Chapter 1: Executive Decision

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Tankery. A sport older than myself, that featured in every respectable school's curriculum. Age old machines and new models competed in a clash of steel to come out on top, and a spectacle to witness it was. The way they glided on the snowy caps of Russia and surfed the thick mud of Britain was a sight to see, not to mention the excitement of seeing a tank burst into flames and the little white flag pop up. It was a traditional sport that valued tradition over everything. However, today would be the end of that. The board was holding a meeting as to whether aviation should be added into the mix, and I was selected to represent the world of flight. Granted the meeting was over in Germany and I was quietly putting together my speech in England but it wouldn't matter, I could make it in time.

Guard: You almost done L/n?

I looked up and saw a guard standing in the doorway, an impatient expression plastered on his otherwise stoic face.

Y/n: Just adding a few finishing touches and I'll be ready. Let's hope we can get our birds in the sky and our bullets in their tanks.

Guard: I can only hope to fly again, but my time is up unfortunately. However, I can trust you to do a good enough job that denying our proposal would be almost heresy in the Sensha-Do world. Just a shame that it's only girls.

Y/n: Isn't it. I'm sure I can get them to let jets fly but not lads doing the piloting. That seems almost impossible, but what isn't possible when soaring through the sky blue sea that is the sky?

His hard eyes softened and lips formed a small smirk, brows lifting slightly in discrete joy. Obviously he was trained to not show emotion, but who can't at such a thought of pouring bullets into a slow moving tank? And it's now my job to make sure pilots get that chance.

Y/n: And we are done! Saved to my USB and ready for presenting.

Guard: So who is it presenting then? The General?

Y/n: Me.

His eyes widened in suprise and confusion could almost be written on his brow for how clear his emotion was.

Guard: You? Why you?

Y/n: You have got to be joking, right? Not to toot my own horn but I'm arguably one of the best pilots to fly right now, excluding a select few from Germany and other superpowers. Them I probably couldn't beat. But for now, I'm the best shot you've got. So bear with me, please?

I shot him a glance and he nodded his head, the all too familiar stoic face returning as he led me out to the deck. There was the General, clad in navy blue and cyan garments topped off with a shiny cap that housed embroideries of all sorts.

Y/n: General.

I gave a salute with my hand upon my head.

General: At ease. I take it that you've finished the presentation?

Y/n: That I have sir, I'm on my way to the base in Germany right now.

General: And I take it you'll be taking the Eurofighter then?

I gave a small smile to which he waved me off, returning to below deck to finish some paperwork. The waves crashed against the bow of the aircraft carrier as the Typhoon was brought out, shining in the hazy sunlight.

Y/n: Here we are, you ready mate?!

Guard: Ready as I'll ever be and the name's Eric.

Y/n: Well it's good to have you with me Eric. I hope you're not queasy cause we have to hurry along to Munich.

Eric: Righto.

After running all of the necessary checks, we set off, catapulting gracefully like a seagull escaping the angry tourist it had just stole a chip from. As the landing gear retracted, we banked left and shot away, speeding our way to the Fatherland, or whatever they call it nowadays.........

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