Chapter 5 : My precious

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20 minutes, that's how much I waited on the couch for Capaldi. He went out to get food but I felt like he wasn't coming back. With all my trust issues, I was sure he left for good and moved on with his life.

I tried to think about something else while I was waiting . The room I was in smelled really expensive it was the kind of room that you only see on instagram . I couldn't really analyzed it because among all the objects in the room the only thing that caught my attention was the blue porcelain cat that had been watching me since I got here, I felt like if you stared at it long enough you could hear it meow..... Ok, I was going crazy..

I was tired of waiting. So I decided to go the bedroom because all the interesting things are there , right ? That's when I saw his suitcase standing next to his bed... I wanted to know what was inside but I respected him too much to violate his privacy....

NAAAH just kidding, of course I looked. We were going to be a couple soon so.... ( Yes that's how I convinced myself that it wasn't wrong ) So I opened it. There was so many things in it, there was a picture of him with some other guys, there was a nintendo switch with games, there was a toothbrush box that I thought was a sextoy.. nearly had a heart attack there... and a box with a padlock ..... hmm.. a mistery box, I wondered what was in it..

Maybe he is a psychopat and he keeps his victims teeth in it... Well I have great teeth so nothing to worry.. Or maybe he lost someone and he keeps his or her pictures in it... I just hope that it's not some weird sex stuff.... well I have to find the key, If I break it he will know I was going through his stuff

So I tried to find the key but nothing.. and all the searching drained all of the strengh I had, I was already sweating and breathless so I layed on his bed .

That's when a smell of perfume tickled my nose. So I took his pillow in my arms, and smelled it. Hmmm the smell of his perfume, it's like he's there with me, so I hugged it real hard.. and imagined that it was him. I took a second pillow and put it between my legs ... ( calm down, it's just a habit I have when I sleep, nothing was gonna happen. I sure will not lose my virginity to a pillow.)

The bed was so comfortable, I closed my eyes and imagined sharing this bed with him like a real couple. I imagined his soft arms around me, cuddling me like I was his precious , whispering me sweet words making me feel complete... I imagined that he was kissing softly every inch of my mouth while caressing my hair.. I could feel the warmth of his breath against my neck, the warmth of his body against my back and the warmth of his....

LC : Uh what are you doing on my bed?

He came back and I felt like he caught me doing something bad...

Me: uh..I .. I was waiting for you .. and ...

LC: Is that a pillow between your legs ...? Ok... just finish what you're doing ... and then join me in the living room so we can eat ...

Me: Finish... ? what?
I was so embarrassed that I threw the pillow away and followed him into the living room. I could still hear him laugh....

Mmhh it smelled so good, I was so hungry. I'm hungry all the time.

LC: Do you want hot sauce on your pizza?

Me: Yes of course

He took the bottle of hot sauce and poured it all over my pizza. Was he trying to kill me ? shit Capaldi calm down on the sauce ? I took a slice of pizza that I tried to eat in the most elegant way possible. Mmmh it was so delici... You fuc .... Son of a... .. motherfuc... how much hot sauce did he put on it. I kept myself from crying I had so much pain the sauce was burning my whole body, I was no longer able to feel my tongue and as if it wasn't enough he thought it was the right moment to ask me questions about my life.

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