Chapter 14: Pravda's Downfall

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Well, I guess this is it. Ooarai is doomed to fail, and Miho couldn't give two fucks. All she cares about is charging head first into battle and getting lucky. Thank god I got here before she decided to perform another reckless tactic.

Y/n: Cause now, I'm the one being reckless.

Katyusha: You say something?

Y/n: Hmm? No, just thinking about things.

Nonna: Are you thinking about your loss to us?

Y/n: Not necessarily, just planning for the future I guess.

I clapped my hands and rubbed them together, desperately trying to warm them up as the fire slowly died down. This left us in near darkness as Klara attempted to light it again. I checked my watch for the time and realised it was near dawn, the time of our 'surrender'.

Y/n: I'll be taking my leave now girls, it's almost time for our surrender. Thankyou for a great match, it was an honour to battle against you.

I left the group swiftly and ran to the battered church that housed Ooarai's tanks, seeing a demoralised team along with a sullen Miho.

Y/n: Hey, Miho!

She looked up and saw me calling her name, prompting her to wander over yet remain silent as a mouse.

Y/n: You're the commander right? Get your crew's morale up or else they will refuse to fight.

Miho: I thought we were surrendering.

Her spiteful tone made me wince slightly, before I told her to follow me. We arrived at my B2 and she waited outside while I clambered in, searching for our last hope.

Y/n: There you are. God you're heavy!

Miho: Who are you talking to?

Y/n: My panzershreck of course! Feast your eyes on victory Miho.

Miho stared at the antique bazooka before berating me about the rules.

Miho: You know you can't use that right?!

Y/n: Why not? What rule says I can't?

Miho: Rule 43 section C. All tank crews must operate in their vehicle and their vehicle only. No outside weaponry is to be used other than their tank.

Y/n: Let me bring your attention to a specific line there. All tank crews. I'm a pilot Miho, this technically doesn't apply to me.

Her eyes widened and glossed over the bazooka again, the snow slightly building up on the barrel before I dusted it off.

Miho: So you're saying.....

Y/n: I am. There will be no surrender, only advancement. It's time Miho, assemble your crews and inform them of the plan, then quietly move out and head south west to sector B2. I'll meet you there after taking out a few of their tanks.

Miho: But won't they shoot you?

Y/n: They can't. Rule 1 Section A states that tanks may only engage enemies in their vehicles and not enemies outside of their vehicles. So they can't shoot me. And if they do we win automatically so they're pinned.

Miho stood still as a statue for a while before taking off her glove.

Y/n: I'd put your glove back on, you know how cold it ca- OW!

She had slapped me! I was about to hit her back when she hugged me tight, refusing to let go. Eventually I gave In and embraced her, gently rubbing her back in a comforting manner.

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