Chapter 7 : You know nothing....( I know you got the reference )

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I was thinking about my 12th birthday, it was one of my best memories because we went to Europapark, it's a huge park in Germany. I remember having the best time ever with my mom and my dad.... EVERYTHING was amazing, I could still remember the taste of all the coton candy I ate that day, I also could remember my mom and my dad smiling all day, loving each other and loving me... Gosh what happened at which point did everything go wrong AND why the fuck did my dad drugged me... ??

I heard a knock on the door it must be Capaldi, I spent 4 hours in his bed drowning in my tears.. Knowing that my dad is Mr.Lasagna crushed me..... You know when sometimes you see someone and you say to yourself « that's literally me » well imagine the walkers from The Walkind Dead, you know the crawling ones well THAT'S LITERALLY ME....

Im confused dad... and what's with the nickname ? What were you trying to do dad ? In what kind of business are you I don't get it, why you ? why Capaldi ? why me ? First time in my life that I was so lost..... like the Tom hanks in the Cast Away kind of lost...Everytime I think about my dad Im angry, sad, disgust but most of all hungry. Im damn hungry I need confort food.....

The knocking on the door was louder, Oh I forgot Capaldi, waw good boy he waited.


Me : yes...

LC : I don't like seeing you like this....what do you need, what do you need from me? I can cheer you up by singing you a song if you want ?

Owh... I smelled Chinese food..he came with chinese food omg I love chinese I was so happy

Lc : is it ok if I put the food here... do you want me to help you eat ?

Me : Thank you but you don't need to treat me like a dying person ( I smiled )

He noticed that I smiled and smiled back at me.

LC : You know that a dying person looks better than you right now, you look more like a Walking dead caracter

Daaaamn that's what I was thinking about OMG after all of this mess we have to binge watch it on netflix together... how do you American people say again.. netflix and chill right ?

Me : We really have to netflix and chill

LC : Wait what...... ?

Me : Oh sorry are you more of a Prime video person ? I have it too we can Prime video and chill

LC : That's not..... like.... It doesn't work like this, you don't just put chill at the end to...whatever

Me : Can you stop stuttering and explain to me

LC : it means sex Mary, it means fucking sex

Me : WHAT THE FUCK, what's wrong with you why does everything means sex to you americans I don't get it, I feel like you are a pervert ( not that I don't like it LOL )

LC : Ok...first of all , Im scottish I don't know if you noticed but I have like an OBVIOUS accent. And second of all I didn't invent the expression, that's what it means google it lol and don't call me a pervert again. If I was one I would be on top of you right now.

OMG, heat waveeeeeees going through my body, yessss please you're my cherry Im your cake, you are my computer Im your desk, you're my pillow Im your bed ..... Did I just rap there? waw Im a woman of many talents !

Me : Oh you are scottish sorry you just sound english to me.

LC : ok.....

Me : sing me a song

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