three | saviour

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Third Person POV

"OMG Jisoo! Why didn't you tell me you were already dating V!" Rosé yells as she ran towards Jisoo who was making her way to her classes.

"Seriously Rosé it's way too early in the morning right now to hear some absurd statements like that." Jisoo responds unbothered.

"Jisoo literally EVERYONE is talking about it. Apparently, many people saw you guys yesterday in front of the campus." Rosé still not convinced that nothing is going between her friend and V.

Jisoo stopped her tracks and turned her head towards Rosé. "Shit" she muttered and quickly lead Rosé somewhere less public.

"OMG JISOO THIS IS GREAT! YOU TOTALLY SHOULD GO ON A DATE WITH HIM!!" Rosé immediately cheerfully says after being informed about what really went down yesterday.

"Rose have you complete gone mad?!"

"Seriously I've had enough of your BTS madness. I want nothing to do with that guy!" Jisoo frustratingly express and left Rosé behind.


"Hi welcome to The Lab Café, I'll be with you in a moment" Jisoo says busily as she was still occupied finishing the other customers bubble tea order.

"Sorry for the wait, what can I get you?" Jisoo asks, her eyes focused on fixing her uniform.

"Shouldn't you be looking at your customers eyes when taking their order?" Jisoo immediately recognize the owner of the voice.

Her eyes bolted up, completely displeased with her view. "You've got to be kidding me. As if showing up to my University wasn't enough now, you're also stalking me here at my work."

V smirks and leans in closer.

"Don't flatter yourself baby. I'm simply just here to order a drink."

"Jisoo-ssi" The manger eyed Jisoo reminding her she shouldn't treat customers with an attitude.

Jisoo sighs in defeat and plastered a forced smile. "Hi, what can I get you?"

"You." V responded back, amused waiting for Jisoo's reaction.

"Customer-nim as you can see, we're really busy so it'd be great if you just cooperate." Jisoo replied back, really annoyed this time.

moments later

"Leaving already?" V asks as he reaches for Jisoo's arm after dropping off his drink to his table.

He truly enjoyed teasing Jisoo. Her reactions were just too cute for him to stop. 

"Look V, while I'm still being nice, I would seriously consider leaving if I were you. If of course, you still want your handsome face of yours to remain intact."

V licked his lips and another smirk formed. "So, you find my face handsome?"

Jisoo rolled her eyes and walked away, not wanting to waste any more energy.


"Jisoo you should head home now, I can take care of the rest" The manager of the cafe says.

Jisoo looked at the time from her watch, 9:43 pm she read.

"Hmm it's quite earlier than usual" Jisoo thought.

Jisoo being the eldest of four in her family, she felt a responsibility to lift some burden towards her parents.

Taking ballet lessons since she was five years old and pursuing ballet in University is definitely not cheap.

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