✔︎♡ shotaro osaki | mrs. osaki

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Word count: 1,549
Dom: Shotaro
Sub: Y/n


"where are we going? we've been driving forever!" i pouted to my fiancée, shotaro, upset that he hadn't told me where we were going or what we were doing yet. he gently squeezed the inside of my thigh, knowing it was a weakness of mine, "you'll see when we arrive. and i promise, it'll be worth it." hey said, quickly pecking my lips before redirecting his attention back to the road. "hmph.... only because you're cute.." i whined, causing him to laugh in return. "sir," i crossed my arms, "you're making me regret my decision already." i said, matter-of-factly. "just hush sweetheart. we're about seven miles away — happy?" he asked, resulting in a smile from me. "very." i said proudly, both of us laughing.
after a couple minutes, shotaro pulled up to this relatively big, secluded log cabin. i looked at him with a quizzical look on my face. "we got to prepare for our honeymoon, don't we?" he asked, a smirk tugging at his lips. "yah!" i said, smacking his shoulder as my face turned bright pink. he chuckled, kissing my lips before getting out of the car and coming to my side, letting me out. "wow, what a gentleman." i teased, resulting in a light smack on the ass. i rolled my eyes playfully as i went to the backseats, grabbing some bags and beginning to carry them outside.
shotaro had rented the cabin for two weeks. he wanted it to be an example of how we'd spend our honeymoon — and the rest of our lives together. at first i thought it was cliché, but then, after a couple hours, i became pretty fond of the place.

it was secluded, the view from the edge of the mountain was absolutely beautiful, the sunsets were the prettiest i've ever seen, and, at the end of the day, it was only shotaro and i alone with one another, taking personal time together. no electronics besides our landline (we turned our phones off while out here), growth as a couple, and relaxation.
as the sun was setting, shotaro got in the jacuzzi and asked me if i wanted to join. i agreed, but not before going into the kitchen and bringing out some drinks.

"princess, you're still in your clothes?" he questioned as i sat the drinks beside the jacuzzi. "i know," i whispered quieter than i expected, a blush creeping across my face as i took off my shirt.
it didn't matter how many times shotaro saw me naked, i had the same embarrassed, shy, and insecure feeling that i couldn't help. maybe because i knew he could get better? or maybe because his body was better than mine so i assumed he was expecting a body type similar to his? either way, he made sure i knew he loved my body; kind of like right now.
i had completely stripped and gotten in the jacuzzi beside him, looking at the view below us: huge snow-covered mountains, a tranquil lake that was frozen over; perfect for ice skating. everything about this trip felt all too good to be true. the best part being shotaro. my fiancée; the man i wanted to spend the rest of my life with, the man i wanted to kiss every single morning and night, the man i loved far more then words could even begin to describe.

and i'm assuming he felt the same way considering he let his body do all the talking for him.

his hands found their way to my hips as his lips connected to the back of my neck, softly kissing until he got to my sweet spot, causing me to inhale sharply. i felt his smile against my skin before he whispered in a deep, husky voice; "i wouldn't mind living like this." i smiled, "me neither. but.. all of this...? i just.. i don't feel like i deserve it. you could've done so much better than me, though taro. like.. why me?" i questioned quietly, playing with his fingers as his left hand moved from my hip, to rest beside mine. "y/n.. you ARE the best for me and i really want you to see that. i want you to realize that i can't do any better than you. i'm marrying the woman of my dreams.. i'm marrying you, osaki y/n, not them. you're the last woman i'll be with.." he whispered softly, kissing my cheek before leaving a trail of butterfly kisses down to my shoulder where he lightly bit, eventually leaving a blossom on my skin causing me to let out a soft moan.

his hands delicately caressed my body before tightly hugging my hips, still leaving love bites over my neck and shoulders. his body came closer to mine and i whimpered quietly as i felt his bulge against my ass - i hadn't even realized he took his shorts off so it startled me. i took a deep breath and held it, looking at the view as he slowly humped against me. i let out a short moan, placing my arm in my mouth to silence myself. he smiled against my cheek before whispering; "you look a little... needy. should i help you out a little?" as he gently grabbed my ass. i nodded softly, resulting in him turning me around and placing his cockhead against my aching clit. i threw my head back but shotaro quickly grabbed the back of my neck, lifting it up and making me look into his eyes; "let's go to the room, yeah?" he asked softly as he began leaving sloppy kisses along my neck. as he lowered his body to pick me up, i instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist, sitting right above his dick. he chuckled softly, closely embracing me and marking my shoulders and collarbone as he walked us to the bed.

even though we were still wet, he gently laid me on the bed, laying in between my legs. i played with his hair as he kissed down my body, leaving marks on my breasts, stomach, thighs; whatever he could get to. — marks were his favorite. he loved giving and receiving them.

i looked out the window and realized the view was almost the same as the jacuzzi and i smiled to myself.

i got pulled out of my trance when shotaro kissed my lips softly, hand drifting towards my clit before his thumb slowly began massaging circles into me. "what are you thinking in that pretty little head of yours?" he asked as i let out a quiet moan. "t-the view... i-i could get used to this~" i whispered, tightly closing my eyes as his middle finger slid down my wet folds before easily slipping in. i moaned his name, causing him to look at me, "that never gets old.." he hummed, adding another finger, moving slightly faster.
this wasn't like our usual rough, 'angry', needy, touch-deprived sex. this was sensual, passionate, love-filled. he wanted me in a new way, and that's the moment i realized i really did want to be with this man for the rest of my life.
as i neared my high, taro pulled his fingers out, kissing my lips softly as i tried to protest. i quickly melted into the kiss, showing him that he had won. but, he didn't stop kissing me. he cupped my face and licked my bottom lip. before i knew it, he was softly - at a constant pace - thrusting into me and whispering the sweetest of words. "i-i love you so much y/n.... i can't wait until i get to say 'i do' a-and spend the rest of eternity with you~" he whispered before kissing me softly as we neared our high together. "just take this moment in, sweetheart." he whispered once more, falling silent as we came at the same time, panting and moaning each other's names as my hands tangled in his hair.

we sat in the silence for a moment. him inside of me, kissing my jaw as i tried regaining my breath. i rested my hand in his hair and smiled, "let's stay like this... it's physically not possible for you get any closer - you're literally inside of me, but i want you closer... so let's just sleep like this.." i whispered, gently beginning to play with his hair. i felt his smile against my chest as he said, "of course. we'll stay like this, princess."

"i love you shotaro osaki. and i couldn't be any happier knowing i'm your future wife." "me either y/n osaki."


hello my horny children~
if you couldn't tell, i definitely haven't left.
as it turns out, writing was my way of coping with what happened. and writing will probably but what doesn't make me go crazy since it's the only thing that can distract me for long enough periods of time.

with that being said, yuh boi officially has a job! and as you know, with a job, somethings are gonna come out late.
as usual, i love you guys and i'm so grateful for your support! <3


end of the chapter question; do you prefer top taeyong or subby taeyong?

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