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Day number 58

I started this diary just in case and now, it's just something I have to do at least a few times a week. Strange how certain things have a use and it changes over time.

This is day dumber 58 in the Malfoy Mansion. So far I have played my cards right and I'm still alive so I guess everything is good. Except I'm banned from leaving my room. The bathroom was finished weeks ago luckily and good old FeFe brings me food. She's the only house elf who dares to speak to me nowadays.

My family thinks me a traitor. The rest of the wizarding world thinks me evil. Except for my friends back at school at least that's what I think. Also everyone in this house hates them so... really there's no way to win this.

Dad came to see me once all summer. He hit me again, but I can tell he's desperate and my smart mouth isn't helping him. Still, he could use a lighter touch.

Draco sneaks me sweets every so often and once a week he sneaks in and we have a sleepover like we used to when we were little. I guess that time is truly gone now. I know when school comes, he'll be different. He's been different. Last week he just wanted to sleep. Didn't even want to talk. Which is unlike him.

I've gotten letters. Hermione, Ron and Harry had sent some. Even Ginny sent a few. I wasn't able to respond to all of them but I was able to save Hedwig. She's bright, that owl. A bit pecky, sassy but bright. I haven't seen her in weeks, or any other letters which means they got my message.

I miss my friends.

Being in solitary has made my world very small. I don't laugh as much and I've read every book ever written I'm sure. I don't really know what else to do... hence the diary.

Well, day number 58 was boring and unsuccessful, just like the rest.

Goodbye for now.

I closed the book and sat back, putting my quill back into the ink. Two months. I'm two months older since I left Hogwarts, and I'm just a few days away from boarding the train. Still, I feel like a completely different person.

I got up and went to my mirror. I stared at my reflexion at least for a few minutes everyday, wondering why I couldn't just be more like them? Evil and cruel. Or maybe even born in a different family. That... that would be amazing. But alas, there I was. Stuck in my family manor, the door locked from the outside with myself, Cora Elizabeth Malfoy, sitting alone talking to myself in writing.

Haven't I fallen far enough?

Stupid question, I know.

I pulled out my hair from the messy bun I had created earlier that morning and shook out a few knots. Running my fingers through it, I ruffled my hair a little, giving my scalp a little TLC before giving it a good brush. I had a natural wave and I loved it more than my mum's perfect straight hair. That was the one thing I truly adored about myself: my hair.

Mum. She hasn't come to see me. If she's playing a part, she's damn good at it.

A small familiar pop came from behind me but I didn't move. I simply continued to stare at the unknown girl looking back at me. FeFe slowly came into view beside me, looking at reflective me, then the real me quite a few times. After about a minute she simply stood there and stared at herself too.

"Hey Fe." I said softly.

"Yes miss?"

"Do I look different to you?" I asked.

"No miss."

"Fe you're not supposed to lie, remember." I smiled a little and turned away, sitting on my bed.

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