Chapter 9 : The truth is cold

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( Hey guys I'm back ! I want to give more things through this fanfiction so I'm going to make some music sometimes and maybe create other types of content. Enjoy with HEADPHONES ON and don't forget to subscribe to the youtube channel as well there will be a tiktok account soon... )

It was morning and I was slowly opening my eyes I could feel the sun heating my face through the window.. waww sun in London that's new. I also felt a weight on my body, I looked down and it was an arm under my chest.. Capaldi ? I looked next to me and it was Capaldi he fell asleep next to me in the hospital bed, I could feel the top of his arm touching the lower part of my chest..Oh my.....Ok don't move Marie, don't ruin this unique moment maybe that's the only action you gonna get so just close your eyes again and enjoy this moment but it was like he heard my thoughts and open his eyes too. He looked at me and saw his arm so he withdrew it quickly he seemed embarassed and well... I was disappointed it ended.

LC : Morning
M : Morning SUNSHINE

He laughed... His smile, his smile, his smile, his smile.. How can you be so beautiful in the morning.. he had eyes poo but I'll lick it like a mama dog licking her baby... damn going in the wrond direction again I really have to stop this...

LC : How you feeling today ?
M : Honestly I'm excited to go home... I mean to the hotel because I think we have to talk about all of this stuff and figured it out..
LC : It's ok don't rush, don't think about it right now.. I don't wanna lose you again...

Was he falling for me or not I don't understand, why was he sleeping with me. I had so many questions about our relationship... I felt like all the problem around us wern't as important as this. I was looking at him and he closed his eyes again, he must be so tired poor baby.. or lazy. So I closed my eyes as well and started to think about us... wait... was I singing in my head right now.. I wanna do something to impress him... I want to sing something for him, tell him how I feel... So I started to make a song in my head...

( Close your eyes, put your headphones on guys to enjoy it properly !)

I should sing it to him when we go back to our hotel room.After 1 hour he woke up again but I was already all dressed, sitting on the chair next to the bed and staring at him. How can a human being be so gorgeous. Why was I so enchanted by him, what kind of magic is this?

LC : Oh you are ready ?
M : I think we should speed up Capaldi, I want this to end quickly so we can focus on other things
LC : What other things..?
M : I..I.. mean like our life..

He stared at me like he knew what I wanted to focus on but didn't want me to talk about it.Why are you fleeing from me.. Why are you fleeing from your feelings..
After 2 hours we were finally back to the hotel. When we arrived to our floor I started walking to my room.

LC : Where you going ?
M : To my room
LC : But I thought we were going to be in my room
M : Lewis I have to poop and I don't want to do it in your room
LC : Owh.. but are you sure you want to go alone
M : .... Like are you going to help me poo I don't understand, what kind of relation do we have ( I laughed )
LC: I meant me staying in the other room waiting for you, I don't want you to fall or anything
M : I'll be alright don't worry..

I went straight to my hotel room. I can't believe I lied to him. I took my phone and called him. My dad. But no answer. I don't understand why aren't you picking your phone. So I called again and again and again, but no answer. I went to my room to change my clothes but as soon as I opened the door a shadow appeared and put his hand on my mouth.

RS : Ok ok calme toi c'est juste moi, je ne veux pas tu cries d'accord je vais enlever ma main mais promets moi de ne pas crier ma chérie d'accord ? (Ok ok calm down it's just me I just don't want you to scream ok I'm going to let my hand go but you have to swear to not scream honey ok?)

I nodded and he let go off me.

M : Papa ! ( Dad ! )
RS : Ma chérie je t'ai dit de rentrer pourquoi tu es revenue ici ( baby I told you to go back home why did you come back here )

I was looking at my room and all my stuff was on the ground like someone was trying to find something

M : C'est toi qui a fait ca a ma chambre ? ( Did you do this to my room?)
RS : Marie ce n'est pas le moment il faut que tu rentres en France ( Marie it's not the time to talk about this, you have to go back to France)
M : Non ça suffit, je veux des explications j'ai été drogué comment tu peux être aussi insensible face à cette situation, je me suis fait tiré dessus putain ! ( No that's enough, I want some explanation, I've been drugged how can you be so insensitive about this situation, someone shot me for fuck's sake ! )

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