Chapter 7

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Here is a very rushed and un-detailed summary of the island-

Alright, let's just get on with the story-

                                                                         No POV

A few hours had passed until the humanoid fox had awoken from its slumber once again, and after stepping out of the tent that they shared with their family, many of the people who had traveled with the fox were bombarding him with many questions, such as how and where he got that basket of food, and why he had ran off in the middle of the night without telling anyone.

Wilbur, being the protective dad that he was, noticed the obvious discomfort on his son's face, and quickly stepped in the usher the others away, before bringing the fox over to a secluded part of the shore, before guesturing for both if them to sit down and have a little talk between the two.

"So, and you can tell me whatever you are comfortable telling me, but where and why did you run off without at least telling me?" Wilbur asked his son, trying to keep his voice as gentle as possible.

It was a moment of slightly tense silence before the anthro fox answered. "Well, I had noticed that we were gonna start to starve to death if we didn't get food soon, so I decided that I wojld go search for some at night, because I know that you guys would probably try to stop me from going alone. Also, I guess.......I just needed some time alone? And, before you ask anymore questions, I think I know why that boy that you guys had found a few days ago wouldn't talk." Fundy replied, Wilbur slowly nodded, as a motion for the other to continue on.

"While I was walking through a forest that had appeared from behind the jungle, I found a house in the middle of a small clearing, and the lights were on. I looked in through one of the windows, and saw two boys talking to each other, both of them being the ones that we had seen a few days ago. Then, as I was trying to sneak away, suddenly a random Enderman started chasing me, which of course, alerted the boys, and after I had accidentally cornered myself, what confused me is not onlg did they not try to hurt me, but it seemed like they didn't speak English." Wilbur's eyes widened at this, but Fundy continued.

"Instead, they seemed to speak all the languages of the mobs except for the language of humans, and I was able to communicate with them through the fox language quite easily, actually. After I told them of our situation, the boy that you guys had tried to get to talk, his name is Tubbo by the way, started freaking out, and after raiding his own kitchen, he basically shoved a basket full of food and water into my arms. And then they both walked me back, and now here I am." The fox finished, and they looked up to see the entire group listening in.

They both jolted in suprise, before chuckling a little bit and letting the silence settle in foqr a moment, before BBH asked a question.

"So, does that technically mean that only Fundy can speak to.....what were their names.....Tommy and Tubbo? Does anyone else know a language that isn't human-incorporated?" Darryl asked, and Technoblade SapNap suprisingly rose their hands, saying Techno could speak pig, and that SapNap, well, he could speak.........Panda. 

So, they devisied a plan to try to find out these boys were, why they couldn't at least speak Spanish or English, and why they lived on an uncharted island in the middle of nowhere that was filled with mobs.

After evening came around, Fundy and SapNap were sent off to go try to find the boys again because for some weird reason Techno didn't want to go, and the group waited impatiently, anticipating the two's arrival as the sun slowly set.

                                                               Tommy's POV

I was just about finished with tending to the rest of the agressive mobs, with having almost finsihed with making a few new homes for the Silverfish and Endermite and making sure the Blazes weren't burning up anything, when I heard a little bit of rustling in a rather large bush that was nearby.

I shrugged it off as some younglings trying to play a trick on me, when I saw a familiar fox face pop out of the plant with a sheepish expression on his face, before an unfamiliar face popped up right next to the fox's.

That immediately set me on guard, but Fundy quickly walked up to me and explained to me that the being, who was apparently a human and who's name was "Nick", or more preferably "SapNap", had just come along to ask a few questions.

I agreed and sat down, not keeping my eyes off of the stranger, before Fundy started asking questions.

                               ☆Small Time Skip bc I'm lazy and it's late☆

                                                    Fundy's POV

After thanking Tommy for asking our questions, I led SapNap back to our campsite, when we bumped into Tubbo along the way.

"Oh! Hey Tubbo!" I greeted the brunette, and Tubbo nodded back in acknowledgement before asking who the person who was next to me was.

"Oh. This is SapNap! He speaks Panda." I quickly explained, and Tubbo made an 'o' shape with his mouth in understanding, before he greeted Nick in a language that I would assume was Panda.

After a little while more of walking, we reached the campsite and was greeted by Dream and Technoblade, before I left SapNap to go inform the others of the new info we had gotten out of Tommy, the information being why he was on an island full of mobs and in the middle of nowhere(He answered quite blatantly that he was cast out of his village into a river in a basket, before he reached the island and was raised by the mobs), How old Tubbo and him were(they were currently only 15((Tubbo's age)) and 14 and a few silver moons old?((Tommy's age)), which was still pretty suprising))), and if there was a way that they could come back with us(Tommy had quickly shook his head at that, saying that there was no way that he would leave his entire life behind).

We decided that we would ask a few more questions tomorrow, and then decide what to do next, and after a bit more thinking, I considered that today was a job well done, and right as I got ready for bed, I basically slid into my sleeping bag before quickly passing out.

Would this seem like some sort of filler chapter? Because it sure seems like that to me. Anyways, I got a question for ya. How would ya'll like it if after we got 2k reads, I did a Q&A or smth for this book? Because this book has to be the book that has went up the fastest in reads out of all of my books, which is really suprising tbh. So, I'll let ya'll dwell on that, and I'll go ahead and sign out. So anyways, Hope you enjoyed, Thanks for reading, and Fox Out!~Tigercool

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