♡︎ Park Jisung [NCT] | Mini

7.5K 98 17

Word count: 567
Hello everyone! I just wanted to thank you so much for allowing me to reach 1k reads — that's honestly incredible — I'm truly mind blown. I just wanted to write and get my stories out there: even if no one liked them, I was just happy to be doing what I loved. If it wasn't for my persistent ass friend, I probably wouldn't have posted my first story; so I owe a lot of this to her.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this wholesome Jisung fluff as a milestone!


"Ahhh! Jisung, stop it! That tickles!" I giggled as Jisung continued kissing my stomach. I pushed his shoulders, trying to get him off of me but it didn't work, he was too strong. "Jisung!! Seriously, I'm going to pee!" I heaved, laughing uncontrollably at this point. "Fine," He chuckled, sitting up and pecking my lips. "My god Sung, I said stop.." I pouted, kissing him back. "I'm sorry baby!" He whined in return, hugging me.
"You're getting really big, Y/n. When is she supposed to come?" Jisung asked, pulling out of the hug and beginning to rub my stomach. "You were at the doctors office with me, Sungie!" I giggled, resting my hand on his. "She's supposed to be here in two weeks." I finished, smiling at my stomach. "That's too long!" He pouted, rubbing my thigh as he gave me puppy eyes. "We've waited eight months, love, we can wait two more weeks." I said reassuringly before getting up, Jisung immediately copying my actions so he could help me if necessary.

I laughed, "I'm not helpless," I whined, holding the wall for support. "Mhm, okay." He mocked, grabbing my waist with one hand, my hand with the other; helping me to the bathroom.

*~time skip~*

I woke up to loud whining coming from beside the bed. I was scared at first, until I realized it was Jin-Ae.

• —————— •

Having a daughter hadn't quite set in fully, and Jisung and I were still trying to get used to the 'late nights, early mornings' that came with her. Even though it was hard, we got through it; as a family.

• —————— •

"Y/n-ah, don't worry about her, I'll get it. You need to go back to sleep.." Jisung whispered, rubbing his eyes and yawning as he crawled out of bed, picking Jin-Ae up and rocking her softly. "No, we're a team.." I mumbled, sleepily walking to the kitchen to get her bottle.
After making it and returning to the room, I saw Jisung cuddling her to his chest; both of them fast asleep. She was most definitely gonna be a daddy's girl.

"Aish. My babies... what am I gonna do with you?" I smiled, turning the bedroom light off and sitting Jin-Ae's bottle on our night stand; cuddling up next to them, placing my head against Jin-Ae's shoulder and laying my hand on Jisung's waist. I felt him pull me closer, gently rubbing my side. "I love you Y/n. You did well, she's beautiful.." He whispered, slowly opening his eyes and looking at me. "We did well. I couldn't have done it without you; literally." I pouted, laughing quietly so I wouldn't wake our daughter. Jisung softly smacked my arm before smiling as well, kissing me before resting his chin on my head; both of us soon falling asleep with Jin-Ae.

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