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2 days earlier...


So today Jiwoo will finally meet my other friends. Nicholas has been crushing on her for a while now so I'm kinda of happy since also Jiwoo is interested in him but worried cuz she never had a boyfriend...


We were now at the school's parking lot waiting for Jiwoo and Heeseung.
"Hyung..." Nicho said getting my attention.
"Uhm... I w-wanted to ask you permission t-to maybe start c-courting Jiwoo..."

Oh well sooner or later he would've asked that and to be honest I trust him so why not?
But let's tease him a bit.

"Why would I? Give me some reasons"
"U-Uhm... I'm very responsible! I-I'll be a really caring boyfriend in case things turn out good... And I'm scared of you hyung?"
"You're scared of me? That's a nice sign... But still not sure..."
"Please hyung?"

"Hahaha I was joking! Sure you have my permission to court my dear little sister. However, don't go over the lines and do not hurt her!"
"Woah hyung! You're the best! And yes! I won't do anything of what you said!"
"Remember though, just because I said yes, doesn't mean she did as well. But I'll be rooting for you two" Said that, Heeseung and Jiwoo arrived.




My brother frowned and spin the bottle and it landed on...

Cliffhanger again

Jk hahaha

Nicholas (a/n: at this point, it was pretty obvious lmao)
"So Nicho, last time you chose truth, right? So it's time for a dare"
"I dare you to... Spend the rest of the day with my sister, Mr Lover boy"
"WHAT?! Why am I involved?!"
"You don't want to...?"

"Uhm- N-no I-it's not t-that!"
"Ahhh Sweet revenge. So to start off this, switch places so you two sit next to each other"
"Fine..." Then Jake and I exchanged sit and now he's the one next to Sungyeon.

At least this will help Sungyeon too hahaha

"Ahh it's too boring now"
"Let's play just dance!"
"Ohhh yes hyung!"
"What- No I don't want to, I'm not good at dancing..." I said underneath my breath.
"It's fine hahaha just move the controller, you don't have to actually dance"
"Eh... I'm too lazy hahaha"
"Then why don't we chill outside?"
"Yeah why not"


We went to their backyard where they had a nice pool and a pretty cosy area with a couch, pouffes and a swing.
"Do you want to sit by the pool?"
"I was about to ask that hahaha"
We took off our shoes and socks and sat on the border of the pool with our feet in the water.

"So... Let's get to know each other?"
"Yeah sure, ask me whatever you want"
"What are your hobbies?" "Uhm... I like singing and dancing but I'm not good at all. I'm the talentless black sheep of the family hahaha. Other than that, I used to collect vehicles figures with Geonu oppa and I like customizing clothes"

"Wow you're so artsy!"
"What about you?"
"Well... I like dancing too and my speciality is b-boying and I also try to rap. My other hobby is to stroll around with my motorcycle or skateboard and taking care of my sister"
"Oh right you said you have a sister! What's her name?"

"Her name's Aliya, I'll spare you the Chinese one since it's hard to say probably"
"Tell me your Chinese name then! Please?"
"Ok hahaha My Chinese name is Wang Yixiang"
"Wang... Ee-ssyang... Did I pronounce it correctly?"
"Close enough, cutie" He patted my head and I felt the heat rush to my cheeks.

"How is Geonu hyung as a brother?"
"Uhm... He's really caring and nice, but privacy isn't really a thing between us hahaha I love him even if he is overprotective at times. Like, he even prohibited me to follow you guys on social media hahaha... Why did you ask?"

"Oh nothing... I wanted to know if I was doing a good job as an older brother"
"I'm sure you are! Oof it's getting cold hahaha Why don't we change location?"
"Yeah sure. After all, they will come here soon for the barbecue we've planned"
We then went to the swing and sat there.
"Woah So nice here! Reminds me of my old house. You know? We used to live in this area 10 years ago"
"Yeh hyung told us"


With the comforting silence between us, I started dozing off thinking of my childhood memories and the cold breeze coming cause of the sun about to set.
"Here take my jacket"
"Oh Thanks oppa"
"Can I ask you one last thing?"
"Why not?"
"Can I court you?"
When I heard those words, I froze then chocked on air.

"A-are you ok? Do you need some wate-"
"No need, I was just... Caught off guard"
"Oh..." he said looking down.
"I'm... Ok with it... But does my brother or the others know? And knowing my broth-"

"I asked him permission to court you and he told also your parents. And among the guys, only Euijoo and Heeseung hyung know"
"What did my parents say?"
"They said that they'll meet me once I'll be your boyfriend. Obviously, if you will say yes..."

"And what about your parents?"

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