Chapter : 4

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The day which had started with the Zhan's suffering, ended with his doom only. After being tired from wandering here and there inside and outside in the entire village, in search of jobs, Zhan with a wrenching heart, lost his all hopes. Roaming at the street without knowing the direction or destination, he let the darkness surrounded himself. His mind was senseless, his feet dragging him to where, only God knew.

Not a single person was around him or even in the alone street which leaded to the dark deep forest. But who cared? Even if he would be killed, did he regret? No! Why would he? Wasn't it better to die first while seeing the one who gave you birth, dying in front of your eyes? The person who provided you everything, pampered you with endless love, taken care of you like there will be no tomorrow, now losing her life without knowing and you who knew everything all along, couldn't able to help her!

Was that all, you could return for her all sacrifices? Was that all you could do? Let her die and himself shed tears and then moved in your life, was this all in your hands? So, it was better to die instead of seeing her been dying slowly, little by little. But, was this really the solution? No! It was called running away from the problem. But was there anyway to face it anyhow, to help his family from this awaiting destruction?

No! There is no way! I have no way! I have none!!!! Arghhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaa............!!!!!!

Conflicting endless with his mind, he broke down on the alone dark street, loudly as he was sure, no one could hear him, no one could complain of being noisy, no one humiliate him for being a crybaby and being worthless or useless. So, falling to the rough surface and hugging his own knees tightly, he cried bitterly. Sinking his head deeper in his own lap, he was choking while saying his heart out to himself,

"Why? Why God? Why it's me? Haven't you had enough? Tell me how much would I have to suffer to meet your satisfaction? Tell me, how much pain do I have to endure? It's not that am complaining about my life! I can bear your every torments but why my family? They r innocent! I have tried to challenge my fate. Being a poor boy from small village, loved a princess from higher society by mistake and when I knew the truth, instead of leaving her, tried to fight with everyone out of selfishness! It's my fault! Mine alone then why my family need to pay for this?!! Pleaseee leave them out from this mess! They r already smiling with pain everyday, don't try to snatch their fake smile too! Please take my life but spare my mother. Please let her live at least. Please Godddd...aaaaahhhhhhhh....!!"

Zhan was crying painfully while pleading nonstop to his invisible God. Begging him from all his left strength but met with silence in return. He knew it but still did. With a bleeding hurt, he realized that he had a family where everyone would be waiting anxiously for his return. Not to make them more worried, he decided to return back. Sitting in the same position for a long time, his legs have became numb. As a result, when he tried to stand, his legs staggered and he was about to fall when his own hands clutched something soft like a silk fabric, tightly.

His eyes was shut in fear of falling onto hard street and breaking his bone. But hanging in air with his unknown supporter for a while, he finally realized he was safe but a sudden fear came haunting him as the silence grew more and more. His brows furrowed as eyeballs were restlessly moving showing the signs of nervousness to the stranger who chuckled as he asked in his deep voice, flinching the poor soul,

"How long are you wishing to hold onto me? Leave!"

The voice was deep and harsh but Zhan who heard it, went pale. It didn't take him another sec to guess who was the owner of the voice. Opening his fearful eyes, he immediately left the silky soft muffler, hanging around the criminal's neck diligently over the turtle necked branded sweater and the opened furry overcoat. His clothing sense with the handsome prideful face, screaming his high standard and cold nature with arrogant attitude.

But Zhan shivered when his own teary scared eyes mistakingly made a brief eye contact with the latter's cold dark frightful one which was enough to slice his soul without a knife. He couldn't take the stare. Turning his head to stare at the dark forest, he wiped his tears away roughly by his shirt sleeves. He was sure, his poor condition would only pleased him to the fullest. He was waiting for the latter's mockery which never came. He said to the person in his teared voice,

"Why standing? I'm here, c'mon, do it! Mock me, humiliate me and when feel
satisfied, just leave."

"Are you crazy? Giving me orders?" Wang Yibo's asked deeply with anger lingering in his voice. Zhan ignored his fear and said again in a sarcastic tone,

"How can I? Am just a low, middle-class boy. What right do I have to give you, the great businessman Wang Yibo, orders for anything?"

"(Indifferently) Good that you know your position. So now listen, I'm not here to mock you. No one can stop me from humiliating you if I have decided. You know it right?"

The cold figure smirked at end while taking a small step toward the standing the poor figure. Zhan who saw the advancement, backed a little in alertness. Wang Yibo who guessed his thoughts smirked more as he started coldly,

"I heard your begging earlier to your invisible Almighty Lord and felt really bad. Know what, the pleading you should have offered me, you're wasting over to him? Listen this carefully, the sufferings, pain, troubles, you and your family are going through, because of my orders. I can stop it just by flip of my finger. You need money for your Mom's operation, right? I, Wang Yibo, can provide it and that's too in cash. Just say it."

Zhan was surprised, confused and overwhelmed by the single thought of his Mom being healthy like before. But as reality hit him, he cautiously asked in a sad tone,

"W-why? W-why would you do that? If not because of you, my family hasn't been going though all this. Only you r responsible for my and my family doom! Then why would a selfish and egoistic person like you, would help me?"

Wang Yibo smiled. Not a normal one but cold. Intact too cold. Removing his own overcoat, he walked near to Zhan who wanted to back away but was stopped by Wang Yibo's grip on his wrist. Pulling him just a little closer, the cold figure, handed him his warm overcoat surprising the hell out of the poor soul as he said his last few words for the day,

"I'm a businessman, plus you're my criminal. So doing favor meant only one thing which is, I want something in return too, from you."

"(With a widened eyes) W-what ?"

"You! I want you to be mine in every way. Remember, Just mine. Gimme a call if you're ready and do meet me while wearing this (pointing to the coat in a shocked Zhan's trembling hand) as I can't stand this stench! It's disgusting. Now go back, maybe reaching there will help you to take decision rapidly."

He smirked dangerously before leaving for the car, stopped at a little far distance. Sitting inside it, Zhan watched like a ghost till the car disappeared from his sight. He was gone but his words still thundering inside Zhan's heart, shaking him in extreme tremor.
He couldn't even have relaxed when his poor phone vibrated. No knowing what will welcome him next, he answered the call but as the person spoke at the other line, his world stopped completely,

" (crying voice) A'Zhan! Mom! Mom! C-come soo-soon..."

To be continued....❤

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