Chapter 2 : Things got weird..LOL

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Sunday 29th December

Ugh my head hurt. I'm so tired I can't get up. Sometimes I really feel like I'm in love with my bed and that I could live in it until the end of my life. I was getting lost in my thought until I noticed that I wasn't in my little room in France. Where am I ? By the look of the room I must be in an hotel. I got up to look around, oh yeah I'm in an hotel and an expensive one given the size of the shampoo bottles ( and of course I put them in my luggage) . The last thing I remember was being in a plane with him.. the man I was totally gonna marry.

I remember trying to call his hotel to book a room but then it's a total blackout. Have I been drugged ? I was sitting on the bed trying to remember what happened but I got bored and decided to go take a breakfast.

So I left my room and headed to the elevator but before it closed totally I just heard "Mary !" (yes I changed my name for the story) I recognized his voice, it's him ! How does he know my name ? Why is he calling me ? But it was too late the doors already closed.. Yes I could have waited or went back but I was to hungry and food is more important than love right ?

I sat at a table thinking about him, about his voice, I was trying hard to remember what happened after the plane landed, trying to understand the whole situation but I couldn't because of these fake croissant I was eating, you guys really need to get French chef in your kitchens..

One of the waiter came to me and asked if everything's was ok but before I could answer he told me that Mr.Capaldi was asking for me. He gave me his room number 202 and said that he was waiting for me. Who the fuck is Mr.Capaldi and why does he wanna see me. I felt like I was in a movie, and that a mobster was asking for me. (or is it lobster don't remember the exact word, you know the bad guys with the guns, money and the bitches) and honestly Capaldi sounds Italian.

So, While I was on my way to room 202 I did all the research I could on Italy , if I want to live I have to be the best ass-kisser I could. I was also trying to remember all the fight moves from Jackie Chan's movies.

I took a deep breath and knocked at the door. No one answered. I hate those kind of situation they are so awkward because I don't know If it's too soon to knock again, or if they heard me because if not it would be so weird if someone opened the door . So I decided to left. But before I went too far someone opened the door and said « you're finally here ». Well I didn't thought of this akward situation. I turned to look who it was but there was no one . I knew in my heart that it was him. Was he the mysterious Capaldi ? I don't understand he looks more like a british/german guy than Italian.

LC : Come on. ( he yelled.)
Me: Bitch don't yell at me !

Ugh.. am I to vulgar, I know more swears than normal words in english so pardon me... maybe I should chill out. I was waiting for him to answer something cold but I just heard him laugh. Owww I'm melting again, I made him laugh . He laughed to what I said I can die now. I passed the door and saw him, finally we are reunited my love.

It was so weird because the last time I saw him we were on a plane and he was angry at me but now it's like he couldn't do anything but smile at me. Wait.. why is he similing so much.... this is weird, not that Im complaining but being a paranoid person I needed an explanation for everything. Did something happened last night....with him...

He looked at me and said,
LC : Do you want to drink something ?
Me: a glass of wine please

Why the fuck am I always asking for a glass of wine I don't drink alcohol wtf is wrong with me.

LC: Well, not judging but wine at 9am hahaha you don't lose your time do you
Me: well, Im on vacation so if I wanna have a glass in the morning I'll have it
He laughed and while he was bringing me a glass of wine he asked,
LC: Don't even think that I forgot what you promised me last night Im still waiting for it.

Wtf was he talking about, what did I promise to him OMG what did I got into. Was it sex ? Fuck it's always sex in those situation, is that why he was smiling so much, did we have sex last night? O M G.

But I don't remember anything and I really think that I would.. given the fact that Im still a virgin. Shit, I was so lost in my thought that I didn't noticed that he was waiting for me to answer.. I have to find a way to make him tell me everything about last night. Ok so if we slept together he wouldn't mind me kissing him right now right... Ok..ok relax Mary. You have a plan. I came closer to him and whispered in his ear « of course I remember, but please say it again » and then I put my hand on his face and leaned toward his lips to drop the softest kiss I could. It was like time stopped at this moment, I felt a heat wave running through my body but before it could reach my toes he withdrew his face and looked at me confused,

LC: what are you doing?


I think I misinterpreted the whole situation. Ok.. I think it's time to be honest with him or flee the crime scene, go back in France, change my name, burn my fingerprints . But before I could explain myself he told me

LC: Im sorry Mary, you know I can't....

NO I DON'T KNOW, I don't know anything about you or about what happened last night. I was going to apologize to him, but I couldn't find the right sentences in my head, don't screw this too Mary I told myself ( yes I talk a lot to myself, never forget you are your best friends yes with my body I have more than one) . Then he opened his mouth and I knew at this moment that his words would knocked me out.

LC: I'm already seeing someone Mary.

It's amazing how few words can have such an impact on your body in such a short time. I went from hot to cold in a second. I was literally dying inside. Call the british 911 please. He was still looking at me but I couldn't give any answer, He took all the words from my mind and all the joy from my life. I know... Im overreacting but..... am I really ? Love is too powerfull to be taken lightly. Love is a moment, a day, a year, a lifetime it leads your emotion, it leads your life. Well it led me right into a pit of ticks. Disgusting and painful right ?

I don't know how much time I spend thinking but he was still staring at me. Say something, Mary, say something.... but the only thing that was coming to my mind was « my name is Jeff » are you fucking kidding me, think of anything else come one, you can do it come on find a way out of this humiliating situation. Nothing. I got nothing. So I just closed my eyes , took a deep breath and hoped for this day to end. Please someone help me to get out of this situation.

Then the weirdest thing happened I opened my eyes and I was sitting on a plane. What the fuck is going on ! How did I get here.

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