•𝘏𝘪𝘥𝘥𝘦𝘯 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 • [𝘚𝘢𝘴𝘶𝘬𝘦.𝘜]

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Sakura had decided to pester you with some "girl chat" when in reality it was just her talking non stop about how the dark eyed Uchiha was handsome -yada yada.Yea maybe he was,maybe he wasn't. To you it didn't matter since Sasuke had the temper of some chihuahua who was trying to be petted but chose violence instead of care. Ahhhh but that was you being bias since you were keeping a secret from Sakura.

You and Sasuke had a little thing going on. After the Itachi thing and the war and Sasuke came back ,no ? You guys decided to keep it private just Incase it didn't work out but  8 months have passed and you guys have actually been happy together. You remember meeting him at the chunin exam after Lee beat the shit outta him.

You were walking with team Guy since you had wondered off on your own and lost you team, no biggie. You and Tenten were talking when Lee ran off on his own. To make sure Lee wasn't getting into any trouble you decided to follow him,turns out sugar cube was out here beating some kid up-talking about black Air Force activities.

He was about to go for his final blow when Guy sensei appeared with a turtle and what not. Since the commotion was quite interesting you observed for a while. Then you saw duck ass all mangled up while Sakura was just ....there -trying help him.

You went up to them and asked if she needed help but sis jealousy done kicked in and pushed you off to the side yelling that you needed to back off. 'Dang,man. I just wanted to help.' You thought to yourself. Shrugging off the bad vibes ole girl gave you, you continued on your way thinking if the angry looking kid with the hair was alright.

When the fighting rounds came you just sat back watching each fight go on until it was your turn. You weren't bad at throwing hands but you could back up any shit you talked with some good hits ;). Your turn game and you make your way to where you had to be. You look up at the board and see the name "Sasuke" and his picture pop up. "Ah so that's his name. I'll just call him duck ass". You snicker at your own humor while this kid Sasuke makes his way to the dirt bottom of the arena where the fighting was taking place.

The fighting began. A kick here, a punch there, sharingan was used and your shadows were used. Yes,yes indeed you were a Nara. You were just as lazy as Shikamaru but the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Your father was the same way but still an outstanding shinobi. Your father and Mr. imma cloud's, dad were brothers making you and pineapple head cousins. But moving along ~

You had Sasuke paralyzed. It was your perfect moment to end it all and move on to the next round. "Your shadows can't help you win this you're trash at fighting." Sasuke comments making you raise a brow. "Is that so ?~ if I'm correct your chakra is draining and exhaustion is catching up to you. I say I can win this here and now. Sending your ass back to the infirmary. How sad~ getting beat up two times in one day" you mock him getting him riled up ,him attempting to break from your shadows.

You laugh at his pathetic state,amused of how his anger issues. "How about this- I quit and you don't have to end up looking bad in front of everyone....nah that would be too nice of me ". You continue to laugh,loosing your focus on your shadows resulting in them releasing Sasuke. He runs up to you and points a kunai at you. He goes to flip you over but *poof* "A clone ?"

He activates his lil red eyes and scans the open area around him. He was getting close to the shadow of the tree Shikamaru had been hiding in ,in his match. You use the same technique and expand your shadows catching Sasuke off guard. 'Bingo ,duck ass' you smile to yourself watching your plan go though as you planned.

You make two more clones sending one in front of sasuke to pose as the real you for a little while and the other into hiding if the plan malfunctioned. You run behind Sasuke pretty fast and take the kunai from his hand,pointing it to him. "As I was saying. It would be sad to get beat up 2 time,huh" you repeat your words seeing Sasuke confused on how you had managed to pull off such plan. The referee announced you the winner of the round and Sasuke went wallowing in his own pity for being "weak and needing to get stronger"

After the exams y'all would get together to improve your skills and train. You two had become close over time. Sasuke had a little thing growing for you but you were always too focused on sleeping,lazying around and eating at Ichiraku that you didn't notice.


"Yo,Extra's lost batch of pink bubble gum. What would you do if Sasuke doesn't end up reciprocating your feelings ?" You cut off Sakura in the middle of her la la land day dreams of her and Sasuke running into the sunset with him in her arms while Naruto runs after them trying to convince her to love him instead. "(Y/n), I know Sasuke has feelings for me. He promised me he would come back. And he did ...for me." She responds to you question with confidence that just made you want to tell her about the entanglement (?) going on between the Uchiha and yourself.

"I see. Good luck with that". You give her a genuine smile cause man,sis got it hard and you kinda feel bad. You say your goodbyes telling her you were tired from another day of training and needed to go. You take your normal route home making sure you walk a bit fast cause it was getting dark and ain't nobody wanna be outside at night. It wasn't bad outside but after the war and everything you were still paranoid that maybe another attack would take place so you rushed your pretty ass home.

When you got to your apartment ,you flopped onto the couch groaning,wondering what your uncle and father would think of you over working yourself. Being as lazy as both, you just could hear them saying "relax kid. Take a nap, eat and repeat". You smiled at the thought, reminding you that you hadn't seen Shika in a while and you should go visits him. Make sure Temari hasn't killed him yet.

"You should take your own thoughts advise and relax (y/n), not that I'm worried but you really need to chill out with the extra training" you hear Sasuke from the dining table looking at a paper with your daily schedule on it. "Suck it duck ass. I know what I'm doing. Leave me be" you respond to his advise ticked off because mans went and did so much shit. From leaving the village to join Orochimaru's bad bitch self, killing his brother, finally wanting to destroy the leaf. He didn't rest so he should be the last person to even talk.

"Listen dumb ass, I'm saying it for your own good !" Sasuke gets up,walking to the couch you were on and lays with you. "Calm down Jamal. Don't pull out the nine~"

You two lay in silence for a few minutes resulting with you drifting to sleep. Until he speaks up cutting the calm silence "I-I was thinking it's time to tell the others that we're together, don't you agree ?" "Mhm" you hum half asleep not really catching what Sasuke had said. He gives the side of your head a kiss before he drifts off to sleep with you in his arms.


  𝙠𝙚𝙚𝙥𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥 𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙫𝙖𝙩𝙚
𝙡𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝙙𝙧𝙖𝙢𝙖 ~

𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘺 𝘴𝘢𝘧𝘦~ 💞


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