ten | déjà vu

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"Seriously just go fucking text her if you're not even going to bother and listen to what we're saying" I heard Yongi hyung yell as he hits the drum loudly to get my attention.

"Seriously though V... our competition is less than a week away and you're not in the right mind. Why the fuck is she keeping you so distracted man?" Jin hyung added on.

I sigh and dropped my phone, finally paying attention to the guitar on my lap. I took the strap and put it over my shoulders. "Okay let's take it from the beginning of "On"?" I ask looking at my band mates.

They all stare at me blankly, not moving an inch.

"What?" I ask acting all clueless.

"You little fucker is dodging the question. Our little playboy is soooo whipped for that Jisoo girl." Jungkook teases.

"Aish YOU little fucker, I'm your hyung show some respect." I respond back as I continue to dodge the question.

I'm honestly not in the mood to talk about Jisoo right now. She's.... She's just different. Ever since I last saw her, I thought we had a great time and expected her to at least text me but nope still nothing.

I could easily text her first but of course my big ego won't allow me. For fuck sakes I already tried everything with her. I think it's time she does the chase. Therefore I will NOT text her first no matter how much every instinct in my body tells me so.

If this is the game she wants to play, then game on baby.


Third Person POV

"Someone looks nervous" Jungkook teases his hyung again as they wait backstage, waiting for their cue to enter.

"Do you guys see her?" V anxiously asks.

"No shit we don't, we have no view of the crowd stupid." Yongi replies.

V took a deep breath in controlling the nerves he was feeling. And no, he was not nervous about their performance, her was nervous at the thought of Jisoo maybe showing up. Till this day he didn't receive any text messages from her and that definitely put his mood down.

"1. 2. 3. BTS FIGHTING!" The band both said in unison just after hearing their band being called up.

"Here goes nothing." V let out.




shit she's actually here and she's smiling at me


"AND THE WINNER IS...... BTS!"  The announcer announce causing the crowd to scream loudly in happiness.

Jisoo was one of them, she hadn't realized it but her palms were beginning to sweat as she was so nervous before hearing the results. But just as she expected they had won, leaving her to yell as loud as she ever could.

"Okayyyy girl! I never knew you could scream that loud!" Rosé teases.

"Shut up. I'm just happy they won, since wasn't that the reason we also went here?" Jisoo replied casually.

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