Chapter 16: Storm Of Steel Part II

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After taking Elizabeth down, my Harrier shot off to aid Miho who was currently being bombarded by several tanks below.

Y/n: Miho this is Y/n, we've got a confirmed splash on the Warthog. I repeat, a confirmed splash on the Warthog.

Miho cheered and requested my help, to which I responded by shooting down a German fighter that was headed towards Miho.

Miho: Y/n, do you hear that sound?

It sounded like Jericho trumpets, but that couldn't be right. They were only attached to-


Sure enough a squadron of Stukas were fast approaching, their sirens wailing with the wind as they descended from high altitude. Their yellow canopies and green wings made for a standout appearance as they burst through the clouds, making a beeline for the Ooarai tanks currently bombarding the Kurimorimine tanks.

Y/n: I'll take care of them, don't worry.

I activated VTOL mode and hovered above the Ooarai tanks, ready to shoot any plane that moved. They came in formation and refused to split, causing me to fire a short burst of bullets. This ended with two Stukas spiralling towards the ground and their pilots bailing early. Unfortunately there were still three that remained and managed to let their bombs fly, taking out one of the Ooarai tanks.

Y/n: Damnit! Miho I'll chase them away, you focus on a partial retreat and heading across that river.

Miho: Understood, good luck Y/n.

Focusing my attention on the fleeing planes, I charged headfirst at their formation, quickly catching up and firing off a rocket. It sliced away at the air and took out one of the Stukas, leaving two left. I failed to notice the Mig slowly creeping up behind me, ready to fire off a rocket.

Y/n: Gonna have to pull the flare move off.

The rocket fired off and I deployed two flares, one of them landing on the wing of a Stuka. The missile effortlessly destroyed the plane and the pilot glumly escaped, watching her plane burst into flames infront of her. The Mig rose up and tried to pull away, but I was one step ahead of it. My Immelman turn was perfect, enabling me to perfectly line up ny crosshairs and rip through the Mig, watching charcoal coloured smoke sputter from the Mig's engine. Jamie ejected and deployed her parachute, glaring like Elizabeth as I peeled off to support Miho.

Y/n: Two traitors down, one to go. I'm coming for you Stacy, and you will feel my wrath.

After looking down at the lake for a period of time, I soon spotted the Ooarai tanks pulling out another tank that had an unfortunate engine failure and were now heading to the city.

Y/n: Miho, you good down there? The city is masking your movement so I can't pinpoint where you guys are.

Miho: We're fine here, just chasing a Kurimorimine tank. It looks like it's the only tank her- THERE'S A MAUS!

Y/n: Fuck off.

Miho started to hyper ventilate as I spotted the tanks scampering away, several shots being exchanged between the sides as the Maus rolled through the streets. Thanks to the Maus only 5 Ooarai tanks remained, and only I patrolled the skies. The tanks retreated speedily, ducking and weaving between the streets to avoid direct confrontation with the Maus as I sped up towards Stacy.

Y/n: Commander you're on your own from now, I've got a mission to complete.

Miho: Understood Y/n, we'll take it from here!

I silenced the comms for the final time and confronted Stacy, sending two rockets her way. She rolled to the side and deployed a series of flares, sending both rockets scrambling away from her jet. This repeated several times, with me raining down bullets and her dodging. It became quite the annoying sight, like a pissed off guy trying to swat a fly. Soon enough the remaining Stuka showed up and began to assault me, forcing a temporary retreat on my part. They seemed to now fly in formation and spearhead their way towards my Harrier.

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