Chapter 3 : I believe I can your side

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( Hi guys just before the story continues I'm french and Im trying to improve my english, can you just tell me if the conjugation is ok, because I feel like sometimes I don't do it correctly, I have problem with the past time I think. Now back to the story, enjoy ! )

I'm literally confused. I was in an hotel room 2 minutes ago and now I'm back on a plane. What is going on ?! I was trying to remember what could have possibly happened between the time I was at the hotel with.... with him and the time I woke up here. I looked around and I saw the same airplane lady again I stopped her and said,
Me: Excuse me, where is this plane going
The stewart: Well, hum.. the plane is going to France... ( she responded with a forced smile)

Why is she acting so weird with me and why am I going back to France ?! Have I missed a whole week ? I looked at my phone but no it was still the 29th december. I have too many questions but no answers so I took my stuff and decided to get off of the plane but the airplane lady wasn't so excited about it, btw let's call her Amely ( because Amelyv I can fly, yes a lame joke again you are going to have a lot of these ). So, Amely stopped me and told me that I couldn't leave the plane anymore but I needed answers and I wasn't gonna find them at home. So I punched her on the stomach, jumped over some passengers reached the exit door until a man with a scar on his face pointed his gun at me that's when I did a kung-fu move and opened the moving plane's door and... ( Im kidding I'm not that cooOoOoOl ) So, as I was saying I waited for Amely to take care of an other passenger, took my stuff and went through the exit door that was still open. Ok now first thing call an uber and go to the hotel. I was wondering if Capaldi was still there, I was so excited to see him again, that's when it hit me. I don't think I really cares about what happened to me.... I think I just wanted to see him again, that's why I was so determined to leave the plane.

In the uber I felt like I was in a romantic movie, I had this rush in my body I was going to see my love again and to top it all our song was playing on the radio « Nikki minaj - Anaconda » I put my head on the window and looked at the beautiful city that was standing before my eyes..., To be honest it wasn't actually like in the movies because my head wouldn't stop shaking and hitting the window, for no reason my mouth was drooling and because of the cold my nose was leaking... So after I wiped it all up with my sleeve I asked the driver when we would arrive to the hotel he responded with some hands movements
Taxidriver: We arrived yo have a nice day lady yo

I honestly don't know why I made him talk like that..

I was finally here, only 5 minutes before I see him again, 5 minutes before I touch him again, 5 minutes before I smell him again ( Yes, he smells like a freshly cut green lemon ) maybe that's why I'm always hungry around him. Ok there was no time I was in front of the hotel and I couldn't wait any longer So I ran to his room well I actually walked, because well I'm fat and I don't wanna be all sweaty and out of breath when I see him, even if his smile makes me the exact things... Room 202, here we go again. I knocked 20 times because this time I wanted him to rush to the door, I wanted him to open it, to smile at me, to say my name, say my name when no one is around you say baby I love you ( I know you got it 😉 ). And he did. He opened the door with.. well spongebob pijamas ? Ok, ok no judging we don't have time for that.

Me: Hiiiiiiiii (I yelled. )

He looked scared I shouldn't have screamed he got scared. But what he said next began to scare me too...

LC: What are you doing here ? Have you been followed ? Did you talk to anyone

He grabbed my arm and pulled me inside. O M G he touched me ! That was the only thing I could think about, he is so strong he managed to pull me inside like I was a feather. He closed the door, pushed me against a wall and leaned toward me.. there was a really tiny distance between us and everything could happened at this moment. I wanted him so badly to lean over a little bit more. I could smell his breath from where I was, well it smells like bier no joke about that. Everything that I dreamt of was in front of me. His gray eyes, his nose, his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips.. his lips..

Me: his lips..

Shit! he heard.

LC: What did you say ? ( he said with his beautiful voice)

He has this honeyed voice I want so badly to lick his vocal chords ( don't ask)

Me: I..I.. s..s..said..

I began to stutter, I couldn't think straight because I was too focused on every part of his face. I need to focus on something else, fast. His shirt. He had a funny shirt of himself, damn now Im focusing on the face he has on the shirt. Ok he is waiting for an answer because he leaned a little bit more toward me , maybe if I don't say anything he will be close enough for our lips to touch... I would give anything to kiss him again, feel his soft lips on mine, feel the heat that emanates from them .. I wanted to close my eyes but I became superstitious, every time I close my eyes, I find myself in another place and I don't want to leave. I want to stay here forever with him looking into my eyes, with his breath caressing my cheeks, his hand on my shoulder better than all the hugs I have had in my life. But it was time for me to speak because it's clearly not silence that will push him to put a ring on my finger.

Me: Let's have wine ! (I said. )

Well... I think Im an alcoholic. He put his hands on his head and said,

LC: Don't you get it Mary ? That's why you have all these blackouts because you have been drugged with the wine !

Ok I was confused.

Me: What are you saying right now? You knew about my blackouts ?

What was going on seriously, was he the one drugging me... oh.... you are a bad boy Capaldi, and you know what ? I like it. I smiled at him

Me: well... then as I said, let's have some wine

he walked away from me and said,

LC: ok you are crazy I get it now
He smiled nervously.

Me: no, no I was kidding sorry, I don't understand what's happening to me if you have the answers tell me please

Actually, I was crazy , crazy about him but he doesn't need to know that so...

LC: Sit.. because I don't think you are going to like it"


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