Chapter 17: Das Finale

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???: Hello again Y/n...

The campfire crackled wildly in the dead of night, licking up oxygen as the heat only continued to grow. Stale air wafted through the camp, eventually being calmed by a feint yet pleasant draft of wind that cooled me down. I slightly shook as the wind hit my skin, feeling a cold shiver run through my body as I uncomfortably shifted side to side on the gravel path. With the wind now emitting a feint howl sending grass waving towards the East and tree branches being pulled along with the draft it was almost like the sky was trying to pull me away from my place, to force me to move. But my body stayed frozen, as if locked to the ground like a chilled ice statue in the Arctic. Fortunately the girl stood infront of me seemed not to be affected and motioned for me to join her on one of the logs we had set up around the campfire.

Finally, the cold seemed to die down and I could freely move again, deciding to follow her to one of the logs and settle down. I simply glossed over the tree line as she grabbed two cups, setting one down next to me while sipping on her own. The smell of hot chocolate now assaulted my nose, but in a pleasant and charming manner. It's scent lingered in the air for a while, almost like it was tempting me to take just a small sip. So I did.

Y/n: Wow, this tastes amazing. Is yours the same drink as mine?

???: It is, I wouldn't want to waste a good batch of chocolate in favour of another drink. They say warm drinks quench one's thirst better than cold drinks, and I can't argue with science.

Y/n: Still, it's uncharacteristic of you to be drinking hot chocolate. I took you more for a Darjeeling type of person.

Darjeeling smirked slightly and rested her cup not on a saucer, but placed it next to her. I didn't pay much attention to the action however and sipped on my drink, savouring the velvety smooth texture and its Luke-warm temperature. Truly a perfect drink.

Darjeeling: I wanted to congratulate you on your win today, even if you were taken out.

Y/n: Thankyou Darj, it means a lot that you did. Especially at this time of night.

My mouth closed again and I simply stared up above, watching some of the stars shine brightly on the two of us. But they weren't the brightest stars that I saw. Not when Darjeeling was there, sitting comfortably next to me. Instead of her usual tankery uniform, she had a plain red jumper on, accompanied by jeans that hugged her tightly at the ankles. Her hair was still tied into a bun, but who was I to complain? She was still Darjeeling, just even more beautiful than before.

Darjeeling: The moon is beautiful, isn't it?

I smiled broadly and turned to face her, our eyes meeting in the middle. It was like electricity could be seen hopping through one pupil to the other, coursing through my body and hopping right out again.

Y/n: It sure is, but not as beautiful as my world.

Darjeeling was puzzled at my response, clearly shown by her furrowed brow and slightly tilted head. Her cute expression caused me to chuckle and stare even deeper into her eyes, appreciating the pale cyan eyes that stared back. She also grinned and a small blush soon followed, covering her face in a cherey blossom pink colour.

Darjeeling: What is your world then?

Y/n: You.

Her eyes were now wide as ever and her blush deepened, soon followed by her turning away in embarrassment. I smoothly draped my arm around her shoulders and pulled myself closer, staring into the dirt just like her.

Y/n: You are my world Darjeeling, and I couldn't be happier to be with my world right now. I love you...

She didn't respond for a while, still staring at the wafting weeds as I bit my lip in embarrassment. I'd just confessed to her and wasn't getting a response, which made me even more uncomfortable. The situation couldn't get more awkward, so I sighed in defeat and shut my eyes slowly, moving to get up and head back to my tent. But Darjeeling grabbed my hand tight, not allowing me to leave just yet. Turning to face her, I saw a rogue tear fall from her right eye. I gently wiped it away and tried to head back, but she just held on tighter.

Y/n: Darjeeling, why are you crying? I'm sorry if I made you upset, I just...

I choked on my own words and stopped talking altogether, pondering what I did wrong to make her so upset. She squeezed my hand which made me look up, now gazing at her cheery face once again.

Darjeeling: I'm not sad, I'm very happy, overjoyed even! I... I love you too.

Relief washed over me now, replacing any other emotion that was putting me down before as I hugged her close, letting the tears that I had let build up finally pour out. Nothing mattered to me more now than her, and I wouldn't have it any other way. We held eachother for close to ten minutes before I finally broke the hug and tilted her chin up slightly.

Y/n: May I... kiss you?

Darjeeling instead of answering lunged in and met my lips, grabbing my shirt tight as I stood in shock. Soon enough I relaxed and melted into the kiss, wrapping my arms around her waist and holding her close. After breaking for air I rested my forehead on hers and we stood there, enjoying the moment for what it was. As the fire died down, the crackling that filled our ears died with it, now coating the surroundings in an eerie yet calming darkness. All that could be heard was the distant sound of crickets and birds, along with our gentle breaths.

Darjeeling: Y/n.

Y/n: Yes?

Darjeeling: Will you stay with me forever?

Instead of answering, I pecked her lips again and saw her smile, reassuring me of my answer.

Y/n: Of course I will. I can die happy now.

Darjeeling: Who said you could die yet? We still have our wedding to plan for.

Y/n: Oh no.

We both chuckled and just held eachother tight for the rest of the night, soon falling asleep on the same log where our love blossomed, like a cherry tree in the spring.........

BOOOOOOOOOOOM! Ladies and gentlemen, the finale of this book has been delivered to you! I just wanted to thank each and every one of you for offering your support by reading this book, it seriously means the world that people enjoy what I create. I thank you all once again and, for the last time in this book. I'll see you soon dear readers, goodbye!

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