Chapter 6 : Shocking revelations I got goosebumps LoL

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LC: One of my closest friend is a web tourist and he can get us the buyers list from rolex.
Me: he is a what?
LC: a web tourist
Me: .....
LC: he can go in any website, get into any account online, get any info on anything or anyone on the internet
Me: So.... he is a hacker.
LC: yes kinda
Me: Do I look like a fucking cop to you ? Do you think that Im with the FBI? CIA? NBA?
LC: actually NBA is...
Me: just say he is a hacker. Stop inventing words, web tourist the fuck is web tourist how did you even come up with this....
LC: yeah.. right.. anyway, he knows everything about what happened, he was the first person I told.... Im calling him right now..
Me: yeah go ahead

He was calling someone called Andy on facetime, ugh I don't like this name at all it reminds me of Andy bernard from The Office . But the guy on the screen didn't look a bit like the guy from The Office. On the contrary, It was a thin redhead guy with brown eyes.

Andy: hey mate wassup
LC : Hi Andy ! So did you have time to take care of what I asked you to?
Andy: oh of course let me send it to you by email ! you lucky guy, only three person bought this watch. And daaaamn it's a very expensive one.
LC: yeah well this psychopath is gonna need it to pay his fucking lawyer after we sue his ass... oh and btw this is Mary...

He finally showed me to the camera and I waved with a cute smile. He waved back.

Andy : Hi marie ! Hope you enjoy London
Me : yes it looks great from my hotel room windows

I was going to be more sarcastic but I felt something in my back. Wait.. did I just felt Capaldi's hand on my back . Yes indeed, his hand was on my back. Why... waw... I didn't even know how to think anymore.. everytime he does something unexpected I loose all means.... I was so nervous and burning like hell. He really was touching me. I was so shocked because I didn't forced him into.... This moment could have been a beautiful moment but my back sweat ruined it. He literally removed his hand quickly after he felt my sweat on his hand.
He then put his earphones to talk about some private stuff with his friend but.... unfortunately for him he didn't plugged it right so I heard a part of his conversation.

Andy: You were right, she is cute.

Capaldi was surprised and embarassed, Andy fastly understood that I heard what he said. And there was a 5 seconds blank. I was blushing and smiling while Capaldi was staring at me. I was keeping a straight face but damn there was a thousand of fireworks in my head. Waw...He talked about me in a good way to his friend! He finds me cute, ugh... it really was a beautiful day...well.... except for the parts where I've been drugged.

LC: uhhh let me call you later we have some works to do with mary
Andy: yeah... ok.. see you buddy

And they hung up. Capaldi quickly changed the subject and told me about andy and the hard life he had in his early days. I was nodding to everything he was saying but I wasn't listening to a single word cuz he said to his friend that I was cute. He talked about me to a friend of his. That's all I was thinking about I can die right now I really didn't care anymore. I was feeling so happy, there was a rush in my heart, a love rush that I was feeling all over my body. I could feel the blood rushing through my veins. I was really in love with him. Love.... that's what it is, real sincere pure love . And I knew deep down that he was gonna fall in love with me too.
That's when I noticed that he had stopped talking and was staring at me trying to guess what I was thinking.

LC: what are you thinking of ?
He said with a little smile

I couldn't say that I was thinking about him because it wasn't the right moment, and I wasn't sure I was ready to tell him about my feelings..
Ok, I don't know what to answer him... think Mary think Mary...... Ok got it , tell him that you were thinking about the watch !

Marie : I was thinking about you

SHIT SHIT SHIT ABORT MISSION why the fuck did I said that okokokokokok I had to relax I was between « omg I want him to answer and say something nice, something that would make me happier » and « omg please don't tell anything that could hurt me right now » well he decided to just smile and change the subject. Damn he was smart.

LC : let's take a look at the list . so we have an Adam RIGNAR , a Luke REYKJVIK and a Regis SALTAMAN

Me: ...
My heart stopped.......

I felt like I was going to fall. I couldn't hear anything anymore except the long ringing in my ear. My head begin to hurt like hell, the name Regis SALTAMAN was banging against my ears. REGIS SALTAMAN or MISTER LASAGNA . It was him. It was really him. I saw Capaldi looking at me he looked worried like he didn't understood what was going on, I saw his lips move but I couldn't hear anything I was shocked , I felt like someone tased me right into the lungs, I couldn't breath.... then he put his hands around my shoulder and shaked me, but no... I couldn't... I walked away... I went right to the couch and sat on it trying to calm myself down but I couldn't stay still, I was moving all around the room very stressed that's when he came straight at me and took me in his arms. Squeezing me hard..

LC: shhht it's gonna be ok, I got you. I figured it out too , Regis Saltaman is the anagram word of mister lasagna.. its ok its ok Im here now Im with you and Im not gonna let this fckng guy hurt you or touch you again.

He looked right into my eyes and said

LC: You are with me now he can't hurt you

But he didn't know..

Me : h..he can...
LC : no mary I promise you he is not.
Me: Yes he can Lewis. Because my name is Marie SALTAMAN. And Regis SALTAMAN is my father.

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