Chapter 3: The Thunderbolt

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Y/n: What?!

Anzu shrugged her shoulders and swivelled in her chair for a moment before standing up and reaching for a stack of papers that lay dejected on the desk.

Anzu: In your transition papers we specified that you weren't obligated to fly, so you won't. We don't see why you should anyway, our pilots are more capable than you.

Y/n: Well how do you know that? Haven't you seen me ever fly? I'm one of the best that was on the market, even Anzio and Saunders wanted me at their school, surely that means something?!

Momo: No, no it doesn't. You're a liability and we can't have that in the match tomorrow.

Y/n: You have to be joking. Those girls couldn't even pull off a clean Immelman turn yet they're better than me automatically? Why? WHY?!

The room fell silent at my sudden outburst as I composed myself, taking deep breaths in.

Anzu: It's because....

Y/n: It's because they're girls isn't it? Unbelievable. I may aswell transfer to Saunders or Anzio because of this!

Anzu chuckled momentarily and sat back down, relaxing in the comfortable leather.

Anzu: But you can't.

Y/n: What do you mean I can't?

Anzu: I mean, you can't. The transition papers bind you here until University level. But I don't think any university team would pick you up if I'm being honest. Let alone the All stars. For now, your only job is to train our pilots to become better, although I doubt you could teach them more than they already know. Now then, I have paperwork to fill out, Momo chan, would you show him the door?

Momo: Don't call me that!

Momo escorted me out of the office and slammed the door shut, locking it with a heavy key before turning back to the desk at which Anzu had her head buried in paperwork.

Y/n: I am fucking pissed.

And I was. My chance at flying against elite schools was crushed. All I could do now was train these girls, and watch them. That's it. Oh and attend classes but what after? Just be a meager coach until I leave? I guess that's the only choice I have. I need to focus on the pilots now, not my own issues.

Coming towards my apartment, I saw that the door was slightly ajar.

Y/n: Oh no.

Pushing it open with a light force, the floorboards creeked under the pressure of my boots and the lights flickered on.

Y/n: Who's there? Show yourself!

The intruder rose out of the kitchen and into the light, letting me comprehend their features. They were a bit shorter than me, straight ginger hair and wearing the uniform.

Y/n: Who the hell are you?

Saori: Oh, I'm Saori. I came over to see you about something but you weren't here so I....let myself in.

Y/n: And what is it you wanted to see me about?

Saori: Well I'm team Anglerfish's radio operator, so I need to discuss plans for the upcoming battle tomorrow.

I paused and rested on the couch, rubbing my temples delicately as to not start a headache.

Y/n: Well unfortunately, I'm not flying so you'll have to discuss them with the other pilots. Goodnight.

I gently pushed her out the door and closed it, locking it tight and double checking the handle. Clambering as slow as a turtle into bed I drifted into sleep, not bothering to change......

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