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Hiyaaaa- hope you enjoy. Comments appreciated as always. 

"August go home." I hiss in frustration.

He took me to work this morning.

He didn't leave.

It's driving me insane.

"I am happy here." He grins as he sits on my freaking desk. I was working with David today, the nephew, remember? The guy who is genuinely an ass.

August doesn't care.

"You'll get me fired." I groan, pulling on his sleeve for him to get down.

Last night was messy. As in, he was a mess when we went to bed. He wasn't touchy or anything, not more than usual, but he just fucking talked. Bullshit. He just talked and talked all this shit that I had no idea how to keep up with.

Like I fully didn't keep up, I fell asleep.

He was miserable this morning, come downs, but he said he'd take me to work and when I asked what he'd do whilst I was here his literal answer was to distract me.

It was hard work.

"August please go sit back down." I whisper. "Dave is gonna shout at me and I canny be bothered today."

"Don't worry, I'll get him if he does."

"August." I groan. "If he shouts at me he'd be right to because you're not allowed back here."

His hands pulls me to him by my skirt and I bump against his chest and I shake my head at him.

"Leo behave."

"I hated Leo. Like nicknames for people who you don't fucking know is strange as Emersyn."

"But I know you." I whisper.

"Yeah now you do."

I smile, looking down.

He said I know him.

God I am such a girl.

"Right." I exclaim. Pulling on his collar and getting him to get off the desk as I walk backwards. "Out, go, round there, where you were sat peacefully for an hour."

"I was asleep." He admits. "Now I am wide awake."

"August did you even sleep at all last night?"

"Well this morning." He tells me and I grab my pile of books I have to put back and I nudge him out of my little welcome desk.

"What time?"

"Why does it matter?"

"Because you aren't getting enough sleep." I say gently, walking close so my shoulder brushes his arm. "I am just worried."

"Well stop." He says and he takes the books from my hands. "I'll do this."

"August you-"

"I am smart enough to know where they go."

"I know you are smart but-"

"Bye." Is all he says and he looks at the first name and jogs away from me.

"Visitors are not allowed to reorder the boo-"

"Alright David I get it." I snap, turning to look at him and he just pushes his glasses up his nose and shakes his head at me. "You try telling him that."

David shrugs, heading to go towards August and I pull him back.

"I was joking. Don't do that."

August NightsWhere stories live. Discover now