Chapter 4

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                                                                  Wilbur's POV

I woke up to Techno shaking me awake, and I was about to slap his hand off of me and continue sleeping when I saw the look on his face, which was filled with curiosity, concern, and slight excitement at the same time.

Well, of course I got up after that, because whenever he had that look it was probably something weird that he had discovered, and because I hadn't seen this side of him since we were kids.

I threw on some clothes and shoes and stepped outside of the tent, careful to not wake up Phil and Fundy, and followed after Techno, before I stopped at the edge of a giant jungle.

"Uh, hey, Techno? Aren't we supposed to wait until the others wake up before we go explore the island?" I asked, but was soon dragged along by Techno through the biome anyways.

What confused me is that after a little bit of being dragged along, the jungle abruptly stopped, and transformed into a forest with all the types of trees in the world "innit".(Please don't kill me I had to take that pun-)

But Techno didn't stop there, for he basically pushed me over into the forest and pulled me over to a rather large bush all without saying a word, and motioned for me to stay silent as he slowly pulled the bush to the side.

What I saw next amazed and confused me even more.

There was a group of different mobs, all who were young, and were chasing each other around in a game of tag as a few Enderman watched over them, who all had.......wooden planks in their hands?

Suddenly, I felt a sneeze coming to a rise, and while I did my best to cover it up, Techno still had to pull me out of view just in time as the Enderman looked over in our direction.

But as we were hiding, one of the Enderman started walk over to our position, and was about to peek over the bush when a voice interrupted the tension, and the Enderman moved away from our location, making us silently sigh in relief.

As we peeked over the coloection of leaves again, we could see a young boy, who looked no older than 15, run into the clearing with a worried expression in his face.

The boy made a series of noises identical to what the Enderman made, and they pointed over behind them as the boy seemingly thanked them and ran in that direction.

Now was the time that we decided would be a good time to leave, and we both jogged silently back to the camp, and we were about to get out of the jung when we were met with the angry face of Phil.

                                                                     Bee Boy's POV

The day started out simple, I suppose, when the entire island was woken up by a shriek of terror from a young skeleton, who could be seen running over to Tommy's house just as my brother stepped outside the door.

I was glad that they weren't hurt or anything, but the question that my mind wanted me to answer was why the skeleton even screamed.

I decided that I would ask the Enderman first, and I walked over to the closest group of them, who were currently watching a small group of mobs play while one Enderman seemed to be inspecting something, before they saw me and walked over to say hi.

After asking where the cause for the scream could have came from, they pointed towards the jungle, and I followed that direction until I reached the edge of the lushery.

When I peeked through a random leaf wall that so happened to be in my path, what I saw confused me.

There were strange........mobs, that I hadn't of seen before. They sort of looked like me, but an older and different version of Tommy and I.

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