•𝘜𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘤𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 • [𝘏𝘢𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘢𝘮𝘢.𝘚]

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He sits in the casino with loads of cash and chips in front of him. Gambling away every cent,saying he will win. The dealer pulling card per card as she smiles nicely at everyone betting. Hashirama looks her way. She feels his gaze upon her so she turns around catching his eyes with hers.

You cock an eyebrow up confused at what Hashirama is trying to signal to you. 'Ohhh shit. Right the mission. So much for coming to Las Vegas to have fun'. You roll your eyes as you remember what you were in the Casino for.

Hashirama nods,giving you the brightest smile he always gives you. "This dumb ass will get us caught. If I get shot -No I'll shoot him before I get shot ! yeaaaa." You mumble to yourself as you finish up the betting and let some old hag win the game.

"Congratulations ma'am, enjoy your stay here in the city of sin~" with that being said you pack up as the rest of the people who were playing take their leave. Hashirama walks away ,walking through crowds trying to not seem 'mysterious'. He makes it to the security room with all the cameras. He goes into his suits pocket taking out a walkie-talkie . "Ight babe, lets fuck some shit up !!!" He raises his voice a bit as the excitement gets to him.

"Sir,Imma need you to simmer down. Out here yelling into people's ears. I have an ear piece,dumb ass". You say to the small microphone on your uniform collar. "Right,right sorry. Anyways the jackpot is in a vault in the main owner's office. I'll disconnect all cameras around the office perimeter. Then head to distract the sucker". Hashirama explains the plan as he guides you to the owner's office.

Now you may ask why you guys are out here on some James Bond shit. Well that's because the owner of the casino decided to make some shady decisions with Hashirama's company. He pretty much wanted to sell them out illegally also wanting a gun war. The company was like those in the movies. You know, the ones that have secret assassins,hackers, hella money dealings and stuff like that,yea that type. So Hashirama decided to go undercover and have his revenge.

What were you doing there. Well the wife of Hashirama aka YOU,my precious angel. You were that bitch. You knew how to fool a person. How to do something without anyone finding out. Could wield a gun. And could throw hands. And cause Hashirama begged you to join him. You were suppose to be having a 1 month vacation you requested after a mission of high jacking some train with 'precious cargo' as those around you called it . To you it was just another job,nothing more nothing less. You just wanted some damn sleep.

You make your way to the office as you spot some security. You say your greetings with a nod to them as they do the same,nothing feeling suspicious. The Uchiha that was suppose to be helping you was probably some where getting wasted or fishing for a lay so you didn't bother to hit him up for some clearance of the current situation

"You could've pulled some among us shit and gone through the vent dumb ass". You hear Madara on the other side from your ear piece. "I see someone's still salty they didn't get picked by Hashi~ it's okay love. Hashirama sleeps well at ni-actually we don't even sleep at night sometimes~" you tease Madara as you enter the office. "(Y/n),you nasty oaf !" "suck it Madara". You two bicker a little longer to the point where another voice was heard at some other end. " This reason why Uchihas shouldn't be picked for jobs like these. Fucking pests".

"Did he just call us pests ? BWAHAAAAHA. Tell us something we don't know, Tobirama". Madara chokes out while dying of laughter at his own humor. "Tobirama I have nothing against you. But you starting to act a lil too cocky for your own good. Don't let me bring up the time I walked in on you and Izu-" "shut it you fly. Not a word. Just get the job done". Tobirama cuts you off. Not letting you finish that you walked in on him and Izuna doing the nathty nathty~.

"I won't say anything just because the one you were with is family. And family don't dog each other out". You comment giggling,knowing you'll let the tea out soon enough. "Says the one who closed the door and ran down the hall yelling "OOOUUUU GET IT !" "I did what I did with no shame. At least no one knew what I was talking about. Everyone at the company is so serious and bitch faced,I just can't. Even Madara feels the same way. That's a rare thing to even say". You chime out while attaching some explosives to the vault that was the size of the wall. Very visible to the eye as well.

"Rich people just don't know how to keep things a 'secret'". You shake your head stepping away ready to blow the bitch up. "Okay guys, this fucker is distracted. (Y/n) I know you did your job. Madara......have you at least wired the wires together for the explosion to work?" "Listen here you goofy ass motherfucker. I may be petty but I ain't that petty". Madara defends himself, wiring up the last wires ready to make the thing go BOOM.

"Brother you can go ahead and get the units together. We'll need a car that travels fast. Oh oh and those cute little dogs that when you tap them, their heads bop." Hashirama suggests to Tobirama with a shine to his eyes, showing his excitement nobody could see. "No❤️. You'll get what I give you" Tobirama replies through his own walkie talkie- killing the man child's mood.

You're sitting in the office rolling chair when Madara signals you that he will blow the place up. "Ight fools. We're getting this moola back and going back home. Vegas isn't all that fun when work is involved". Madara finishes his thoughts and pushes the cute little red button he was holding that you called the 'blowing shit up-inator'.

You and Madara activate your ruby reds while there's smoke and all that explosion stuff going on . You see some buff men coming in with guns shooting at you. You dodge the shots fired your way,shooting back at the men rolling, jumping, twirling all the gymnastic moves. Madara came out from some room he was in keeping watch and helped you with the last man standing. "It's always the last one who never wants to go down". You tease as you pew pew the man down.

"BOOO YAAAAAA MOTHERFUCKERRERRR !!UCHIHA COMBO MOVE !!!!!!" You two yell your victory screech jumping and bumping chests. Hashirama comes in running ,loosing his balance which ended up with him falling on Madara. "you can stay on.let's show this hoe we were meant to be" Madara jokes. "Please....I'm the better Uchiha. I may not be from the main family but best believe I'm the talented one in the clan" you say walking away taking a shiny gem that was in the vault.

You and the Uchiha brothers weren't close family. But grew up together making y'all feel close . You loved the brothers but when it came to your man. You one upped Madara. You help both the long haired men up "Shawty got the moves ♡︎♪" "shut the fuck up, Hashirama. I demand my vacation when we get back home. Got me fucked up, like if I wasn't just about to die not only that but with your side hoe next to me".

"Bitch who you calling a side hoe ?" Madara shoves you out of the way instructing the crew called in to collect the money from the vault.

"Babygirl, you'll get more than just a vacation when we get back~" Hashirama whispers in your ear. Sending chills down your back as he glides his fingers down your clothed spine. He smacks your ass walking away with a big goofy grin plastered on his face like the childish fool he is.

𝙊𝙝 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪~ ☺︎︎


𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙚'𝙨 𝙃𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙖𝙢𝙖 ♪

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