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I cleaned up my cauldron and tossed my invisibility cloak over it, sliding it under my bed. Finding one was not easy, and it cost a lot more than I should have paid. It's a good thing potions were my specialty.

I packed the vials in a small bag and tucked them into my trunk carefully. I had a potion for everything, and some that worked for multiple things. I wanted to be ready this year.

Mum dropped us at the train station and left without saying good-bye. I shouldn't have cared, knowing she didn't mean it but it still hurt. We were able to sit in the cart for the older students and Draco picked the booth. I sat on the outside and sat back, laying my arms out on the table in front of me.

"Dad came to see me last night." Draco said quietly.

I glanced around, making sure nobody was listening before looking at him.


"And it's official. I'm in training." Draco rubbed his forearm and for a moment, my lungs stopped working.

I looked away and nodded. "And you're absolutely sure about this?"


"You can just be by my side, Draco. You really don't have to do this." I begged.

"This is how I'm being by your side." Draco hissed. "One of us has to."

I pushed back the tears and didn't respond. I hated that I couldn't play along the way Draco did. He was starving for acceptance from the man we called father and he was dying to make him happy. He was putting his life on the line for something as stupid and acceptance.

Except I understood. I would do the same for Hermione, Harry and Ron. I needed them to accept me or I wasn't sure what I would do. Still, nothing about this was right.

"Then if you're going to do this... you do it right. I'll kill you if you die on me." I told him.


"Draco!" That voice was almost worse than Professor Umbridge's. "Good summer?"

Pansy sat in the seat opposite us, sliding into the window as Blaise slid in next to her. I pulled my hands down and into my lap, trying to keep my face neutral.

I remember hearing her throughout the summer. Draco had lots of friends over, always the same people and Pansy was one of them. Oftentimes one of the only girls and she would laugh and FeFe would tell me she would flirt. It was so obvious she liked Draco but he didn't seem to show any interest back. I couldn't tell if it was because of everything going on or maybe he really just didn't like her like that.

Either way didn't make her less annoying.

The train started moving and the three of them started talking. I couldn't get into it and had pulled out my book quicker than I should have. All of the books I had brought were all rereads but maybe if I found Hermione, she would have something new for me.


It took a good two hours into the ride before I remembered they were somewhere on the train too.

"I'm gonna take a walk." I said, getting up.

"Going to visit some friends?" Pansy bit.

"At least I have some. Good to see you, P." I bit back, walking away.

Catching my reflection in the window, I was very grateful to myself for choosing a braid. I really didn't like how long my hair was getting but I didn't trust anyone other than my mum to cut it and she wasn't talking to me so I had to deal.

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