•𝘖𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘴 • [𝘛𝘰𝘣𝘪𝘳𝘮𝘢.𝘚]

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"I hate you both"

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"I hate you both"

"Shut the fuck up. You love me, more than you love Hashirama"


"She's right though...."

You and Hashirama stood in front of Tobirama telling him how you both had signed up and even signed him up to help out in the upcoming festival the village would host once a year.

"That still doesn't that the fact that you signed me up for something I didn't know about"

"I don't care. You're doing cause you're doing it." You walk away without hearing Hashirama's words to his brother.

"You two are polar opposites yet y'all make it work. Most impressive part is that she's an Uchiha. AND IS MADARA'S YOUNGER SISTER !! opposites as fuck !! What happened to your mindset of 'I hate all Uchiha's' Hmm ?"

"Shut up, however They do say opposite attracts"

"Tobirama, dear brother of mine, you are whipped ~"


As the time came forward for the festivities to begin Tobirama got the hint and decided to cooperate. What everyone saw was an uplifting child-like person and a stoic prickly man next to each other with another hyper long haired man by your side.

Naruto being the first one to go up to you with obvious questions which made Hashirama nervous laugh looking over to his brother.

"How come you're with him when you're all happy and he's just all moody ? That's like a Sasuke mix I could never."

"Hehe....Naruto don't be disrespectful. C'mon now, you know better than that. Run along" Hashirama tries to shop the man away but you answered his question with a smile.

"Tobirama may be mean and prickly but he's such a sweetheart" you muse with a taunting tone.

"SWEETHEART ?! Who the hell you talking about ? The man isn't a sWeEthEarT" Hashirama looks over to a blushing of a man Tobirama was.

" 'm not a sweetheart" he pours with the pinkish hue dusted over his cheeks- trying to his his face by turning to the side.


Volunteering to open up a stand wasn't so bad. All y'all did was greet people, give them good, collect the money and say bye to them. Once the day came to an end and the first day of the festival was over, you guys locked up and walked home.

Hashirama had left early due to his red headed wife showing up mad and dragged him home by his brown tresses so it was just you and Tobirama.

"Thanks for helping, love. It means a lot" you snuggle up against his arm as you walk him.

He grunts in a response that was normal for him but smiled content that he was reason to make you happy even if unexpected things like these tend to happen.

"You don't have to help the rest of the week. Hashirama and I can manage"

"Hmm ? No it's fine. I'll help your annoying asses." He looks down at you

"You sure ? You really don't have too though."

"Its alright, really. Either way I can't have you hanging out too much with Hashirama. You two are already way too alike, next thing I know you'll have the same armor he has and head band, oh no no no." He chuckles to his words bribing you into a hug.

Sealed with tight embrace you two continue your way home not releasing that Naruto and Hashirama had been spying on you two. "They're opposites-"

"-and he really is a sweetheart" both of them look at each other surprised


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