hallow's eve eve

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(there's a typo in here somewhere but i wrote too damn much and can't find it skflss goodnight).


The second that alarm hits you it feels like you get shot right in the temple, your head hurts so bad. It's around 8 in the morning, usually when you wake up for work, but you were lucky enough to have Friday off. It's a good thing, too, because that heavy asshole snoring next to you probably collapsed your cervix the night before with his 3-month long pent up lust.

You groan as you struggle to lean up, feeling every muscle you have below your belly button just seize up violently with each movement.

"I can't fucking stand you," you croak, heading straight to the hallway with a horrible limp. Hopefully it's early enough that none of the people in your building will see how bent over you are as you take King to use the bathroom. So far, he's been really good about not pooping in your apartment, and you apologize because usually you take him outside at around 6.

It's really cool outside and you think about what you're going to cook (or order), making sure to add a bottle of aspirin to that shopping list because you feel like you got tossed out a moving car. Despite the throbbing between your legs you can't act like you weren't in heaven because you were. N'Jadaka is ruthless and knows your body in ways that you don't always think about.

He's just going to have to deal with not knowing your body for another two weeks.

That, and it's punishment for him leaving for so long. You don't care what the reason was. T'Challa would've found a way to tell you if you were dating him instead.

You toss King a treat when you get back up to the apartment because you're too tired to walk him right now, but the best thing about dogs is that they don't seem to mind when their owners are wrecked. Thinking about Zeus as you fill King's dishes, you wonder how they're going to act together now that they're the same size. You can only imagine.

When you peek in your bedroom, N'Jadaka is still sleeping, so you go ahead and hop in the shower to wash off last night's debauchery. The water is turned as high as you can possibly take it and the steam is nearly putting you right to sleep standing up. All of your soaps and gels are all open and are releasing a smell that's really about to put you in a relaxed coma and by the time you nod off you think it's time to get out.

You dry off and lotion up with one of those expensive body shop creams that smells like coconuts, spending an extra few seconds just smelling the jar. Maybe it's because of your father and his horrible taste in cologne, but growing up you always had to have some sort of candle or heavily scented lotion or bottles of perfumes around you at any point. Your mother once described your bedroom as smelling like a Bath and Body Works.

N'Jadaka's still knocked out by the time you exit the bathroom, and you snort as you pull on your robe. It's kimono style and soft silk, and you don't plan on taking it off until you're ready for bed again. Nothing is getting you out of the house today.


He doesn't stir at all at your touch, and you're half afraid he's going to hop up out of his sleep and damn near choke you out again.

"N," you go, shaking his shoulder a bit. "You hungry?"

Usually those words are enough to wake anybody up but he sleeps on, both arms holding onto a pillow tight underneath him. The 3-month long mission must have exhausted him (and your great sex) because he looks completely at peace with every mean-ass muscle in his face being as relaxed as you've ever seen them.

In the living room near the patio door, King is on his side, effectively leaving you the only person awake right now. Rather than joining everyone you grab your phone and start searching for a screenshot from the Cafe' in the other building next to yours. They deliver breakfast to residents of your apartment complex and it singlehandedly eased the pain you have of leaving your precious Cafe 85c behind all these weeks. You still swing by and load up on pastries every now and again, though.

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