that first red flag

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You close your eyes and let the water pour over you in probably the best shower  you've ever been in. It's spacious and clean, with sleek silver faucets and marbled tile on the walls and a bar on the side for what you don't know. It's sturdy and bolted to the wall and you recoil from touching it because who knows how many other girls have been propped up against it. There's a small window near the top, letting in a nice amount of sunlight inside and you don't know how long you can admire the modern architecture in N'Jadaka's house. It's just so impressive, even if you've only seen the living room and his bedroom outside of the bath.

    At first you didn't want to get your hair wet but you quickly said 'fuck it' and let it go. You found an uncomfortable amount of leftover hair products and toiletries from other hookups in his bathroom, and when you asked about it he only shrugged and said he keeps meaning to throw them out. But that was an hour ago, right before you asked him to get you something to wear since he was going near your apartment complex. You haven't heard him come back, and you can only imagine what he's going to end up bringing you.

    The music coming through your cellphone stops momentarily as someone calls you, and you almost kill yourself trying to get out and see who it is.

    "Hey," you say, wrapping a towel around your body.

    Kayla makes a teasing noise from the other end. "You done gettin' your daily dose of dick today?"

    "Shut up," you laugh, pulling your damp hair back with a scrunchie. "I'm getting out the shower now so gimme like half an hour. You can come pick me up."

    "Mmkay." Kayla pauses for a bit, you can hear her music in the background. "So Mr.Man's gonna be okay with me rollin' up to his crib to pick you up?"

    "I don't care if he is or not," you go, frowning. "It's not like I'm inviting you into a house that isn't mine. You're picking me up at the end of the driveway."

    Still, now that she's expressed skepticism you feel like you should ask just in case. The problem with a man so capricious is that you constantly feel like you're walking on eggshells when it comes to asking questions. That shouldn't be the case, but you get too distracted with changing King's puppy pad to keep dwelling on it. He's too afraid to go down the stairs so you have to carry him with one arm, smiling as he looks around lazily. So far, King is the direct opposite of Zeus' wild ass, and you can't wait to introduce them.

    You pad into the kitchen silently, bending down in front of the island to grab the water dish. Despite N'Jadaka's constant scoffing when you were in the pet store, he kept calling you cheap whenever you picked out plastic dog dishes. Instead he made you get the stainless steel heavy ass weapons that you need both hands to handle. You're forced to use a glass to transfer water from the sink to the bowl, because if you slipped up and dropped it on your foot you'd have to add fracture to the list.

    It's when you're pouring puppy chow into the other dish that you hear voices, and when you stand up you just start smiling all goofy and wide. "Good morning, T'Challa."

    He returns the smile and you swoon. "Good morning to you as well, beautiful."

    You'd never get tired of hearing this man's accent, or the formal way he speaks, and you can't believe how lucky you are to actually be standing this close to him without miles of security between you. The fact that you managed to accidentally stumble into the bed of the cousin of the literal Black Panther still feels like a wild fever dream, and you're half convinced you're going to wake up any moment now, alone in your bed.

You're a bit embarrassed of the fact that you're standing in front of him in nothing but a bath towel, so you wrench it tighter to yourself with a nervous glance down to the black puppy that's curious about the new person standing in the room. King hops up on two feet to place his paws on one of T'Challa's pant legs, his tail wagging so hard it's become a blurry black line. You apologize, grabbing him, but he's too hype in your arms.

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