Chapter 8: Birds In The Clouds

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The girls broke from our formation, two darting down for the forest and two off to the right, circling round the American fighters. I was the only one who stuck to their course, charging at the fighters head on. Nervously gripping the joystick, I Pointed my nose upwards and engaged the Mig's afterburner. The engine roared ferociously and I shot upwards, noticing three bogeys tailing me.

Y/n: Jäger to Maya, you need any help?

Maya: Yes please, there's two fighters Six o'clock of us. Both are F-35 Lightnings.

Y/n: Solid copy Maya, I need you to to split left and right when I say and engage the fighters tailing me. Understood?

Elizabeth: Understood Y/n. Just say when.

I kept barreling upwards, seeing the occasional spray of bullets whiz by my cockpit and dash even further towards the sky than myself. Still the Americans gave chase, erratically firing their weapons until abruptly stopping.

Y/n: Got them. BREAK NOW!

I dove instantly and made a beeline for the two tailing Lightnings. They didnt have time to register the makeover of Elizabeth and Maya so chose to instead fly back and regroup with the tanks. Big mistake. I lined up my crosshairs with one and fired a short but sweet burst of lead, seeing them strike the cockpit and disable the controls of one F-35. It spiralled down and the pilot ejected, slowly descending to the ground where she was picked up and carried to the viewing area. The other Lightning pilot panicked at seeing her friends plane be sliced easier than a hit knife to butter so attempted to fell by performing a rugged Immelman turn. It was too bad that I had predicted this and fired another short burst, hitting her right wing and the plane began to spiral also. The cockpit burst open and the pilot was flung from the plane, she could only watch as the doomed F-35 sank to the ground, blowing up on impact and releasing a small yet glorious mushroom cloud of smoke and tall flames.

Y/n: Splash on both bandits, how are you doing Maya?

Maya: I'm fine, we took out two of the Lightnings tailing you however the third shot down Elizabeth. I think that was their ace pilot, Elsa who shot her down.

Y/n: Noted. Where are you?

Maya: I'm tailing her jet now, trying to get a shot but she keeps evading me.

I was sceptical of the situation, clearly denoted by my furrowed brow and narrowed eyes. Something didn't seem right.

Y/n: Which direction are you headed Maya?

Maya: South, I'm nearing their base actually.

Y/n: Their base?

Pondering over what could happen, I finally realised what Elsa planned for Maya. She would lead her to their airfield and have two jets shoot her down once she lost Maya.

Y/n: Maya! Pull off right now, it's a tr-

I was cut off by the sound of an impact, distinctly a rocket hitting her jet. Over the horizon the sun shone bright, almost trying to suppress the flaming inferno that had engulfed her fighter. Fortunately she ejected in time and drifted down to the field below, whimpering slightly as her jet crashed onto a nearby street. The jet's carcass had managed to take out one of the Saunders tanks! As I glanced over to the street, I noticed a white floating object tied by a thick rope near the forest as it stuck out like a sore thumb. The zeppelin-like airship towered over the tanks, but I could clearly see it from up above. Whatever it was, it couldn't be good.

Y/n: Wait, is that a comm interceptor? If it is, then that would explain why Elizabeth was pounced on by Elsa so quickly. And this should be backed up if the A-10 is taken out.

Jamie: Y/n! The A-10 was taken out and I'm being chased by four fighters!

Y/n: Fucks sake, surely this can't be legal. I'm coming Jamie, hold on tight!

Once again using my afterburner to catch up, I adjusted my frequency to match Miho's and began speaking.

Y/n: Hey Miho, I need you to look up.

Miho: Why's that?

Y/n: Just do it for me.

I concluded from the sound of the tank hatch opening and a gasp from her, she had indeed viewed the zeppelin flying above.

Miho: It's a comm tapper. Luckily our comms is safe since it's between just us but our wider radio is compromised.

Y/n: So I'll shoot it down.

Miho: Not yet, we can use it to our advantage. Just take out as many of them as possible and take it out after. Understood?

Y/n: Copy that, I'll commence radio silence incase the comms are breached, as should you.

Once again the cockpit was filled with silence, save for the roaring engine. The overcast clouds lay gently on the horizon, like soft and fluffy cotton candy freshly made from the local carnival. While daydreaming, I spotted Jamie being hunted by the four fighters and readied my missiles, locking onto the back Lightning.

Y/n: Firing.

The missile burst to life and rushed after the tailing fighter, striking the left wing and forcing the pilot from the cockpit. Luckily for me, the now detached wing struck another F-35 and tire through the engine, sending the plane into a dive to which the pilot had to abandon. I tailed another F-35 and fired yet another burst, ripping the fighter to shreds. All that remained was Elsa, as the rest of the fighters had been taken out by our tanks AA shells.

Y/n: Jamie, I have a plan. You see that zeppelin over there?

Jamie glanced over and spotted it, reporting back to me after a second.

Jamie: I do, why?

Y/n: I want you to turn around and head straight towards it, once within two hundred metres fire your guns at it and evade the explosion. I'll come in and sweep Elsa as she tries to either escape or follow.

Jamie: Okay, you're the boss.

As I aligned myself with that zeppelin and proceeded towards it, opposite Jamie barrelled through the air. With her nose pointed to the zeppelin she fired, destroying it and sending flames spurting everywhere. I followed up and shot straight through the flames, aiming my sight straight at Elsa.

Y/n: Unlucky Elsa.

With a last burst of bullets her jet went crashing down, her escaping soon before it crashed and glaring at me as I flew over the crash site.

Miho p.o.v

I saw the last Saunders fighter go down in flames and Y/n barrel past the flaming carcass, it was almost out of an action movie. But that didn't matter, as the firefly was on our tail and we needed to get the flag tank. However, I had yet another idea.

Miho: Y/n, I require you for one more mission.

Y/n: Go on.

Miho: We're taking a shot at the flag tank from the hill, but Saunder's Firefly is gaining on us and about to take our tank out. Could you fire a missile at the firefly?

Y/n: I'm sure I could. Just make sure to not be too close as shrapnel could take you out.

Miho: Copy that Y/n.

Y/n p.o.v

I raced towards Miho's location and spotted the lone Firefly, carefully lining up the shot with precision. I readied the missile and smashed down the button, watching it soar through the sky and hit the tank. The sudden rupture caused the tank to miss and allow Miho to fire at Saunder's flag tank. The AT shell struck the side of the flag tank and knocked it out, securing the win for Ooarai.

Announcer: And Ooarai wins round one! Congratulations to our winners today......

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