•𝘍𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘺 • [𝘒𝘪𝘣𝘢.𝘐]

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You catch him starting at you for little too long making you feel insecure. You raise a brow tilting your head a bit looking at him.

"Is something wrong ?"

"Just admiring you. With your sexy self." He smiles with his chin resting on his palm.

You cringe a bit at his words.

"I like the way your (e/c) shine in the daylight when the sun hits them. I like how those beautiful pools of yours twinkle at night when the moon reflects off of them."

"I like the way you take care of me even when I get sick."

"I love the way you can be stubborn but always come around"

As the sweet words spill out, you started to smile a bit. You turn to look ahead trying to hide your flustered face.

Kiba was always and always is that person to speak his mind even when not necessary. He scooted from his spot on the couch ,next to you. He tenderly put his hand under you chin moving it to face him once again.

He pecks your lips once, maybe twice.  He smiles pulling back studying your (e/c) hues.

"I'm grateful that you even tolerate me. I'm happy that you love Akamaru the same way I do."

"You stride to be the best konoichi in the village. Even with competition with the other girls; you never fall back. You always move forward and I admire you for that"

He lets go of you chin to grab your hand, lacing his finger with yours, he brings your hand up kissing it in a loving manner.

You start to get the feeling that he's getting at something. Was he going to propose ? Ask to have a kid ? Perhaps a new dog ?

It wasn't the first time of him acting corny towards you. This happened often actually. Today just felt different.

"(Y/n) ,you even beat up Gaara when he said that I was a mutt. You didn't have to defend my ✨honor✨ but you did"
(Zuko type beat)

He stepped over the line there. It was true you beat up Gaara but what the fuck ,man. You bite your laughter back looking at him sharply

"Kiba shut the hell up. I know you want something. Spit it out. I'm not good with handling affection like this"

Kiba was taken back by your words. He shouldn't have been since he would stay buttering you up to get what he wanted.

"Nothing I swear. Just admiring my gorgeous (y/n)" he engulfs you in a hug - squeezing the little living daylight out of you.

You hesitate ,still thinking he wants something. Once he said those last few words you dismiss your earlier thoughts.

He hid his face in your hair mumbling "I love yous" you hum agreeing with him, twirling his brown locks between your fingers delicately.

"I really wanna go to the festival the village is having ,though" Kiba let's out softly still hugging you

"I FUCKING KNEW IT !!!" You yell trying to get out of his grip

"Shhh baby, I really did mean my words, don't get me wrong"

When you relax in his grasp ,Kiba let's you go giving you puppy eyes begging you go to the festivities the village was hosting.

"Fine we'll go. Not cause you begged me but because I was actually going to ask you to go" you say scratching your cheek.

Hearing you say yes excited Kiba. He lets himself on you, this time his whole body on you.

"LESS GOOO!!" He shouts out kissing you .

"You're the best ,(y/n)"

"When am I not ?" You grin up at him-
kissing his nose.

Akamaru took notice of what was going on. He got happy seeing it wasn't an actual argument going on between the two hotheads.

he decided to jump on top of both of them,adding himself onto the dog pile. (not me with the puns)


[ 𝘼𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙖𝙡 ]

"The hell ? How the hell did I lose. This some bullshit !!!"

You and Kiba watch Sasuke have a temper tantrum because he couldn't aim at the ring toss game.

"Bet he can't aim to piss,either" Sai remarks drawing an angry Sasuke for his drawing of his friends.

"Tough to be him" Shino says walking away to the food area.

"Why'd we bring a sourpuss. Sasuke is that last one to be at a festival. Dumbass can end up blowing this hoe up" Temari explains having a good point.

"As long as he doesn't blow up the food stand I'm good" you and Choji smile at each other munching on some grilled squid.

"I-I think it's good for Sasuke to be here. He can....build patience, you know ?" Hinata softly says next to you.

"Sasuke patient ? Oh baby, that ain't it" Naruto chuckles out.

"Pleasseeee...imagine though" an imagination bubble appears above Kiba with a doodle of Sasuke being patient.

"I hate you all" Sasuke come up from behind the group. Behind him the ring toss stand owner trying to put the flames out from his stall.

"Mhmm- patient my ass" Shikamaru rolls his eyes.



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