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I be so sleepy rn. happy reading. and happy Christmas Eve. ily. hope ur safe. 

Henry and I were waiting for Jude to get out of the changing rooms, we were sat on the floor, our backs against the wall and I was showing him the scars on my fingers.

I don't know why.

We just found ourselves in this conversation.

"This one is from when we had a cat, he was my best friend but like I wasn't his? He didn't like me very much."

Henry laughs and runs his fingertip along the little line.

He turns my hand in his and we look at the state of my fingers. Like the skin. I frown and pull my hand away. It's a little cracked where I pick at them. It was a gross habit.

"You'd talk to me right?" He says.

I nod.

"No. Like I've asked twice today for more information on what's upsetting you Emersyn and you've avoided it both attempts. Which is...ok. But I want you to know you can talk to me."

I just nudge his shoulder and admittedly turn my hand around and show him the scar I had on my palm. "That was when Rayne and I were tossing water bombs to each other right, and one burst in my hand and it cut me."

"How." Henry says, pulling a face and I shrug.

"I have no idea. I wailed. It was very dramatic."

He laughs lightly and he turns his face to look at me. "Lunch still?"

I guess so. I nod. "Where do you wanna go?"

"It's your choice." He says.

I frown. "That's annoying."

He frowns immediately and I pause. "I was joking."

He nods slowly. "You want me to pick a place?"

I shake my head. "No it's fine. You usually get lunch with Jude today right?"


"So are you sure it is ok if I come along?"

"Yeah it's fine."

"Okay." I say gently. "Let's just get Judy to choose."

Henry nods and then Jude pushes open the doors of the he trails out with a few other guys.

He smiles at us, bidding them a goodbye and Henry gets up.

"Hey." He says and Jude looks at me. "I saw you up there watching."

I grinned. "We're your number one fans."

He smiles back. "Good."

Henry offers his hands for me to get up and I take them, getting pulled to my feet and I grin at him, I liked that it seemed so easy.

"Emersyn is coming with us to lunch." Henry says.

"Where we going?" Jude asks as we walk over to this stand, he fills out some things, I have no idea what he's doing honestly, and I play with my lip as we wait.

I am trying not to pick it, I am.

I pull my hands away from it.

"Wherever you want, just as long as they have alternatives for Emersyn."

I smiled at that and my eyes scan the room. I find August putting some things in a locker and he grabs out what I am assuming are his books. He then checks the time and rubs his face as if he's tired.

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