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"Ugh!" I tossed my brush against the wall and laid down, pulling the blankets over my head.

"Would you just like me to cut it?" Hermione asked from the bathroom.

"Don't you dare come near me with scissors 'Mione. You may be good with a wand but not those." I groaned.

Hermione laughed and I whined as she pulled the blankets off me. "Let me help."

I sat up and sighed. "Fine just no scissors."

"Sit." Hermione pointed to the floor and sat on my bed.

I followed her directions and leaned back between her legs, letting her brush my hair. My chest tightened as I was suddenly transported to when I was eight and my mum was talking about dying my hair like her. I took a deep breath and looked down, picking at my nails.

I really had to stop this habit.

"Are you alright?" Hermione asked softly.

"Yeah. I think I'll just wear it down." I shrugged and stood up, letting my hair fall past my shoulders. "Maybe I can hide from teachers in class this way."

Hermione giggled and stood up. She grabbed her bag and I did the same, then followed her downstairs.

"What's your schedule like?" She asked.

"Easy. Nothing dramatic, just everything I need to graduate." I replied.

"Well I have to get going so I'll see you later?"

I nodded and waved, watching Hermione leave. I stood aside, letting other students get to their classes. I had a free first period so I could've stayed in bed.

Turning to leave, I collided hard into someone, stumbling back. They caught me quickly, steadying me on my feet.


Those eyes trapped me once again. "Harry."

"Your hair..." He wasn't looking at my hair.

Heat rose to my cheeks and I pulled away, carefully running my hand through my hair. "It's just hair..."

"No of course I just mean... it's nice. Yeah I like it long." He said.

"Thanks." I nodded, breaking away from his gaze.

"You have a free period?" Harry asked.

"Yeah." I nodded again.

"Ready to go?" Ron appeared quickly and it almost knocked me over again. "Whoa, Cora your hair."

"Yes, it's long and free. I'm guessing you have a free period too?"

Ron nodded, not at all phased by my outburst.

"What should we do?" Harry asked us.

"Well..." I thought about it, looking around to see if anything would strike an idea. It came to me the minute someone else left the common room. "We can help the first and second years get to class." I smirked.

"This is why I like you." Ron said, jogging out of the portrait.

I laughed and followed quickly with Harry at our heels. We were quick to get to the main hall where everyone was crammed together. Luckily the benches hadn't ever been moved or else we wouldn't have been able to see anything.

I hopped onto a bench, trying to stay above everything. The boys got up on either side of me and I leaned back, watching in amusement as all the little ones struggled to understand the school.

Ron pointed out a kid who walked into a wall and we all laughed, listening to McGonagall shout orders. I gently tugged on Harry's cloak and pointed.

Estranged • Harry Potter {2}Where stories live. Discover now