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Party. My third one of the year and probably not my last once I go home for Christmas. Draco must have sent a letter to mum about it because when I got back from classes the next day, there was a package for me. A brand new dress.

This dress was modest. Short sleeves and a high neck. It fit nicely and flowed all the way to the floor with a slit up the leg. And it was black, my favourite colour. I refused to wear the high heels she packed and instead, chose the same boots I wore for my first date.

I tucked the outfit away so it wouldn't be seen. I had no idea what walking out in it would be like and I was honestly a little afraid for Harry to see me in it. What would he think?

Hermione had been high strung all day and she refused to tell me who she was taking to the party. I didn't know how to tell her she was being annoying so instead, we took laps around the grounds. Harry was off somewhere with Ron, probably trying to find another date but I was more concerned for my best friend.

She seemed a lot more uncomfortable than usual and honestly I didn't know what she was truly thinking. She wasn't speaking this time.

After quite a lot of walking, Hermione dipped into the girls bathroom but I waited outside, leaning against the wall. It was nice to just be with me for a moment that day. She came out once she was finished and we were about to be off again when Lavender rounded the corner with Romelda Vain..

"Oh. It's you." She rolled her eyes.

"Lavender. Romelda." I nodded to them politely.

"Bit sad there are we?" Lavender asked, turning to Hermione.

I looked at her and saw that her eyes were a bit red. She cried in there.

"Piss off." I snapped.

"Oh spicy." Lavender giggled.

"Piss. Off." I said harder.

This time Lavender believed me and her smile faltered but she didn't back down.

"It's not my fault he finds me more attractive." She spat.

I scoffed. "Have you looked in a mirror lately? Besides he can't really see that when your lips are attached to him all the time."

"He likes it." Lavender smirked. "And so does Harry, even Romelda knows that. All boys do."

I don't know how it happened and I don't know what came over me but the sound of my fist hitting her face was actually quite refreshing. She screamed and I groaned, shaking my hand. She looked at me and her nose was bleeding. I let out a sharp laugh and smiled.

"Damn that felt good."

"Cora!" Hermione gasped.

"Good luck with that, Lavender." I waved bye with my good hand and grabbed Hermione, pushing past both shocked girls.


We barely made it down the hall before Lavender's shrieking voice echoed down the hall. I turned just in time for something to take me right to the ground. Students doing their own laps or on their way to extra classes gathered quickly and I screamed as something pulled on my hair. With the sound of grunting, I knew Lavender was the one on top of me.

I reached up and grabbed whatever I could, pulling hard. She screamed too and I pushed her but she held on so tightly we just rolled. She let go of my hair and flailed, swatting me. Before I could hit her back, someone lifted me right off her. I kicked, pulling away from whoever it was as Lavender was scooped up from the floor.

"Nobody likes you!" Lavender cried, fighting against Ron. I still didn't know who was holding me but whoever it was somehow made it comforting. "Nobody wants you here, you might as well go be You-Know-Who's lackey! Follow your stupid family into the darkness and never come back! You'll never belong in this house!"

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