonna teach me?"

"I'll do anything for you Cutie"
"Stop calling me that... It m-makes me blush..."
"But you're so cute especially when you blush! But ok let's go to the skate park"


We went to the skate park behind the mall.
"You ready?"
"Yes! I'm so excited right now! Skating is so cool but I never got to try it"
For about an hour Nicho taught me how to balance myself on the board and how to go on it, then we went to grab dinner before the movie.

"Where should we eat?"
"I don't know... Oh! Since you let me decide on the movie, you can decide where to eat!"
"Ayy Ok Cutie... Uhm... What about... McDonald's?"
"Sounds great!"


"What do you wanna order?"
"I think I'll get the McBacon menu"
"Ok, I'll order. You can go and find a table. No, stop thinking of splitting the money. I asked you out, I pay"
"I-I didn't even think that! Ok... Maybe I did hahaha" I was searching for a free table for a while now, until I bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying att-"
"No no! It's fin- Noona?"
I looked up to the boy I bumped into
"Oh! It's you, Daniel! Sorry again hahaha"
"No it's fine noona! By the way, why are you here? Wanna join me and my friends?"
"No don't worry! I'm here with-"

"Nicho gege?"
"Oh god! Nicho oppa you scared me!"
"Why are you here? By the way Jiwoo, this is my sister Aliya"
"Nice to meet you! I'm Lee Jiwoo"
"And I'm Aliya, nice to meet you unnie! My brother talks about you a lot"

"Wait- So you are Nicholas hyung's sister?" Dan said a bit shocked.
"Yizhuo, you haven't answered me yet"
"I'm here to hang out with my new classmates. Let's go, Dan, so we won't interrupt further their date"
"Not so fast"

He made his sister turn around facing him once again.
"Who are they?"
"Over ther-" the tall boy got interrupted by the young girl's hand covering his mouth.
"Thanks, Daniel. Let's go sit there Cutie"
"Uhm yeah"
We sat next to a table with some middle schoolers and among them, I spotted a familiar boy.

"Oh! Hi Niki!"
"Noona! Hyung! Nice to see y'all"
"So you guys are my sister's new classmates?"
"I'm not their classmate, Dan just asked me to tag alo- Wait, hyung- Your sister?"
"Yeah... He's my brother..." she said coming back with two trays of chicken nuggets and fries while Dan with their drinks.

"Aliya you didn't tell us that your brother was this good looking!" One of the girls said.
"And taken" Aliya added.
"What! No no! We aren't dating yet!" I said choking on my poor fries.
"Yet" he said smirking and passing me my drink.

Oh Cmon I need to shut up.

"Don't you hang out with too many boys?"
"It's not a bad thing, you know? I do that too"
"At least your brother knows us"
"Why didn't you say from the start that you wanted to know them! Ugh! Anyways, these are Daniel, Niki oppa, Takagi Justin Jay or just JJ, Song Daehyun, Ji Mingi, Han Jihoon, Kang Minah, Shin Jisoo, the Kim twins: Sihyun and Siyeon. We're all classmates besides Niki oppa"
"Let's start eating? Shall we Nicho?" I said to quickly change topics.

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