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Everyone started clapping their hands and cheering, when a male figure teleported in the middle of the first row in the hall. He was wearing a mask and he was hiding something under his jacket.
"Well, well, well... Nice girlfriend you got there, nephew" the man said removing his mask.
"What's with those faces everyone? Did I interrupt something?" He said smiling creepily.

"WHY ARE YOU HERE?! HOW DID YOU FIND US?!" Nicholas said shouting as his eyes got bloody red.
"Stay back, Ji"
"Missed me Yixiang? Yizhuo? Kang Soeun?" He said as he looked at aunty Kang before getting what he was hiding.
He had a balustrade and he mercilessly shot her.
"AUNTY!" Aliya shouted as she ran to her.

Everyone was frozen scared and couldn't do anything as the darts of the weapon were wooden and made to kill his own species.
"Aunty! AUNTY! DON'T LEAVE US TOO! PLEASE NO!" Aliya cried out.
"You're beautiful Aliya, just like your mom. Take care of yourself big girl ok? Listen to Jiwoo and her parents well from now on ok?" She said caressing the girl's check before closing her eyes forever.

"One gone, who's next?"
"Why are you here?!"
"Isn't it obvious, nephew?"
"Wasn't killing our parents and our brother enough for you, you fucking psycho?!"

'Stay behind Geonu hyung' Nicholas told me through telepathy and I slowly hid behind my brother, scared for what could happen.



Jiwoo went behind her brother and slowly some of the guests teleported either to search for help or just save themselves. Matthew started aiming at his nephew Nicholas when the last one teleported near him and tried to take away the balustrade with no use. The old man shot few times in vain. Soon the other young men came to help their friend.

Euijoo morphed into a wolf and started attacking his leg as Sunghoon blocked the other one by freezing it. K tried to use his super speed to get the weapon from him with no success.
"NOW!" Nicholas shouted as Jake teleported near him and took the balustrade to burn it but right in that moment Matthew aimed at Jiwoo but Nicholas took the dart instead and Jake got hit by another one.

Nicholas immediately fell on the floor while the Australian boy slowly kneeled down loosing all his strength.
"Matthew Wang! You are under arrest for the murder of your brother's family!" The Elders said as they used their power of petrifying on the said man.
On the other side three girls ran over that area.
"Nicholas! Nicho no please no! I can't lose you! Why did you do that!"
"Gege please don't! Don't leave me too!" His sister said crying.

"Nicholas, look at me. You- you're gonna be fine! You- you-"
"Ji, I love you. Please, take care of yourself and of Yizhuo for me. Don't do stupid things now that I won't be with you anymore, hm love? And you, Yizhuo make sure to listen well to her and her parents"
"Nicho don't say that! You're gonna be fine!" The girl said in tears.

"And one last thing babe, I read your mind earlier and yes, I'd love to be the one to bite you" with that small amount of strength left in him he got up a bit an bit his girlfriend's neck before finally falling down.
"Thank you so much Lee Jiwoo. I love you" with that, the boy closed his eyes forever in the girl's embrace, the girl he loved most in the whole world, who was now starting to feel the effect of the bite.

Next to them at the same time, the third girl ran to Jake who got shot on the shoulder area.
"Jake! JAEYUN! Wake up! Open those fucking eyes! Don't you dare leave me!" She said holding the boy who already had no strength.
"Sungyeon! Calm down ok? It's alright, hyung is still breathing! He's gonna be fine I promise"
"How can you be so sure, Taeyong?!" she said crying.

Their relatives and friends started gathering around.
"Jiwoo! Aliya! Sungyeon!" Daeyang called the girls.
"Are you girls hurt?" Soomin asked.
"Unnie!" The youngest went running to the older girls, in a state of shock.
"Ji? Ji! Jiwoo?! Are you ok?!"
"Geonu hyung, Nicho... He bit her before..." Jay said looking at the girl who passed out due to the effects of the bite, on her boyfriend's, now dead, body.

Geonu took his sister to the hospital by teleporting her and his parents did the same for Nicholas and his sister, while Seon took Jake and Hanbin took mrs Kang's body. Everything was a mess, most of the guests left during the fight, Aliya crying in Jiwoo's mom's embrace, Sungyeon was hugging her brother as they were both worried for their friends. The friend group still processing what happened in 7 minutes only...

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