Chapter 13: Blitzkrieg

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Operation Blitzkrieg is what we called it. To rush the Pravda forces and take as many out before retreating safely and digging in. The snow quickly enveloped the once lusciously lime green grass, making it a haven for Arctic-dwelling creatures to take shelter. Camoflauged snow foxes and bright white rabbits each roamed the snowy caps, searching for berries and prey alike while the tankery team of Ooarai messed around throwing snowballs at eachother. That was until Katyusha and Nonna strolled over.

Katyusha: Anzu, nice to meet you.

Anzu: And you too miss Katyusha.

Anzu bent down to shake her hand, to which Katyusha recoiled and called Nonna over. Nonna bent down and hoisted Katyusha onto her shoulders, letting her figuratively tower over us.

Katyusha: All of you are below me in weapons, power and height!

I wandered over and simply picked Anzu up, resting her on my own shoulders and staring Nonna in the eye. She glanced away and Katyusha gave an annoyed growl before jumping down from Nonna and strolling towards me. I followed suit with Anzu and met her in the middle, giving her a piercing stare as did she.

Katyusha: You're brave to challenge me.

Y/n: And you're a fool to challenge me. Say goodbye to your precious trophy, I'm sure it'll sit nicely with my other silverware once we win.

Katyusha huffed in annoyance and stormed off, Nonna following her but not before saying goodbye to the group of us. We awkwardly stared at them as they were cloaked by the snow, fading into the blacked out distance. I turned around and walked back to the B2, checking the wings and controls to make sure everything was in tip top shape. Soon the familiar roar of Ooarai engines filled the stale air and I cheered them on, watching as they charged headfirst into the bleak abyss.

Turning to face my teammates, I saw them huddled around a small fire they managed to start in an empty oil barrel. Sauntering over quickly, I reunited with them and shared the warmth given off, savouring every flame that reached out to lick my skin.

Y/n: You guys ready for this?

Jamie: Of course, we'll keep them off your back and you just bomb the shit out em!

Y/n: Language missy, we don't fucking swear here.

Elizabeth: But you jus-

Y/n: No more questions! I'm sure I just saw a russian white flag pop up just now, let's get going Sky Hawks!

We gave a hearty cheer and sprinted to our planes, them closing their cockpit's and taking off while I closed the retractable door and fired up the engines. They hummed like a songbird and rattled like a woodpecker as I gripped the joystick and began to take off, listening to the sweet sound of gunfire and AT shells whizzing by our base. Successfully taking off wasn't a problem, but spotting friendly and enemy forces was. Luckily Pravda hadn't camoflauged well enough and their creme camo tanks were easily spotted as I soared above the clouds, seeing whisps of precipitation zoom past my windows. I armed two bombs and prepared to drop them, alerting Miho as to what I was doing.

Y/n: Commander Miho, I've fired up two bombs to drop on two T-34's. Permission to drop?

Miho: Permission granted Jäger, fire away.

I grinned like a madman as I heard the bomb-bay doors open slowly and release the two bombs, seconds later seeing plumes of smoke mixed with snow as flags popped out from the tanks.

Y/n: Good, they have no idea what hit em. Miho keep pushing forward but with caution as they're guarding their flag tank ferociously.

Miho: Copy that Jäger, see anything else?

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