twenty-five | onstage

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Third Person POV

a year later

"I have something to confess." V spoke into the mic, a little static through the mic came out causing a reaction from the audience.

"Who here remembers my one year hiatus?"

The crowd responded back in nods and yes's  in unison.

"I want to come clean. I know that I owe you all an explanation for disappearing abruptly for a year."

It was all over the news, headlines all over the world, and trending on social media.

"BTS's V Announce Hiatus For Unknown Reason."

It all rooted from that night, the same night a year ago.

"A year ago, in this exact city, New York. I found the love of my life... again."

The audience all swooned in fangirl and some even chanted Jennie's name.

"No... it's not Jennie. Jennie and I, we were— uh- just good friends." V didn't exactly know how to nicely label Jennie and their relationship.

The members who stood behind him in their designated instruments all looked at each other, eyeing one another as this was all out of the schedule.

V noticed how his manager walked closer to the stage, creating an X with his arms, telling him to stop.

But V refused. He wanted to do this. He no longer had anything to lose.

"Six years ago, I made the biggest mistake of my life. I let the person I loved the most go."

"And you know what scarred me the most? I hurt her. I caused her pain that I know I can't undo."

"As undeserving as I knew I was, God finally answered my prayer, I met this person again."

"Just like any fool in love, I begged... I begged for her to give me another chance."

"But she didn't." A forced laugh came out from his lips. .

He didn't quite understand if it was pain he was feeling inside for recalling the past or nervousness for the response his actions will bring, but he knew he felt unsettled.

V needed some assurance, he scans the audience, trying to translate their response, and he can see them pout and look at him with pity.

"You all should see how you look right now, I didn't die everyone, no need to look so upset." V tried to add in humour as the atmosphere in the arena needed it.

"Well honestly looking back at it now, I deserved it."

"But if there was one thing I learned after losing her the first time, it was that, if you're lucky enough to be given another chance, you take it, you hold onto it, and you don't waste it."

"So that's what I did."

"So yeah you can say that the reason why I was away for a year was because, for this past year I pursued my happiness."

"This past year, I worked hard to show how much I am worthy. Worthy of gaining her, her trust, and her love."

"I found the romanticist in me again. I bought her flowers everyday, stayed up late for one single text, waited and waited hours for her to notice me at her front door, her rehearsals, bought her  favourite morning coffee, talked to an automated voicemail for months, wrote endless love songs, and I could honestly go on for hours talking about everything I did."

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