how to be selfish

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(this one may be a lil short im sorry but i hope the next one is longer-love not having a pc or stability LMAO)

((and i forgot the name of the hair stylist from earlier on in the story so im making a new one-)


"That's selfish."

"And I'm done talking about this, Erik."

It's been an entire night and half a day and the subject of you moving out just won't leave the air. The way N'Jadaka's been acting at the idea of it has you wondering what he'd do if you really got fed up and broke up with him, as it's always been. A part of you always fears he'll go crazy and your story would end up on Fatal Attraction. He always says he's not 'that' crazy but sometimes you feel like he's starting to become dependent on you. 

Still, as you continue to stare at the 10 onesies laid out in front of you on the dresser, he's breathing down your neck about the application you submitted only a couple hours earlier. 

Ignoring him, you turn with an important question. "What color should I put her in today? She isn't going anywhere but I wanna take pictures."

He doesn't say anything, continuing to act like a petulant child, so you roll your eyes and pick the pastel green one. You bump him out of the way and go to pick Kaya up from where she lies staring at the two of you with those huge eyes of hers. So small, and so new still, you always get nervous whenever you hold her and stand up at the same time. She still looks scared whenever N'Jadaka suddenly speaks after a period of silence, but other than that you fear she's on the fast track to becoming a complete Daddy's Girl. It's bad enough that she's his complexion and has his nose; it's like the world doesn't want to give you a win sometimes. 

"Can you do me a favor?" you ask, pettily enjoying N'Jadaka's silent tantrum. 


"Course you will," you continue, grinning. "I have a hair appointment in an hour, and a nail appointment after that, can you watch her until I'm done?"

He just rolls his eyes, because of course he isn't going to say no, and you grin even harder before giving your nosy baby a huge kiss on the forehead. She smiles and you take that as an absolute win for the day. Lately she's been so fussy it's been hard to get anything out of her but crying and frowning up. You think that she's been feeding off the energy in the place; your anxiety and her father's...entire being. 

You have, too, and you're excited to finally be out and be normal again in a way that you feel you haven't been after giving birth. There's a bit of a hop in your step as you pull your shoes on by the door, yet another one as you innocently bend over in an old-faithful babydoll dress 'accidentally' to fix the straps. You know he saw, because he isn't speaking for once, but you don't turn around to take another glance before entering the hallway.

It's brightly lit as always, yet you loathe the sight of it, can't wait until you can get into the place you've applied to. They're so-called "Luxury Townhomes" but they don't offer anything different other than a personal garage and a private entrance. Aside from this , and the security guard out front, they're not all that much bigger than a decently sized two bedroom apartment but you'll take anything you can get.

You've had enough of parking garages and never want to set foot in another one at night. In fact, you don't plan on being out at night alone very often anymore. The paranoia buzzing around in the back of your mind has you fearful of trying to get a baby in and out of a car seat with your back turned to any weirdo that may be lurking by. It's been the subject of many a nightmare that leaves you waking up in a cold sweat next to the portable heater that is N'Jadaka. The idea of sleeping alone in cool sheets actually has you a bit more at ease on moving out on your own again.

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