a brief meet with the queen mother.

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"I knooooww you're not tryin' to do this again," is what you sleepily mutter to yourself at entirely too early in the damn morning, body too tired to entertain N'Jadaka's wandering hands going up your nightgown. 

He proved to be too greedy the night before, taking you until you couldn't take it anymore, and even then he still went to take a shower that lasted a lot longer than they usually do. You're sorry that you can't really provide too much pleasure for him because you can't take too much without feeling like dying but you're going to have to make him understand that the person growing inside you is draining you of everything. 

As 'bad' as you are, he's going to have to be satisfied with slow strokes from the back or nothing at all for a little bit. 

He reaches over you to grab his phone off the nightstand, saying something you don't understand as he does so, and all it does is make you clench your legs together. You're sore, very very sore, and the idea of him going anywhere near your clit  has you ready to fight. You've never cum so many times in one night but it didn't feel like a sexy accomplishment. At all. It's like he couldn't stop touching you, coming in for more again and again with rough fingers whenever you thought you were done. Before the bath, after the bath, after his shower and while you were trying to watch Netflix it's like he physically couldn't stop playing with you.

"She's on strike," you mumble, snuggling deeper under the comforter.  Your 'appointment' with Ramirez today can wait; you haven't slept this good in a while.

"Mm-mm," he goes. "Get up. You said you got an appointment."

Shaking your head against the pillow, you've already made up your mind. "I'm cancelling."

"Get up."

"I'm cancelling," you repeat, struggling to hold the comforter as he tries to take it off you. "It wasn't really an appointment... I just wanna go over some stuff since I'm so late with everything."

He doesn't say anything, so you roll over onto your back painfully to look him in the eyes. You regret it, because he looks good as hell but you need to stay on topic. "I wanted to wait on you to do shit like tour the hospital and everything; I already picked one by the way. I still don't know about midwives, but I think I'll be okay without one. I mean..they're just support, right? Not that you probably care but I've decided to divide breastfeeding with formula because I don't want my titties to look like deflated balloons at the end of it.Um...still haven't planned a baby shower and I think Sydney and Kayla are trying to throw one but I do have a registry and I do have a theme so they'd better make it work."

"And what's that," he 'asks,' reaching over to rub your stomach. He's kind of laughing, probably at the breastfeeding comment.

"Bees!" you say excitedly. He just rolls his eyes. "Honeybees. Flowers. Yellow...no?"

"Why not."

It sucks that his previous house got attacked because it would've been the perfect place to hold a shower, so now you have to find a venue to do so. You could always do it at your parents' house (the backyard is more than big enough), but you'd have to hurry and do it before they leave on their cruise in a couple weeks. Truthfully, thinking about it all gives you anxiety so you pray that your friends can successfully plan and get everything together. You were supposed to have it all thought out months ago, so the invitations would've already been sent out but it looks like you're going to have to break out the old Facebook Invite.

As for N'Jadaka, you wonder if he'll be willing to invite any of his friends.

"You have anybody you want to come?" you ask, leaning up just enough to put your heating pad under you. "It'd be weird if it was just you, right?"

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