the art of self reflection

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(( my computer died, it's still not fixed so im operating on a super small keyboard rn bear with me...))

First thing's first, rest in eternal power Chadwick. May flights of angels sing thee to thy rest. 

edit 2: u_u''  oof my brain is hitting a wall on where to go from here story wise. thanks for sticking around , tho!


You've only been asleep for what feels like a couple minutes when you're startled awake by a large pitbull smacking you in the face with his paw. You recoil, cursing up a storm at the scratch you're already feeling on your nose, but the way Zeus darts away to stare at the man watching you from across the room distracts you into silence.

N'Jadaka is in the chair near the closet, staring at you in silence, albeit if it weren't for the way he's smirking at you getting hit by your dog you'd think he had a rough night. You ignore him to check on Kaya in the bassinet, seeing that she's still asleep and sighing in relief that she managed to get there. There's a blanket on her, and when you open your mouth to say something, the man in front of you states he put it there.


"I was watchin' her," he says, cutting you off. "It was cold as hell in here."

There's silence, you just staring at N'Jadaka exhausted and him staring right back, just as exhausted. The lumpy mattress has your back screaming, and you want nothing more than to be at home on that King sized bed that brings out your worst impulses. The clock says it's only half past 9, so your mood is already a little worse for wear at being awake before noon.

He does what he does best, watching unnervingly as you reach over to check your messages, and you're delighted to find several missed calls below a few unanswered texts.

"You must have had a lot to say," you go, stretching. He only huffs at you. 

"Nothing now? How'd my parents react to you showing up? I've never seen you interact with them without me."

Ignoring your jabs completely, N'Jadaka flat out cuts to the chase and asks about last night. Your anxiety-ridden night that makes you a little mad now that you're being forced to think about it again. He wants to know if anyone was following you or if you saw anything weird, but you reverse the question on him without giving an answer.

"Can I ask why you had my baby at the Outreach Center while you mean-mugged two strange men? Since we're asking questions."

"What'd you want me to do? Leave her at home? I had some important shit come up."

Scoffing, you add, "Yes, maybe that would've been safer all things considered. Her diaper still wasn't changed."

He goes to open his mouth again but you sigh and hold both hands up in surrender. "Can we go one day without arguing please?"

"I dunno, can we? Since we askin' questions." 

Kaya is what possibly saves her annoying father from catching a baby bottle to the head by opening her mouth and yawning in the cutest way before opening her eyes to stare at you. You melt, completely forgetting the fact that there's anyone else in the room as you reach over for her. N'Jadaka gets to her first, robbing you of a morning cuddle but you can't even be mad because something about how small she is in his arms makes you want to cry. But you won't admit that, especially because he turns to you and sticks his tongue out like a kid.

Sometimes he's cute and that bugs you because you'd rather be annoyed at the way his lifestyle choices have been driving you crazy since the day you decided to sleep with him. And for some reason, that thought stays with you all the way through your shower and is still lingering once you get dressed in the only type of clean clothes left behind at your parents'; a pair of short shirts and a long tee. 

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