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With that he put Jungwon's arm over his shoulder and teleported. I went down stairs and saw Euijoo and Sunghoon.
"Sunghoon oppa! Ej oppa! Jungwon passed out and Nicho took him in a hospital"
"Huh? O-oh ok I know which one. Let's go I'll take you there. Sunghoon you tell the others"
"Ok I'll see you there"



"Ok I'll see you there" and the two left the house.

Where is Sunoo?!
And where are the others?

After trying to reach out someone through telepathy, Sunoo rushed to me as well as Geonu, Jimin, Seon and Hanbin.
"What happened?!"
"I'm glad that you all didn't get drunk. Jungwon fainted so Nicholas, Jiwoo and Euijoo took him to the hospital, we have to make everyone leave the party and bring the kids in their dorms"

"T-this is all my fault! Wonie shouldn't have been here! I knew his condition better than anyone! I- I have to go to him hyung!"
"Sunoo. Sunoo! Calm down! I'm sure he's ok. It's not your fault, ok? Now let's get this done so we can go to him" Jimin hyung said calming him down.


It took us less than expected, now we're getting our friends to their dorm.

Oh my-
Why is Jake so clingy to my sister!
Ugh Tomorrow I'll beat his ass up!

"Ok, who's the less drunk of y'all?" Geonu asked.
"Me, Yeongue and Junil" Inhong said.
"Me!" Heeseung shouted.
"Yeah sure and I'm the queen of England"
"Oh my gosh! Echan! Why did you hide it from us?!" He said bowing, well more like he fell on the floor in the middle of doing it.

"I'll go to K hyung to get something to make them sober" Hanbin hyung said pointing at Heeseung hyung, Jay and Jake.
"Ok. Echan, Yeonkyu and your roommates will go together. I will take Junil, Sungyeon, Taeyong and Kyungmin to their dorm and Jimin and Sunoo, you guys can go to the hospital" I explained.
"So you're leaving me with these 3" Geonu said.
"Until I come back" Hanbin added.



Euijoo teleported us into the hospital where Nicholas took Jungwon.
"Nicho oppa!"
"How is he, dad?" Ej asked his father.
"Well... He's ok for now but he's condition got worse and I need to talk with his parents" Mr Byun said going out of the room.
After a few minutes a couple teleported in the room with worried expressions.

I guess they're his parents...

"Oh my! My baby" his mom.
"Mr Byun, is he ok now?"
"Yes but as I said during the call, his condition got way worse and we might lose him in a few hours"
"And there's nothing you can do?!"
"Operating him now would be a great risk and he wouldn't make it"

What?! No!

"But there is an option that can save him..."
"But- He's not the right age yet! What if the elders find out!"
"But our child is gonna die!" The couple argued.
"D-dad what are you talking about" Euijoo asked to his father.
"I'm saying that if he gets bitten now, he will be able to survive"
"If it's the only way to save him, ok, let's do it" Jungwon's dad said.

In that exact moment a bunch of boys teleported in the room.
"Oppa! I'm scared for Jungwon" I said hugging my brother scared for my friend's life.
"Don't worry sweetie, we won't let our only child die" Jungwon's mom said with teary eyes, scared as well, of the elders and of losing her beloved son.

"I'm so sorry auntie and uncle! This is all my fault! I shouldn't have invited him to my party"
"Don't be Sunoo, I know that your intentions were good and you wanted him to have fun like a normal teen" Mrs Yang said.
"Can you kids please leave the room for a while?"
"Yes sir" we all said and left the room.


I haven't analyzed who arrived right now, so I scanned the group of boys. My brother, Heeseung, the 02z, Echan, Jimin, Sunoo and Hanbin. They were all silent and looking guilty.
"W-what happens if someone gets bitten earlier?..."
"If elders find out, they would punish the family but I don't know how"
"But this is an emergency, I guess"

"Yeah, the elders won't let such an important dynasty die like this"
"So, nothing bad will happen to the Yangs right?"
"I hope"
"We should go home now..."
"No!" Sunoo and I screamed at the same time.
"We want to make sure that he is alright" he added.
"Jjyu, it's already 2 am. You should rest..." Geonu said.
"You're not like us yet, you need to sleep" Heeseung added.
"You too Sunoo"
"Yeah, you just turned like us. Your body isn't completely used to it"

"But Jungwon is our friend! And he's in danger!"
"But his parents are here too, I'm sure they will take care of him"
"Ok then, let's do this. Now you two go to rest at your dorms while we take turns here and in case anything happens we will get you. In case nothing bad happens, y'all come here tomorrow morning. Ok?" Jay suggested.

"Fine. But if y'all dare to not wake me up if anything happens I'll slice your necks hyungs" Sunoo threatened the older boys.
"Cmon Jjyu, I'll take you to your dorm"
"Let's go too Sunoo" I then said bye to the boys and held my brother's hand as he teleported us to my room.

Forever Last [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now