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It was bound to happen sooner or later... 'What?' Y'all might be asking... Well, having some bratty girls obsessed with my brother and our friends to bully me and Sungyeon.


After 2 weeks or so, this girl named Jung Dawon and her stupid minions started barging in our classroom and try to attack me for hanging out with Nicholas oppa almost everyday, but me and the guys would ignore her antics and just mind our business. She's all talk and no action so we're chill.

On the other hand, Sungyeon's bully is a bit more straightforward. Ahn Seyeol and her 'gang' try to attack her when it's just her and I or when we're with Yeonkyu. Yes, we don't leave her alone cuz this bish already picked a fight with her in the bathroom the first week of school. For some reason this bitch won't understand that Jay is her cousin and that Sunghoon is her brother.

Also the first year boys got their own fangirls during this short period. In particular Haruto, Jeongwoo, Jungwon and Kio. Kio's fangirl are honestly the chillest, but Haruto's ones? Heck no. Sungyeon and I can't even dare to be seen with only him or some of his bitches would glare at us like there was no tomorrow.

Wtf is wrong with the girls in this school jeez


What about fanboys? We have some. They're all scared of our brothers but still try to give us small gifts like snacks or notes. Sungyeon eats them and throws away the notes, while I'd give mine to Kyungmin or Junil and throw as well the notes. There was this time that this dude tried to drag me out of the class, what was his name? Jung Minhyun? I don't even remember.


Few weeks ago

Normal morning routine: going to school with the first-year squad, receiving stares from our friends' fangirls, going to class and having our classes. It was our free period after lunch. Sungyeon and I were eating some snacks that someone left on our desks during break, sharing them with the boys.

"This is the only pro of having admirers"
"I know right! But it's getting annoying hahaha All these notes ugh"
"Well I'm happy cuz I can benefit off your admirers' gifts" Kyungmin said taking another pack of chips on my desk.
"Agreed" Junil said sharing the snack Kyungmin stole from me.

"How can you two eat so much? That's like your third bag of chips and we just ate lunch" Jungwon asked the two boys.
"Let them suffer. It's them who's gonna have a stomachache later, not us" Taeyong said.
"You're right"

"This might be a private school, expensive and all. But the food is not that good. Only the first day we had decent food" Junil answered back to Jungwon.
"Yeah, Junie is right on this one" Sungie said nodding.
"Missing chicken nuggets hours op-" I was cut off when a hand took my arm making me stand up and the person started to drag me out of the class.

"Yah! What are you doing?! Who the fuck are you?! Stop! You're hurting me!"
"I'm Jung Minhyun and now you're my girlfriend"
"Take your hand off of her!"
"You're hurting her dude!"
Taeyong slapped his hand off my arm and Jungwon dragged me back to Sungyeon, Kyungmin and Junil.

"You don't understand! I love her! I've always loved her!"
"Dude what the fuck you're talking about?! We met- Not even met! YOU dragged ME out of my classroom like 2 minutes ago?! And I've never seen your face before?!"
"But I love you! You have to be my girlfriend! You even ate my snack for you!"

"Stop it you little shit!"
We all turned to see who's voice and it was Heeseung.
"Stop. Bothering. My. Cousin. Right. Now." He said grabbing the boy's collar.

Shit- his eyes are turning red.

"HEESEUNG OPPA CALM DOWN NOW! I'm ok! See?" I said pointing subtly to his eyes and making some gestures.
Yeah, we made some code gestures to be more subtle in case of emergencies like these. Yes, there are many vampires or soon-to-be-one in this school but the majority are humans and we can't let them know.

"I swear! If you dare to hurt my cousin again I'll snap off your neck"
Then my brother and Jay came as well.
"Hyung?! What happened?"
"That dude basically tried to kidnap Jiwoo!" Jungwon explained.
"He did what?!"
I said separating the group from this weirdo here.

"You. Minion psycho. Now go away before I sue you for harassment. And YOU guys need to chill ok?" I glared at everyone pointing their eyes and doing the same gesture as before "You know what? You're a slut! And all of you are psychos! What was I even thinking? Dating a loser's sister that can't even pronounce my name tsk" he said walking away all pissed.

"What the fuck is wrong with this school jeez" I said rolling my eyes "Hyungs, she's fine. That dude left. She has her friends. We can all go back to class now" Jay said calming everyone "Yeah I'm fine. Now, shoo shoo nugget, Bambi and angry bird" With that I linked arms with Sungyeon and the 4 boys followed us back in class ignoring all the stares from our annoying classmates.

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